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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Transspolnost: doživljanje sebe in lastnega telesa tekom oblikovanja transspolne identitete
Avtorji:ID Mestek, Neža (Avtor)
ID Poštuvan, Vita (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Lavrič, Meta (Komentor)
Datoteke:.pdf MAG_Mestek_Neza_2021.pdf (1,64 MB)
MD5: 289D085D7A0D2D164AB2CF8190BAEB6C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/33369879-505e-45f2-b82c-c25c5ac20b5b
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Opis:Transspolnost je krovni izraz, ki vključuje vse spolne identitete, ki se ne umeščajo v klasični binarni sistem družbenega in biološkega spola. Transspolne osebe doživljajo neujemanje med lastno spolno identiteto in biološkim spolom, kar povzroča hude stiske in vodi v konflikten odnos do sebe in do lastnega telesa. Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati transspolno izkušnjo, natančneje, kako se tekom oblikovanja transspolne identitete – tj. od samega zavedanja, da je oseba transspolna pa do trenutne točke v identitetnem razvoju – spreminja doživljanje sebe in lastnega telesa. Zanimalo nas je, kako se spreminjajo razumevanje, pogled, doživljanje in odnos do sebe in lastnega telesa med procesom psihološke in telesno tranzicijo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 9 transspolnih oseb, 5 trans moških in 4 trans ženske. Izvedli smo 9 poglobljenih intervjujev in jih analizirali s pomočjo tematske analize. Na koncu smo oblikovali 69 kod, ki smo jih združili v 13 osrednjih tem. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo začrtali potek oblikovanja transspolne identitete in spreminjajočega se doživljanja in odnosa do sebe in lastnega telesa med tem procesom. V grobem lahko proces oblikovanja transspolne identitete razdelimo na obdobje pred, med in po tranziciji. Obdobje pred tranzicijo je zaznamovano predvsem z občutki nejasnosti in neudobja v telesu ter pridružene želje, da bi oseba bila nasprotnega spola. Postopnemu ozaveščanju teh notranjih impulzov in želji se hkrati pridružuje tudi zavedanje njihove problematičnosti z vidika družbenih norm, kar vodi v konflikt med notranjimi impulzi in pritiski okolice. Sočasno pa se ustvarja tudi vedno večji konflikt med doživljanjem sebe in lastnega telesa, ki ga nato poveča nastop pubertete. Ta predstavlja prvi vrhunec konflikta med notranjim doživljanjem in zunanjo podobo. Preizpraševanje opisanih občutkov nato vodi osebo do spoznanja, da je transspolna, in do odločitve za tranzicijo. Hormonska terapija nudi prvo večje psihološko olajšanje in razbremenitev, hkrati pa zaradi svojih učinkov poveča neujemanje na telesni ravni, kar zaznamuje drugi vrhunec konflikta v oblikovanju transspolne identitete. S časom, ko učinki terapije postanejo dominanti, spolna identiteta pa je vse bolj skladna s telesno, se postopoma manjša tudi stiska, ki jo oseba čuti. Proces fizične tranzicije tako poteka skoraj vzporedno s psihološko razbremenitvijo in ga lahko razumemo kot proces premika k sebi, k pristnemu ali avtentičnemu delovanju. Takšen premik k sebi odpre tudi prostor za razreševanje potlačenih vsebin in osebnostno rast, ki je odraz sprejemanja in integriranja vseh vidikov sebe in lastne identitete.
Ključne besede:transspolnost, oblikovanje transspolne identitete, doživljanje sebe, doživljanje telesa
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[N. Mestek]
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79099 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:67152131 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:27.07.2021
Število ogledov:1042
Število prenosov:188
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
MESTEK, Neža, 2021, Transspolnost: doživljanje sebe in lastnega telesa tekom oblikovanja transspolne identitete [na spletu]. Magistrsko delo. Maribor : N. Mestek. [Dostopano 15 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=79099
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Licenca:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:Najbolj omejujoča licenca Creative Commons. Uporabniki lahko prenesejo in delijo delo v nekomercialne namene in ga ne smejo uporabiti za nobene druge namene.
Začetek licenciranja:05.05.2021

Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Transsexuality: experiencing oneself and one's own body throughout the creation of one's transsexual identity
Opis:Transsexuality is an umbrella term that includes all gender identities that do not fit into the classical binary system of social and biological gender. Transgender people experience a mismatch between their own gender identity and biological sex, which causes severe distress and leads to a conflicted relationship with them and their own body. The purpose of the master's thesis is to explore the transgender experience, more precisely how during the formation of transgender identity – i.e. from the very awareness that a person is transgender to the current point in identity development - it changes the experience of oneself and one's own body. We were interested in how understanding, view, experience and attitude towards oneself and one's body change during the process of psychological and physical transition. The study involved 9 transgender people, 5 trans-men and 4 trans-women. We conducted 9 in-depth interviews and analysed them using thematic analysis. In the end, we designed 69 codes, which we combined into 13 central themes. Based on the collected data, we outlined the course of the formation of transgender identity and the changing experience and attitude towards oneself and one's own body during this process. Roughly speaking, the process of forming a transgender identity can be divided into the period before, during and after the transition. The period before the transition is marked mainly by feelings of ambiguity and discomfort in the body and an associated desire for the person to be of the opposite sex. The gradual awareness of these internal impulses and desire is accompanied by an awareness of their problems in terms of social norms, which leads to a conflict between internal impulses and environmental pressures. At the same time, there is an increasing conflict between experiencing oneself and one's own body, which is then increased by the onset of puberty. This represents the first climax of the conflict between the inner experience and the outer image. The interrogation of the described feelings then leads the person to the realization that he is transgender and to the decision to transition. Hormone therapy offers the first major psychological relief and relief, while at the same time, due to its effects, it increases the mismatch at the physical level, which marks the second peak of the conflict in the formation of transgender identity. Over time, as the effects of therapy become dominant and gender identity becomes more and more consistent with the physical, the distress a person feels also gradually diminishes. The process of physical transition thus takes place almost in parallel with psychological relief and can be understood as a process of moving towards oneself, towards genuine or authentic action. Such a shift towards oneself also opens up space for resolving repressed content and personal growth, which is a reflection of accepting and integrating all aspects of oneself and one’s own identity.
Ključne besede:transsexuality, formation of transgender identities, self - experience, body experience


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