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Title:Uporaba mikrosatelitskih molekulskih markerjev za analizo genetske sorodnosti pomembnejših medvrstnih križancev črnega bezga (sambucus nigra l.) z javanskim (sambucus javanica blume) in modrim bezgom (sambucus cerulea raf.)
Authors:ID Deban, Urša (Author)
ID Šiško, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivančič, Anton (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Deban_Ursa_2020.pdf (1,34 MB)
MD5: D9182892538DCBAD383A431D59CF1B8C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/afe0f044-c381-4fe6-8dc3-937204e7e07e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Bezeg je rod, v katerega spada nekaj zelo uporabnih vrst za živilske in zdravilske namene. Razširjen je skoraj po celem svetu. Razlikovanje med vrstami je oteženo zaradi velike morfološke raznolikosti ter prilagojenosti na različne okoljske dejavnike. Na Fakulteti za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede UM se že več kot 20 let ukvarjajo z medvrstno hibridizacijo bezgov. Pri tem sta ključni vrsti javanski in črni bezeg. Namen magistrskega dela je določiti genetsko sorodnost črnega bezga z njegovimi medvrstnimi križanci s pomočjo uporabe SSR markerjev. Analizirali smo 6 genotipov črnega bezga in 14 njegovih križancev. Križanci so vključevali enega od dveh genotipov javanskega bezga. Prvi izvira z otoka Espiritu Santo (Vanuatu), drugi pa iz Addis Abebe (Etiopija). Analiza genetske sorodnosti na podlagi SSR markerjev je bila uspešna in identificirali smo skupno 59 polimorfnih alelov na 6 genskih lokusih. Na podlagi dendrograma smo ugotovili 3 osnovne skupine genotipov. Prva se je oblikovala glede na materno komponento javanskega bezga z otoka Espiritu Santo, druga glede na očetovsko komponento okrasnega črnega bezga 'Black Beauty' in materno komponento javanskega bezga. V tretji skupin pa sta bila ključna S. nigra ter S. nigra 'Black Beauty'. Ugotovljenih je bilo tudi nekaj izjem, ki bile verjetno posledica napak pri križanju ali vzorčenju in molekulskih analizah.
Keywords:Sambucus sp., medvrstni križanci, genetska sorodnost, mikrosateliti, SSR
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76480 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.06.2020
DEBAN, Urša, 2020, Uporaba mikrosatelitskih molekulskih markerjev za analizo genetske sorodnosti pomembnejših medvrstnih križancev črnega bezga (sambucus nigra l.) z javanskim (sambucus javanica blume) in modrim bezgom (sambucus cerulea raf.) [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76480
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Licensing start date:01.06.2020

Secondary language

Title:The use of microsatellite molecular markers for the analysis of genetic relationships involving the most important interspecific hybrids of black elder (sambucus nigra l.) with javanese (sambucus javanica blume) and blue elder (sambucus cerulea raf.)
Abstract:The genus Sambucus includes several species which are very useful in food production and medicine. It grows almost everywhere in the world. The differentiation among the species is not simple due to the very high morphological diversity. Researchers at the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences UM have been working on elderberry interspecific hybridization for more than 20 years. The key species in hybridization are S. nigra and S. javanica. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to analyse the genetic relationship between S. nigra and its interspecific hybrids based on SSR markers. The analysis involved 6 genotypes of S. nigra and 14 hybrids. All hybrids contained one of two available S. javanica genotypes. One S. javanica genotype originated from the island Espiritu Santo (Vanatau), and the other from Addis Abeba (Ethiopia). The analysis of the genetic relationship based on SSRs revealed a total of 59 polymorphic alleles in 6 loci. Based on the dendrogram, 3 basic groups of genotypes were identified: the first was associated with the maternal component S. javanica from Espiritu Santo, the second was associated with the paternal component of the ornamental S. nigra ‘Black Beauty’ and maternal component of S. javanica, while the third group was formed in association with the common S. nigra and S. nigra ‘Black Beauty’. There were also some exceptions, which we explained as hybridization errors or errors associated with molecular analysis.
Keywords:Sambucus sp., interspecific hybrids, genetic relationship, microsatellites, SSR


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