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Title:Vpliv pandemije covida-19 na evrsko območje
Authors:ID Veselič, Anamarija (Author)
ID Romih, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Veselic_Anamarija_2020.pdf (725,09 KB)
MD5: 6D4E47B722A73CE96EE9324680C323A9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/40c7ca44-e70d-4a0f-8a80-530a25f0be28
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Pandemija covida-19 je svet v letu 2020 dobro pretresla. Nič hudega sluteči smo zakorakali v novo leto in niti približno si nismo predstavljali situacije, ki jo doživljamo sedaj. 11. marca 2020 je Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) razglasila bolezen covid-19 za globalno pandemijo. Govorimo o novem koronavirusu, poimenovanem SARS-Cov-2. To je hud akutni respiratorni sindrom, ki se prenaša z živali na ljudi in lahko povzroča resne bolezni. Države v evrskem območju so z namenom omejevanja okužbe sprejele vrsto ukrepov, da bi preprečile širjenje bolezni. K temu spada predvsem samoizolacija ljudi in ustavitev proizvodnih in poslovnih dejavnosti, kar je vodilo k velikemu padcu gospodarstva v evrskem območju. Pandemija covida-19 je zagotovo največji šok v gospodarstvu evrskega območja vse od začetka evra in od druge svetovne vojne. V prvi vrsti je pandemija covida-19 povzročila nepopravljivo škodo že z izgubo življenj, prav tako pa je demobilizirala evrsko gospodarstvo. Razpršenost pandemije covida-19 je države evrskega območja postavila pred velike izzive za gospodarstvo in finančni sistem. Da bi se gospodarstvo evrskega območja ohranilo, je evropska centralna banka (ECB) od začetka pandemije covida-19 uvedla veliko število ukrepov. Pandemija covida-19 je privedla do velikega vnovičnega oblikovanja cen in vnovičnega pozicioniranja v svetu finančnih trgov. Padec gospodarske rasti in povečana odpornost do tveganj, skupaj z veliko negotovostjo glede prihodnjega razvoja pandemije covida-19, so povzročile izredno nestanovitnost na kapitalskih in drugih trgih za tvegana sredstva, odlive kapitala in močne premike deviznih tečajev. Pandemija covida-19 predstavlja svetovni makroekonomski šok z negotovim obsegom in trajanjem. Dejavnosti v številnih sektorjih, ki vključujejo turizem, prevoz, avtomobilsko industrijo in storitve, so se zrušile v gospodarstvih, ki jih je pandemija covida-19 najbolj prizadela, z upadom povpraševanja pa se kriza širi tudi na druge dele gospodarstva. Izbruh pandemije covida-19 je bistveno vplival na gospodarski sistem, posameznika, družbo in na države kot celoto. Države so se morale soočiti z finančnimi izgubami, ki se nanašajo na turizem, trgovino in druge dejavnosti, pod velikim stresom pa so prav tako banke evrskega območja, saj se zdaj pojavljajo obsežne insolventnosti med podjetji, ki jim sledi val bankrotov. V delu diplomskega projekta bomo v uvodu predstavili osnovno problematiko, cilje, namen in hipoteze dela diplomskega projekta. V drugem poglavju bomo predstavili osnovna izhodišča, kot sta evrsko območje in njegovo gospodarstvo, ki bosta zajemala tudi zgodovino evrskega območja in Evropsko centralno banko. V tretjem poglavju se bomo na splošno posvetili pandemiji covida-19 in ugotavljali, kakšne posledice je in bo imela na evrsko območje in njegovo gospodarstvo. V zadnjem, četrtem poglavju, bomo opredelili vplive, ki jih je imela pandemija covida-19 na gospodarstvo evrskega območja in na finančno stabilnost, poleg tega pa bomo predstavili tudi ukrepe ECB.
Keywords:pandemija, SARS-Cov-2, covid-19, evrsko območje, gospodarstvo, finančni sistem.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Veselič]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76937 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:33592323 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.10.2020
VESELIČ, Anamarija, 2020, Vpliv pandemije covida-19 na evrsko območje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Veselič. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76937
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Licensing start date:31.07.2020

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Title:The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the euro area
Abstract:The covid-19 pandemic shook the world in 2020. Unsuspectingly, we stepped into the new year and back then todays situation seemed unimaginable. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared covid-19 a global pandemic. We are talking about a new coronavirus called SARS-Cov-2, a severe acute respiratory syndrome transmitted from animals to humans which can potentially cause a serious disease. Euro-area countries have accepted the number of measures to prevent the spread of the disease in order to limit infection. Two of the biggest are self-isolation and cessation of manufacturing and business activities, which has led to a large economic decline in the euro area. The covid-19 pandemic is certainly the biggest shock to the euro area economy since the start of the euro area and since the second world war. The covid-19 pandemic caused irreparable damage with lost lives, and also demobilized euro area economy. The dispersion of the covid-19 pandemic has posed major challenges for the euro area economy in its financial system. In order to help the economy in euro area, the european central bank has introduced a large number of measures since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. The covid-19 pandemic has led to a major re-pricing and to repositioning in the world of financial trading. Falling economic growth and increased risk resilience, coupled with high uncertainty about the future development of the covid-19 pandemic, caused extreme volatility in capital and other venture capital markets and strong exchange rate movements. The covid-19 pandemic represents a global macroeconomic shock with uncertain magnitude in duration. In countries most affected by covid-19 pandemic activities in a number of sectors have collapsed, including tourism, transportation, the automotive industry and services. With the decline in demand, the crisis is quickly spreading to other economic areas. The outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the economic system, individuals, society and the country as a whole. Countries had to face the financial losses caused by the lack of tourism, trade and other activities. Banks of the euro area are also under great stress, as large-scale insolvencies between companies and the latest wave of bankruptcies are now emerging. In the introduction of our diploma project, we will present the basic issues, goals, purpose and hypotheses of the work of the diploma project. In the second chapter, we will present basic starting points such as the euro area and its economy, which will also cover the history of the euro area and the European Central Bank. In the third chapter, we will focus on the covid-19 pandemic and find out what the consequences are and will be for the euro area and its economy. In the last, fourth chapter, we will identify the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on the economy and financial stability of euro area, as well as the measures taken by the ECB.
Keywords:pandemic, SARS-Cov-2, covid-19, euro area, economy, financial system.


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