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Title:Vrednotenje znanja na slovenskih šolah po letu 2004
Authors:ID Zapečnik, Jaka (Author)
ID Javornik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zapecnik_Jaka_2020.pdf (1,17 MB)
MD5: C67A85C173C16FDF284930E1FC7D0589
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7f9fc5dd-5a8d-482f-8c2f-f9e9bdaacd39
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Za slovensko osnovno šolstvo po letu 2004 je značilen proces globalizacije in oblikovanje evropskega šolskega prostora. Leta 2004 je Slovenija postala članica Evropske unije ter se s tem zavezala, da bo spoštovala smernice in strategije, ki jih tudi za osnovno šolstvo narekuje Evropska unija. Čeprav šolstvo ostaja nacionalno, se v sodobni družbi znanje slovenskih učencev pogosto primerja z njihovimi evropskimi vrstniki. S prihodom evropskih smernic in z inovativnimi pedagoškimi prijemi se je raven znanja slovenskih osnovnošolcev močno dvignila. Tako narekujejo vsaj ocene, ki jih učenci pridobijo pri pouku. Na povsem drugačne rezultate znanja pokaže nacionalni preizkus znanja, na katerem slovenski učenci v primerjavi z evropskimi vrstniki dosegajo zelo slabe rezultate. Vstop Slovenije v Evropsko unijo je slovenskim učencem omogočil sodelovanje tudi v drugih evropskih raziskavah. Naloga v prvem delu ovrednoti reforme slovenskega osnovnega šolstva po letu 2004 in na tej podlagi analizira znanje slovenskih učencev. Jedro drugega dela predstavljata analiza že obstoječih mednarodnih raziskav o znanju učencev ter analiza šolskih poročil, od koder bomo pridobili povprečne zaključne ocene učencev. Dosežke slovenskih osnovnošolcev bomo v pričujoči nalogi primerjali z dosežki učencev drugih evropskih držav. Naloga prav tako analizira razlike med posameznimi šolskimi sistemi in odgovarja na to, zakaj so razlike v ocenah med posameznimi državami Evropske unije tako velike. Namen naloge je prikazati različne načine vrednotenja znanja slovenskih osnovnošolcev.
Keywords:preverjanje znanja, ocenjevanje znanja, evropska primerljivost, globalizacija, šolski
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Zapečnik]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78048 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:36649475 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.11.2020
ZAPEČNIK, Jaka, 2020, Vrednotenje znanja na slovenskih šolah po letu 2004 [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : J. Zapečnik. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78048
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of knowledge in slovenian primary schools after 2004
Abstract:Slovenian primary schooling system after the year of 2004 has been typically impacted by the process of globalisation and the forming of the european school systems. With its entry to the European Union in the year of 2004 Slovenia has committed to respecting European Union's strategies and guidelines for the primary schooling system. Despite the system remaining in the governance and organisation of the nation itself, it is very common for slovenian students' knowledge to be compared to that of their european peers. Primary school students' grades have improved since the year of 2004, thanks to different european guidelines and pedagogical methods, but the national knowledge test suggests differently – in comparisson to other European Union countries, slovenian students tend to underperform on these tests. The thesis in its first section reviews slovenian primary schooling system reforms after the year of 2004 and then analyses the knowledge of slovenian students. The core of the second section of the thesis is an analysis of pre-existent international researches regarding primary school students' knowledge and individual school reports from which the students' grades were extracted. Throughout the thesis all slovenian students achievements will be compared to those of their european peers. Additionally an analysis of various schooling systems will be conducted and the results will suggest why the grades between these countries vary so heavily. The purpose of the thesis is to introduce different methods and systems of grading and evaluating the knowledge of slovenian primary school students.
Keywords:Knowledge testing, Knowledge assessment, European comparability, globalisation, school system


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