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Title:Kakovost življenja pacienta po odstranitvi osteoblastoma na hrbtenici
Authors:ID Brezovšek, Klavdija (Author)
ID Donik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rečnik, Gregor (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Brezovsek_Klavdija_2020.pdf (535,95 KB)
MD5: 2450DDAAC3BBB99D587286BC8B38CE50
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c7d46a58-dbd5-421b-ab74-e69ac93cae59
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Osteoblastom je redek benigni tumor kosti. Za njim v večini primerov zbolijo otroci in mladostniki. Vzrok nastanka še vedno ni znan. Najbolj značilen znak tumorja je bolečina na predelu nastanka tumorja, omejeno gibanje, otečenost predela. Edini učinkovit način zdravljenja je popolna odstranitev osteoblastoma. Metode: Pri zaključnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Za raziskovalni del diplomskega dela smo izvedli študijo primera. Z intervjujem smo pridobili želene podatke, ki smo jih analizirali in pripravili načrt zdravstvene nege.Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo, da se je pacientu kakovost življenja po odstranitvi osteoblastoma na hrbtenici izboljšala po operativnem posegu, vendar pacient še vedno navaja strah pred nevarnostmi v okolju in ponovitvijo bolezni ter da še ostajajo nekatere omejitve, predvsem pri gibanju in športnih aktivnostih. Diskusija: Pacient po odstranitvi osteoblastoma na hrbtenici potrebuje za kakovostno življenje po operativnem posegu veliko novega znanja ter podpore, saj se znajde v situaciji, ko potrebuje pomoč svojih bližnjih pri izvajanju aktivnosti. Ugotovili smo tudi, da literature na temo o zdravstveni negi in kakovosti življenja po odstranitvi osteoblastoma na hrbtenici primanjkuje.
Keywords:benigni tumor, otrok, negovalne diagnoze, medicinska sestra
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Brezovšek]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77188 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:28072451 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.09.2020
BREZOVŠEK, Klavdija, 2020, Kakovost življenja pacienta po odstranitvi osteoblastoma na hrbtenici [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Brezovšek. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77188
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Secondary language

Title:Patient quality of life after removal of osteoblastoma on the spine
Abstract:Introduction: The osteoblastoma is a rare benign bone tumor. The most often affected people by osteoblastoma are children and adolescents. The cause of the occurrence, however, is still not well known. The most distinctive signs of the tumor are the pain in the affected part of the body, restricted movement and swelling. The only effective method of treatment is the complete removal of the osteoblastoma. Methods: In a final work we used a qualitative research method. For the research part of the thesis we carried out a case study. Through interviews, we have obtained the desired information, which we have analysed and prepared a plan of health care.Results : The Results show, that patient's quality of life has improved after the removal of osteoblastoma of the spine after operative treatment, but the patient still indicates a fear of the dangers in the environment, a fear of the recurrence of the disease. The patient has still some limits on physical activities. Discussion: The patient, after the removal of osteoblastoma on the spine, needs a lot of new knowledge and support for quality life after surgery, because he finds himself in a situation, where he needs a help of his relatives in carrying out activities. We also found that literature of the topic of health care and quality of life after removal osteoblastoma on tbe spine is lacking.
Keywords:benign tumor, child, nursing diagnoses, nurse


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