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Title:Nove oblike digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja - vplivneži
Authors:ID Rozinger, Urška (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Rozinger_Urska_2020.pdf (1,23 MB)
MD5: 3FEF01B25AE97F895F44507F745E6203
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5ed57a5b-7548-4747-9c97-43a3e2d743e9
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Smo v času, ko nam digitalizacija predstavlja velik del življenja. Ljudje smo bolj modernizirani in se veliko bolj usmerjamo v napredno tehnologijo. Prav tako lahko to pričakujemo v podjetjih. Podjetja uporabljajo različne metode, da bi lahko prodali izdelek potrošnikom. V preteklosti se je bilo dovolj odpraviti na tržnico, ter menjati blago za blago. Zdaj je to postalo veliko bolj zahtevno. Zahtevna so postala, tako podjetja kot potrošniki. Potrošniki so postali veliko bolj preračunljivi, nezaupljivi. Če želi podjetje biti uspešno, se mora modernizirati ter prilagajati svoje izdelke, načine in procese potrošnikom. Potrošniško povpraševanje bistveno vpliva na marketinške odločitve v podjetju ter na izbiro strategij in taktik. S preučevanjem dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na vedenje potrošnikov, lahko podjetje prepozna potrošniške potrebe, želje, ter izboljša dejavnike, ki spodbujajo nakup pri potrošnikih. Prav tako lahko spremeni neugodne dejavnike oziroma jih izniči. Zadovoljstvo potrošnika je končni cilj marketinga. Vsi med seboj komuniciramo na različne načine. Komunikacija lahko poteka od ust do ust, lahko pa tudi s pomočjo različnih elektronskih naprav. V zadnjih nekaj letih je veliko povečanje uporabe pametnih telefonov ter računalnikov. Prav zaradi tega so posamezniki in podjetja začeli razmišljati o razvijanju družbenih omrežij. Med najbolj uspešnimi so Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube ter Snapchat. Vsakič, ko greste na splet, lahko komunicirate z vplivneži. Gledate lahko video posnetek svojega najljubšega blogerja na YouTube in izbirate recepte od kuharja na Pinterestu ali berete najnovejše Facebookove zgodbe o svojih najljubših zvezdnikih, sodelujete lahko z vplivneži pri tem, da jim komentirate njihove zgodbe, slike ali jim podarite »všeček«. To so ljudje, ki so v ospredju družbenih trendov. Oni so inovatorji, ki ustvarjajo nove ideje, koncepte ali vsebine, ki redno privlačijo pozornost oseb na družbenih omrežjih. Ti so tisti, ki odkrivajo trende pred drugimi in poživijo s svojo ustvarjalnostjo ter jo širijo med ljudi. Ljudje tem osebam sledijo, predstavljajo jim vzornike. Pri njih lahko dobijo motivacijo za telovadbo ali pa za ustanovitev nove skupnosti. Spremljajo jih lahko, kaj kupujejo, kaj jim je všeč, katere stvari lahko uporabijo v svojem domu, morda celo poiščejo uteho v teh ljudeh. Tem osebam zaupajo in jim verjamejo. To pa je bilo ključnega pomena tudi za podjetja. Videli so, da lahko prav s temi vplivneži povečajo prepoznavnost svojega podjetja ter s tem tudi prodajo. Stopili so v stik s temi vplivneži ter jim ponudili možnost, da bi s skupnimi močmi poskusili določen izdelek ali storitev narediti bolj prepoznaven. Vplivnežem so ponudili plačilo, v zameno pa morajo objavljati nove zgodbe na družbenih omrežjih, dodajati slike z njihovimi izdelki ali storitvijo in morda napisati kakšen komentar o tem izdelku oziroma storitvi. Tovrstno možnost je začelo uporabljati vedno več podjetij. Prav tako pa je to postala odskočna deska za veliko posameznikov, ki so želeli objavljanje komentarjev ter slik uporabiti za poslovno kariero.
Keywords:Vplivneži, marketinško komuniciranje, družbena omrežja, digitalni marketing.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Rozinger]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76716 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:35603971 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.11.2020
ROZINGER, Urška, 2020, Nove oblike digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja - vplivneži [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : U. Rozinger. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76716
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License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:24.06.2020

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Title:New forms of digital marketing communciation - influencers
Abstract:We are at a time when digitalization is a big part of our lives. We are more modernized and more focused on advanced technology. We can also expect that from companies. Companies use different methods to sell a product to consumers. In the past, it was enough to go to the marketplace and exchange goods for goods. Now this has become much more challenging. Both companies and consumers have become demanding. Consumers have become much more calculating, distrustful. In order to be successful, the company needs to modernize and adapt its products, tactics and processes to consumers. Consumer demand significantly influence the marketing decisions of the company, as well as the choice of strategies and tactics. By examining the factors that influence consumer behavior, a business can identify consumer needs, preferences, and improve the factors that encourages consumer for buying. It can also change or eliminate unfavorable factors. Consumer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of marketing. We all communicate in different ways. Communication can ongoing from mouth of mouth, but also through various electronic devices. In the last few years there has been a great increase in the use of smart phones and computers. This is why individuals and businesses have started thinking about developing social networks. Among the most successful are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat. You will be able to communicate with influencers every time you go online. You can watch a video of your favorite blogger on YouTube and pick recipes from a chef on Pinterest or read the latest Facebook stories about your favorite celebrities, participate in influencers by commenting on their stories, pictures or liking them. These are people who are at the forefront of social trends. They are innovators who create new ideas, concepts or content that regularly attract the attention of people on social networks. They are the ones who discover trends before others enliven their creativity and spread it among people. People follow these people, they are role models. They can get from them motivation to exercise or to start a new community. They can be accompanied by what they buy, what they like, what things they can use in their home, they may even find solace in these people. They trust them and believe them. This was also crucial for businesses. They saw that it was through these influencers that they could increase the visibility of their business, and thus their sales. They contacted these influencers and offered them the opportunity to work together to try to make a product more recognizable. Influencers are offered a payment, and in return they have to post new stories on social networks, add pictures of their product or service, and maybe write a comment about that product or service. More and more companies have started to use this. Also, it has become a springboard for many individuals who wanted to post comments and use pictures for a business career.
Keywords:Infruencers, marketing communication, social media, digital marketing.


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