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Title:Vsakdanje otrokove aktivnosti kot spodbuda za plesno ustvarjalnost
Authors:ID Koziker, Iris (Author)
ID Ilić, Olivera (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Koziker_Iris_2020.pdf (1,29 MB)
MD5: E20DD12A94CC1ADB0C83863E75F35EC4
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1a0c0cdf-9c10-4f4f-842b-10250438d0f1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Preučili smo dejavnosti, ki obkrožajo dan otrok 2. starostne skupine določenega vrtca. V teoretičnem delu smo razčlenili ples, ki vključuje plesne spodbude ter plesno ustvarjalnost. Opisali smo celosten razvoj otrok ob plesnih dejavnostih ter oblike plesne vzgoje v predšolskem obdobju. Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti tiste dejavnosti, ki oblikujejo otrokov dan, in pri njih upoštevati otrokove zamisli ter spodbujati njegovo gibalno domišljijo. V praktičnem delu smo v obdobju nekaj mesecev izvedli osem načrtovanih plesnih ustvarjanj, ki so izvirala iz otrokovih vsakodnevnih aktivnosti; te smo poustvarili z improviziranim plesnim ustvarjanjem otrok. Ob koncu vsakega plesnega ustvarjanja smo pripravili končni zapis plesa. Z njihovo analizo smo prišli do končnih rezultatov in spoznanj. Zanimala nas je otrokova plesna ustvarjalnost glede na spol, starost, glasbeno zvrst in temo plesnega ustvarjanja. Ugotovili smo, da so bili otroci ob določenih plesnih temah izjemno plesno ustvarjalni, saj so nekatere želeli izvajati večkrat, spet druge le enkrat. Na otroke je zelo vplivala izbira glasbene zvrsti, prav tako smo opazili razlike v starosti in spolu glede na določeno plesno temo. Vseh osem plesnih ustvarjanj smo izvedli v celoti.
Keywords:plesna ustvarjalnost, načrtovanje, 2. starostno obdobje, plesna spodbuda, vzgojitelj
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Koziker]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76522 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23613187 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.07.2020
KOZIKER, Iris, 2020, Vsakdanje otrokove aktivnosti kot spodbuda za plesno ustvarjalnost [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : I. Koziker. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76522
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Secondary language

Title:Children's everyday activities as a motivation for creative dancing
Abstract:We have examined the activities, which surround the day of children from the 2nd age period. In the theoretical part we have analysed dancing, which contains dance motivation and dance creativity. We have described the holistic development during dance activities and forms of dance education in the preschool period. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to study the activities, which form the child's day and to take the child's ideas into consideration and to motivate movement imagination. In the practical part we have realised eight planned dance creations over a span of a few months, which were based on the children's everyday activities; we have recreated them with improvised dance creations and devised a final dance record after the end of each session. By analysing them we have reached our final results and findings. We were interested in the children’s dance creativity regarding their sex, age, music genre and the theme of the dance creativity. We have found that the children have shown extraordinary dance creativity with certain themes, since they wanted to perform some many times and some others just once. The choice of the music genre had a big impact on the children and we have also noticed differences in the age and sex regarding certain dance themes. We have performed all eight dance creations in completion.
Keywords:creative dancing, planning, the 2nd age period, dance motivation, preschool teacher


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