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Title:Organizacija in program dela "nogometne šole Zavrč - Cirkulane"
Authors:ID Leskovar, Mihael (Author)
ID Bračič, Rudolf (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Leskovar_Mihael_2020.pdf (885,82 KB)
MD5: 6784249F65B8D34E39DA439CDB42B226
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/8c8db81a-3a41-476c-b345-c4e1d267199b
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Organizacija in program dela nogometne šole Zavrč-Cirkulane smo se osredotočili na predlog nove organiziranosti nogometne šole in program dela tehnike in taktike po mesecih za posamezno selekcijo. Opisali smo razvojne značilnosti otrok po starostnih obdobjih in predstavili osnovne ter nogometne motorične sposobnosti. Dodali smo tudi dejavnike, ki predstavljajo kriterij uspešnosti nogometaša v nogometni igri. Pred predlogom nove organiziranosti smo naredili analizo trenutnega stanja, v kateri smo predstavili trenutne selekcije, strokovni kader, materialne pogoje in načine financiranja nogometnega kluba. Pri novi organiziranosti nogometne šole pa smo predstavili novi predlagani organigram društva, načrtovano število selekcij in strokovnega kadra ter predvidene izboljšave infrastrukture in materialnih pogojev za treniranje. Opisali smo tudi način, na katerega bi pridobivali nove člane nogometne šole in izvedli selekcioniranje. Pred izdelavo programa dela po mesecih za selekcije od U-7 do U-15 in napotkov za trening starejših selekcij, ki jih v prihodnje načrtujemo, smo opisali še metodiko poučevanja, ki jo mora vsak trener dobro poznati, da jo lahko uporabi pri svojem delu. Prav tako smo na področju tehnike in taktike predstavili metodično lestvico in metode, ki jih trenerji upoštevajo pri učenju. Za posamezne selekcije smo opisali tudi razvoj motoričnih in funkcionalnih sposobnosti ter obdobja, ki so najučinkovitejša za razvoj le-teh. Namen diplomskega dela je izboljšati organizacijo dela za vse mlajše selekcije v klubu in pripraviti učni načrt za delo z mladimi nogometaši, natančneje člani nogometne šole Zavrč–Cirkulane za vse selekcije do vključno U-15, ter s tem pomagati pri ustanovitvi nogometne šole.
Keywords:nogometna šola, tehnika, taktika, motorično-funkcionalne sposobnosti, program dela po mesecih
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Leskovar]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78254 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:46046467 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.01.2021
LESKOVAR, Mihael, 2020, Organizacija in program dela “nogometne šole Zavrč - Cirkulane” [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Leskovar. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78254
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Secondary language

Title:Ogranisation and work programme of Zavrč - Cirkulane football shcool
Abstract:The thesis entitled Organization and work program of Zavrč-Cirkulane football school focused on the proposal of a new organization of the football school and the work program of techniques and tactics by months for each selection. We described the developmental characteristics of children by age and presented basic and football motor skills. We have also added factors that represent the criterion for the success of a footballer in a football game. Before proposing a new organization, we made an analysis of the current situation, in which we presented the current selections, professional staff, material conditions and ways of financing the football club. With the new organization of the football school, we presented the new proposed organization chart of the association, the planned number of selections and professional staff, and the planned improvements in infrastructure and material conditions for training. We also described the way in which we would recruit new members of the football school and carry out the selection. Before creating a work program by months for selections from U-7 to U-15 and instructions for training older selections, which we plan in the future, we described the teaching methodology that every coach must know well to be able to use in their work. In the field of technique and tactics, we also presented the methodological scale and methods that coaches take into account when teaching footballers. We also described the development of motor and functional abilities for individual selections, and the periods that are most effective for their development. The purpose of the thesis is to improve the organization of work for all younger teams in the club and prepare a curriculum for working with young players, more precisely members of the football school Zavrč-Cirkulane for all teams up to and including U-15, and thus help establish a football school.
Keywords:football school, technique, tactics, motor and functional abilities, monthly work programme


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