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Title:Medsebojna povezanost nekaterih dejavnikov bralnih zmožnosti : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Sambt, Silvija (Author)
ID Globačnik, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Sambt_Silvija_2021.pdf (3,25 MB)
MD5: 2F6AAC334CA26DC352B4F85B2BF986F9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/43b87ad8-af50-45b4-a99b-504a9b2d50e5
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Z razvojem družbe in njenih zahtev se je spremenilo tudi samo pojmovanje pismenosti in dolžina opismenjevanja, ki je postalo vseživljenjski proces. Pismenost je sposobnost, ki vključuje številne spretnosti in sposobnosti branja in pisanja (v širšem smislu tudi računanja), temeljni element vseh pismenosti pa je bralna pismenost, zato sodi razvoj bralnih zmožnosti med temeljne kompetence vsakega izobraževalnega sistema. V teoretične delu zaključnega dela je tako opredeljen sam pojem pismenosti, dejavniki pismenosti in njihov razvoj v različnih starostnih obdobjih. Posebej pa so opisani štirje dejavniki bralnih zmožnosti: fonološko zavedanje, tekočnost branja, motivacija za branje in razumevanje prebranega. Opisana je tudi njihova medsebojna odvisnost, kot so jo pokazale že opravljene raziskave. Ker gre za dejavnike, ki so lahko dober prediktor morebitnih težav branja in pisanja pri učencih, hkrati pa je z njihovim načrtnim razvijanjem v sistemu opismenjevanja mogoče vplivati na zmanjšanje teh težav, je v teoretičnem delu predstavljen tudi sistem opismenjevanja z ozirom na razvoj omenjenih dejavnikov in težave branja in pisanja, ki se lahko pojavljajo. Posebej je opozorjeno na disleksijo in njeno povezavo z razvojem fonološkega zavedanja. V empiričnem delu pa je bil cilj preveriti povezanost posameznih dejavnikov skozi prvo triletje, v katerem je poudarek na razvijanju tehnike branja v povezavi z bralnim razumevanjem. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako se skozi leta posamezni dejavniki spreminjajo in ali med posameznimi generacijami učencev obstajajo razlike v razvitosti posameznih dejavnikov (predvsem fonološkega zavedanja in motivacije za branje) že ob samem vstopu v šolo.
Keywords:dejavniki bralne zmožnosti, fonološko zavedanje, tekočnost branja, motivacija za branje, bralno razumevanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Sambt]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 117 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79689 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:86192387 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.11.2021
SAMBT, Silvija, 2021, Medsebojna povezanost nekaterih dejavnikov bralnih zmožnosti : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Sambt. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79689
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Secondary language

Title:Interconnectedness of some factors in reading abilities
Abstract:With the development of society and its requirements, the conception of literacy has changed, mostly the length of literacy, which has become a lifelong process. Literacy is an ability that includes many skills and abilities of reading and writing (in a broader sense also calculation), and the basic element of all literacy is the reading literacy, so the development of reading skills is one of the basic competencies of any educational system. The theoretical part of the final work thus defines the very concept of literacy, the factors of literacy and their development in different age groups. In particular, four factors of reading abilities are described: phonological awareness, fluency in reading, motivation to read, and reading comprehension. Their interdependence is also described, as shown by research. Since these are factors that can be a good predictor of potential reading and writing problems in students, and at the same time their planned development in the literacy system can reduce these problems, the theoretical part also presents a literacy system regarding the development of these factors and reading and writing problems that may occur. Dyslexia and its connection with the development of phonological awareness are especially noted. In the empirical part, the aim was to check the connection of individual factors through the first three years, in which the emphasis is on developing reading techniques in connection with reading comprehension. We were also interested in how individual factors change over the years and whether there are differences in the development of individual factors (especially phonological awareness and motivation to read) between individual generations of students upon entering school.
Keywords:reading ability factors, phonological awareness, reading fluency, motivation to read, reading comprehension


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