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Title:Znanje zdravstvenih delavcev o neinvazivni mehanski ventilaciji pacienta
Authors:ID Cifer, Mihael (Author)
ID Strnad, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fekonja, Zvonka (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Cifer_Mihael_2020.pdf (1,09 MB)
MD5: EF03B50242B5A3CEFA4850B634AC8164
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2e363b60-608f-416d-b59a-8f34929cc2e3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili neinvazivno mehansko ventilacijo pacienta in s pomočjo vprašalnika ugotavljali, v kolikšni meri zaposleni v urgentnem centru in na oddelkih intenzivne terapije ta način zdravljenja poznajo in ga uporabljajo. Metode: Pri izdelavi zaključnega dela smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo raziskovanja z metodo anketiranja. Izvedli smo presečno deskriptivno raziskavo, ki je potekala meseca julija in avgusta 2020. V raziskavo smo vključili 68 medicinskih sester, ki delajo na urgenci in oddelku intenzivne terapije. Rezultati: S pomočjo vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da anketiranci le deloma poznajo neinvazivno mehansko ventilacijo. V naši raziskavi ugotavljamo, da 76,44 % anketirancev (n = 52) meni, da je njihovo znanje o NIV dokaj dobro. Znanje o NIV je 85,26 % anketirancev (n = 58) pridobilo od sodelavcev v službi in 60,27 % (n = 41) od zdravnikov na oddelku. Pri preverjanju znanja so anketiranci od skupno desetih vprašanj le pri treh odgovorili s skupnim rezultatom višjim od 50 %. Razprava in sklep: Na podlagi izpolnjenih anketnih vprašalnikov in s pomočjo hipotez ugotavljamo, da med delavci, zaposlenimi v urgentnem centru, in delavci, zaposlenimi na oddelkih intenzivne terapije, ne obstajajo statistične pomembne razlike v znanju o neinvazivni mehanski ventilaciji. Prav tako ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike glede na spol, starost, izobrazbo in delovne izkušnje. Ugotovili smo tudi, da bi anketiranci potrebovali dodatna usposabljanja s področja neinvazivne mehanske ventilacije.
Keywords:Urgentni center, intenzivna nega, NIV, izkušnje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Cifer]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78152 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:47055875 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.02.2021
CIFER, Mihael, 2020, Znanje zdravstvenih delavcev o neinvazivni mehanski ventilaciji pacienta [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Cifer. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78152
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Secondary language

Title:Health professional´s knowledge of non-invasive mechanical ventilation
Abstract:Introduction: In the diploma work, we presented the non-invasive mechanical ventilation of the patient. With the help of a questionnaire, we determined to what extent the employees in the emergency center and intensive care units have the knowledge, and if they use this method of treatment. Methods: In preparing the final part, we used a quantitative research methodology with the survey method. We conducted in July and August 2020 a cross sectional descriptive study. In this study were included 68 nurses from the emergency department and intensive care. Results: With the help of a questionnaire, we establish that the interviewees are only partially familiar with the non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Our research indicates that 76, 44 % of interviewees (n = 52) believe their proficiency in NIV is quite good. 85,26 % of interviewees (n = 58) gained proficiency in NIV from co-workers and 60,27 % (n = 41) from doctors in the ward. When testing the proficiency, the interviewees answered out only three of ten questions with a total score higher than 50 %. Discussion and conclusion: It was found, based on the hypothesizing and completed questionnaires, there are not any statistically significant differences in the knowledge about non-invasive mechanical ventilation between workers employed in the emergency center and workers in intensive care units. There are also not any statistically significant differences according to gender, age, education, and work experience. We also found out that interviewees would need additional training in non-invasive mechanical ventilation.
Keywords:Emergency centre, intensive care, NIV, experience


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