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Title:Pomen rehabilitacijske vadbe v preventivi koronarne bolezni srca
Authors:ID Jakomin, Elena (Author)
ID Lahe, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Koželj, Anton (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Jakomin_Elena_2020.pdf (950,08 KB)
MD5: 1415A4EB95B897B96EDAFD705AABF40F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Zaradi naraščanja povprečne starosti prebivalstva in napredka medicine so v tehnološko razvitem svetu bolezni srca in ožilja postale najpomembnejši vzrok umrljivosti. Srčna rehabilitacija bolnikom dokazano podaljša in izboljša kakovost življenja ter zmanjša možnost ponovnega miokardnega infarkta in s tem umrljivost v poinfarktnem obdobju. Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti pomen rehabilitacijske vadbe, ki se izvaja v koronarnem društvu, kot koristne in vse življenje potrebne rehabilitacije koronarnih bolnikov, vključno z zdravim življenjskim slogom. Metode: V uvodnem delu smo uporabili metodi pregleda in analize literature iz baz Cinahl in MedLine, nato pa še deskriptivno metodo za opis problema in povzetek iz literature. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo in kot raziskovalni instrument vključili strukturirani vprašalnik odprtega in zaprtega tipa. Rezultati: Iz odgovorov udeležencev rehabilitacijske vadbe v okviru koronarnega društva je razvidno, da kajenje pri vadečih skoraj ni prisotno, alkohol pa uživajo omejeno oziroma v zelo majhnih količinah. Večina anketiranih meni, da se prehranjuje zdravo, saj na njihovem jedilniku prevladujeta zelenjava in sadje. Večina jih tudi meni, da je njihov življenjski slog zdrav. Vadeči koronarni bolniki se zavedajo pomena telesne dejavnosti, saj jih je večina redno aktivnih trikrat do štirikrat na teden, tretjina pa celo petkrat ali večkrat tedensko. Razprava in sklep: Z raziskavo smo dokazali in potrdili, da redna rehabilitacijska vadba vpliva na dvig kakovosti življenja koronarnih bolnikov, njihovo boljše počutje, zdravje in večjo socializiranost, kar je še posebno pomembno pri starejših bolnikih. S povečanjem raznolikosti vadbe pa bi lahko k rehabilitacijski vadbi pritegnili več mlajših koronarnih bolnikov.
Keywords:koronarni bolnik, rehabilitacijska vadba, medicinska sestra, zdravstvena vzgoja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[E. Jakopin]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78194 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:189081603 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.03.2024
JAKOMIN, Elena, 2020, Pomen rehabilitacijske vadbe v preventivi koronarne bolezni srca [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : E. Jakopin. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78194
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of rehabilitation exercisein the prevention of coronary heart disease
Abstract:Introduction : The increased average age of the population and the progress of medicine have brought the developed world to be faced with cardiovascular diseases as the most frequent and weighty reason for mortality. It has been proved that coronary rehabilitation does prolong and improve the quality of life for patients as well as reduce the risk of repeated myocardial infarct and thereby the mortality in the post-infarct period. The purpose of the thesis was to present the importance of rehabilitation training, which is carried out within the Coronary Society. Methods: In the introductory part, we used the methods of reviewing and analyzing the literature from the Cinahl and MedLine databases. The descriptive method was used for describing the problem and summarizing the findings from the literature. In the empirical part we used the quantitative method, with a structured open and closed questionnaire as a research instrument. Results: From the answers of the participants in the rehabilitation exercise within the coronary society, it is evident that smoking is almost not present among the trainees, also they consume alcohol in limited or very small quantities. Most of them believe that they eat healthily, as vegetables and fruits predominate in their diet. Also, most of them consider their lifestyle to be healthy. Trainees are aware of the importance of physical activity, as they are in principle regularly active three to four times a week, a third of them even five or more times a week. Discussion and conclusion: Through research, we have proven that regular rehabilitation exercise has an impact on raising the quality of life of coronary patients, their better well-being, health and greater socialization, which is especially important among elderly patients. However, by increasing the diversity of exercise, more young coronary patients could be involved in its implementation.
Keywords:coronary patient, rehabilitation exercises, nurse, health education


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