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Title:Analiza dejavnikov rasti in razvoja na primeru družinskega podjetja
Authors:ID Fujs, Nina (Author)
ID Bradač Hojnik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Fujs_Nina_2020.pdf (1012,90 KB)
MD5: 6AD0C8B114E501ACAF990E76D3388216
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/77946248-10bb-4db0-906c-fdcf3915da7a
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Družinsko podjetništvo predstavlja eno od pomembnih oblik podjetništva. Večina podjetij v Sloveniji je še mladih, saj so še vedno v okviru prve generacije. Raziskave namreč kažejo, da jih pri prenosu iz ene generacije v drugo preživi le ena tretjina. Za diplomsko delo smo si za študijo primera izbrali družinsko podjetje, ki je prestalo prenos in uspešno posluje, se razvija ter raste. Najprej smo opredelili pojem družinsko podjetje. Zavedati se moramo, da se družinsko podjetje zelo razlikuje od nedružinskih podjetij. Menimo, da so družinska podjetja ključna za razvoj gospodarstva. Navedli smo tudi prednosti in slabosti družinskega podjetja, razloge za ustanovitev in prenos družinskega podjetja. Naše diplomsko delo temelji na analizi dejavnikov rasti in razvoja družinskega podjetja. Za lažje razumevanje smo predstavili štiri faze življenjskega cikla rasti ter jih podrobneje opisali. V tabeli smo prikazali tudi razlike med pojmoma rast in razvoj. Temo smo si izbrali z namenom, da ugotovimo, kateri so ključni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na rast in razvoj družinskega podjetja. V diplomskem delu najprej predstavimo splošno teorijo posameznih pojmov, nato pa se osredotočimo na študijo primera, kjer smo teorijo uporabili in prikazali na praktičnem primeru. Izbrali smo si družinsko podjetje Kleparstvo, krovstvo Šinko, d. o. o. Podjetje dobro poznamo in nam je bilo pripravljeno zaupati želene podatke. Družinsko podjetje se nahaja v Prekmurju in spada med večja družinska podjetja v tej regiji. Zanimivo je zaradi same dejavnosti, saj se ukvarjajo s proizvodnjo in prodajo kleparsko-krovskih izdelkov ter storitev. Podjetje se nahaja v fazi rasti; na podlagi letnega dobička namreč reinvestirajo v rast in razvoj podjetja. V izbranem družinskem podjetju je potekal tudi prenos, saj je leta 2013 podjetje prevzela hči ustanovitelja. S tem lahko omenimo tudi žensko podjetništvo, kjer ima upravljalno-vodstvene sposobnosti v rokah ženska. Ugotovili smo, da je ključnega pomena pri razvoju in rasti podjetja odnos družine, zagotovo ima ključno vlogo tudi konkurenca, saj brez nje podjetje ne bi vlagalo in skušalo postati še boljše, kot je bilo. Družinsko podjetje Kleparstvo, krovstvo Šinko, d. o. o., se iz leta v leto razvija, prenavlja in raste. Vse podrobnosti smo prikazali v življenjskem ciklu rasti. V diplomskem delu smo si zastavili tudi tri teze, ki smo jih potrdili oziroma ovrgli. Podrobnejše opredelitve in razložitve smo predstavili v sklepu.
Keywords:družina, družinsko podjetje, rast in razvoj družinskega podjetja, življenjski cikel rasti podjetja, nasledstvo, vizija in poslanstvo podjetja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Fujs]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77373 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:33188099 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.10.2020
FUJS, Nina, 2020, Analiza dejavnikov rasti in razvoja na primeru družinskega podjetja [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Fujs. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77373
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of growth and developmental factors of a family business
Abstract:Family business is one of the important forms of entrepreneurship. Most Slovenian companies are young, as they are still part of the first generation. Research shows that only one third of them survives the transfer from one generation to another. In thesis, we chose a family business that has undergone a transfer and is successfully operating, developing and growing. First we need to define the term family business. We certainly need to be aware that a family business is very different from a non-family business. We believe that family businesses are key to economic development. We also listed the advantages and disadvantages of a family business, reasons for setting up and transferring a family business. The thesis is based on factors of growth and development of a family business analysis. To make it easier to understand, four phases of the life cycle growth are presented and described in detail. The table also shows the differences between the concepts of growth and development. This topic was chosen in order to find out what are the key factors that influence the growth and development of a family business. In thesis first the general theory of individual concepts is presented, but later we focus on the case study, where we used the theory and presented it on a practical example. We chose the family company Kleparstvo, krovstvo Šinko d.o.o. We know the company well and the owners were ready to provide us with desired information. The family business is located in Prekmurje and is one of the largest family businesses in this region. The company is interesting in terms of activity itself, as they are engaged in the production and sale of plumbing and roofing products and services. The company is in the growth phase, based on annual profits which they reinvest in the growth and development of the company. The transfer also took place in the selected family business; in 2013 the company was taken over by the founder's daughter. There fore we can also mention women's entrepreneurship, where a woman has management and leadership skills in her hands. We found out that the family relationship is of a key importance in the development and growth of the company, and that competition certainly plays a key role too, because without it the company would not invest and try to become even better than it is. Family company Kleparstvo, krovstvo Šinko d.o.o. develops, innovates and grows from year to year. All the details are shown in the life cycle growth. In thesis we set three theses, which we confirmed or rejected. More detailed definitions and explanations are presented in the conclusion.
Keywords:family, family business, development and growth of a family business, the life cycle of a company`s growth, succession, corporate vision and mission.


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