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Title:Odnos ravnateljev do uporabe informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije v osnovni šoli
Authors:ID Krecenbaher Mernik, Katja (Author)
ID Krašna, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Krecenbaher_Mernik_Katja_2020.pdf (602,39 KB)
MD5: BC51E73B979307C3E82A758CD138F162
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f9e28b95-9ef5-48b8-a75a-c64a9306081e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Orodja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije s svojimi mnogimi načini uporabe pospešujejo razvoj vseh vidikov družbe. Pospešujejo in ob enem olajšajo delo velike večine ljudi na različnih področjih. Da lahko ta orodja resno uporabimo tudi za poučevanje in ne le popestritev učne ure, so v preteklem šolskem letu spoznali vsi organi vpleteni v izobraževanje mladih. S tem namenom je pomembno, da pri otrocih razvijamo potrebne kompetence in veščine, ki omogočajo učinkovito in produktivno uporabo teh orodij za namene učenja. Kot pristojni organ osnovne šole je ravnatelj tisti, ki se mora zavzemati za vključevanje IKT v šolske učilnice. V opravljeni raziskavi smo naredili pregled in analizo dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na ravnateljev odnos do uporabe IKT v šolah. Za namene raziskave smo uporabili vprašalnik, razdeljen na štiri sklope. Prvi sklop je obravnaval splošne in demografske podatke, ki smo jih potrebovali za analizo, medtem ko so se ostali sklopi posvečali vsak svojemu dejavniku, ki lahko vpliva na odnos ravnatelja do IKT. Rezultati raziskave so bili nekoliko drugačni kot smo pričakovali, saj so pokazali, da je velika večina ravnateljev zelo zavzeta za uporabo IKT v šoli ter imajo do teh orodij pozitiven odnos.
Keywords:IKT, računalništvo, osnovna šola, ravnateljstvo, računalniška pismenost, odnos
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Krecenbaher Mernik]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78247 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:44292355 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.12.2020
KRECENBAHER MERNIK, Katja, 2020, Odnos ravnateljev do uporabe informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije v osnovni šoli [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Krecenbaher Mernik. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78247
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Secondary language

Title:Principals' attitude towards the use of ict in elementary schools
Abstract:Information-communication technology tools, with their vast range of possibilities, expedite the development of every aspect of our society. They accelerate and at the same time facilitate the work of the vast majority of people in various different fields. During the previous school year, all the bodies involved in the education of young people have come to a realisation that these tools, which are being used for the enrichment of lessons, can also be used for more serious teaching purposes. To this end, it is important that we develop the children’s necessary competencies and skills that enable effective and productive use of these tools for the purpose of learning. As the leading authority of a primary school, it is the principal who must advocate the inclusion of ICT in school classrooms. In the conducted research, we have made an overview and an analysis of the factors that affect the principal’s attitude towards the use of ICT in schools. For the purpose of the research, we used a questionnaire divided into four parts. The first part addressed the general and demographic data needed for the analysis, while the other parts focused each on its own factor that can influence the principal’s attitude towards ICT. The results of the survey were slightly different from what we expected, as they showed that the vast majority of principals are very committed to the use of ICT in schools and possess positive attitudes towards these tools.
Keywords:ICT, computer science, primary school, principals, computer literacy, attitude


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