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Title:Razvoj tehnične ustvarjalnosti v predšolskem obdobju skozi vidik uporabe različnih delovnih gradiv
Authors:ID Gačnik, Sara (Author)
ID Fošnarič, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Gacnik_Sara_2021.pdf (5,13 MB)
MD5: DBCE54436B989C5284CE2961831B9E9A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/022eea75-d179-4b48-82a2-dc6de59fd5ea
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Tehnika nas obdaja na vsakem koraku. Obkroža nas veliko različnih gradiv, s katerimi se začnemo seznanjati že v predšolskem obdobju. Nekatera se pojavljajo pogosteje, druga redkeje. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili pomen tehnike v predšolskem obdobju ter igrače in igre kot načina učenja. Nadaljevali smo s predstavitvijo Kurikuluma za vrtce in povezavo tehnike z drugimi področji. Opisali smo vlogo vzgojitelja pri spoznavanju tehnike in različnih gradiv v vrtcu ter tehnični kotiček. V nadaljevanju smo opisali različne delovne postopke in varnost pri delu ter podrobneje predstavili različna delovna gradiva. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika ugotavljali, katera delovna gradiva in delovni postopki se v vrtcih uporabljajo najmanj in zakaj. Preverili smo, ali starost vzgojiteljev in starostna skupina otrok vplivata na ponujanje bolj raznolikega gradiva pri načrtovanih dejavnostih na področju tehnike. Anketirali smo 40 vzgojiteljic iz vrtcev v Spodnji Savinjski dolini. Ugotovili smo, da se v predšolskem obdobju najmanj uporabljajo kovina, žica, usnje in furnir. Vzroka za to sta predvsem neprimerna starost otrok in nedostopnost delovnih gradiv. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se uporaba različnih gradiv statistično ne razlikuje glede na starost vzgojiteljev ali starostno obdobje. Pri uporabi delovnih postopkov smo ugotovili, da se najmanj uporabljajo žaganje, vrtanje in prebijanje. Razlogi so povezani predvsem z varnostjo in neprimerno starostjo otrok. Tudi tu smo ugotovili, da se pogostost uporabe različnih delovnih postopkov statistično ne razlikuje glede na starost vzgojiteljev, se pa statistično značilno razlikuje glede na starostno obdobje. Po obdelavi podatkov smo v praktičnem delu diplomskega dela pripravili primere dejavnosti za tehnična gradiva, ki so se izkazala za najmanj uporabljana. Poskušali smo upoštevati razloge anketiranih za neuporabo gradiv, zato smo za predstavljene primere dejavnosti uporabili manj nevarne delovne postopke in gradiva, ki se nam zdijo dostopnejša.
Keywords:vrtec, delovna gradiva, predšolski otrok, tehnika, primeri dejavnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Gačnik]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78454 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:61067779 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.04.2021
GAČNIK, Sara, 2021, Razvoj tehnične ustvarjalnosti v predšolskem obdobju skozi vidik uporabe različnih delovnih gradiv [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Gačnik. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78454
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Secondary language

Title:The development of technical creativity during the preschool age through the aspect of using different work materials
Abstract:Technology is all around us with every step we take. There are numerous types of materials with which we become familiar already in the preschool age. Some appear more regularly; others are less common. In the theoretical part we first presented the importance of technology in the preschool era and the importance of toys and play as a means of learning. We continued with the presentation of the Curriculum for kindergartens and the link between technology and other areas. We described the importance of a preschool teacher when it comes to learning about technology and various work materials and we also described the technological corner/spot. In advance we described the various work procedures, work safety and gave a more detailed presentation of the various work materials. In the empirical part we used a survey to find out which work materials and work procedures are less often included in preschools and the reason behind this occurrence. We checked whether the correlation between the age of the preschool teachers and the age groups of children influences the type of work materials that are offered to children in the course of planned activities regarding technology. We interviewed 40 preschool teachers from the Lower Savinja valley. We discovered that the materials that were used the least in this preschool era are metal, wire, leather and veneer. The behind this is the fact that the age of the children is inappropriate (they are too young) and the work materials are often not available for these specific age groups. We also found out that statistically the age of the preschool teachers doesn’t play a vital role when it comes to the use of different work materials, the required work procedures in the first and second age groups are also of little significance. When it comes to different work procedures, we discovered that sawing, drilling and breaking through materials are among the least common procedures found in preschools. The reasons behind this lie especially in safety and the inappropriate age of children. The conclusion here was also that statistically speaking the age of preschool teachers doesn’t play a role, but it does statistically vary according to different age groups. After reviewing and processing the gathered data it was time for the practical part, where we prepared examples of different activities for technical materials that proved out to be the least used. We tried to acknowledge the explanations of the people we had interviewed about the non-use of certain materials; this is why we used the less dangerous work procedures and materials, more available for the presented examples of activities.
Keywords:preschool, work materials, preschool children, technology, examples of activities


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