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Title:Podatki COVID-19 sledilnika
Authors:Multiple authors.
Files:URL https://covid-19.sledilnik.org/sl/datasources
Description: Data sourses
URL https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N1qLMoWyi3WFGhIpPFzKsFmVE0IwNP3elb_c18t2DwY/edit
Description: Collecting and organising data as they come in from various sourses - master tables
URL https://github.com/sledilnik/data
Description: Data.
This document has even more files. Complete list of files is available below.
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:2.20 - Complete scientific database of research data
Organization:UM - University of Maribor
Abstract:Projekt zbira, analizira in objavlja podatke o širjenju koronavirusa SARS-CoV-2, ki povzroča bolezen COVID-19 v Sloveniji. Javnosti želimo omogočiti čim boljši pregled nad razsežnostjo težave in pravilno oceno tveganja. Podatke zbiramo iz različnih javno dostopnih virov, od sobote, 28. marca dalje pa imamo vzpostavljeno tudi direktno povezavo z zdravstvenimi zavodi in NIJZ. Ti nam pošiljajo strukturirane podatke, ki jih potem validiramo in oblikujemo v obliko, primerno za vizualizacije in predstavitev javnosti, kakor tudi za nadaljne delo pri razvoju modelov in napovedi. Ker so podatki iz medijev in nekaterih drugih virov kdaj tudi nejasni in nedosledni, preglednica vključuje tudi opombe o virih in sklepanju na podlagi nepopolnih podatkov. COVID-19 Sledilnik je odprto podatkovni in odprto kodni projekt, ki ne bi bil mogoč brez številnih vnosov in komentarjev v bazo bolj ali manj anonimnih posameznikov, sodelavcev, znancev, kolegov ter izmenjave idej skupnosti na Slacku. Gre za "crowdsourced" projekt, kjer lahko vsak prispeva tako, da vnese kakšen nov vir ali informacijo iz svojega okolja - enostavno jo dodate kot komentar na katerokoli polje v dokumentu. Veseli bomo tudi podatkov iz bolnišnic, štabov Civilne zaščite ipd ali pa zgolj javne podpore v zahtevi za transparentno in ažurno objavljanje podatkov.
Keywords:COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, COVID-19 sledilnik
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78167 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.11.2020
Podatki COVID-19 sledilnika, 2020. [online], Complete scientific database of research data. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://api.sledilnik.org/api/
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Title:Data from Slovenian COVID-19 tracker
Abstract:The "Covid-19 Tracker Slovenia" project collects, analyses and publishes data on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the cause of COVID-19, in Slovenia. We wish to give the public a better overview of the magnitude of the issue and a proper assessment of the risk. In the experience of those countries where the spread of the virus has been most effectively curbed, correctly collected, up-to-date and transparently published data is vital for the effective response of public healthcare systems. Only then the published data can stand as the basis for understanding of what is happening, for the active self-protective behaviour of people and for accepting the urgency of the safety measures taken. Data is collected from various publicly avalilable sources, and since Saturday, March 28, we also have a direct connection with healthcare institutions and the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). They share with us structured data, which is then validated and shaped into a format suitable for visualization to be presented to the public as well as for further work in model development and forecasting. As data published in the media and certain other sources may sometimes be vague and inconsistent, the table also includes notes on sources and deductions based on incomplete data.
Keywords:COVID 19, SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, COVID 19 tracker


URL https://covid-19.sledilnik.org/sl/datasources
Presentation file
Data sourses
URL https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N1qLMoWyi3WFGhIpPFzKsFmVE0IwNP3elb_c18t2DwY/edit
Research data
Collecting and organising data as they come in from various sourses - master tables
URL https://github.com/sledilnik/data
Research data
URL https://github.com/sledilnik/data/blob/master/LICENSE
Research data
sledilnik/data is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 Permissions of this strongest copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to provide a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version must be made available.
URL https://api.sledilnik.org/api/
API for data access
Provides REST API to data collected in csv files. The sources are stats, regions, patients, hospitals, hospitals-list, municipalities-list, deceased-regions, municipalities and health-centers, owid. Only GET method is supported, no parameters are available. If necessary filtering parameters will be added eventually. A running instance is available at https://api.sledilnik.org/api/ endpoint. Current Docker container for this project is available at covid19sledilnik/data-api-server. (Docker container has beeno moved on 21.9.2020) Response compression is supported, Etag/If-None-Match as well. Swagger endpoint is at https://api.sledilnik.org/swagger.
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