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Title:Dejavniki okužbe z izsiljevalsko programsko opremo : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Rupnik, Vid (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Rupnik_Vid_2020.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 80CC14556E81FA6CA710C55319257E77
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/26d2bd9f-98ac-4a60-ac41-88a844d83caa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Na uporabnike spleta vsakodnevno preži mnogo nevarnosti, denimo izsiljevalski virusi kot različne prevare, s pomočjo katerih bi se napadalci radi dokopali do denarja svojih žrtev. Najdonosnejše tehnike, ki jih uporabljajo, so različni tipi izsiljevalske programske opreme ( ang. ransomware) tako imenovani izsiljevalski virusi. Z navedenimi virusi, ki so v zadnjih letih v porastu. Napadalci ob napadu, katerega glavna funkcija je zaklep pomembnih podatkov v sistemu, od tarč zahtevajo odkupnino v zameno za pridobitev ključa, ki odklene šifrirane podatke. S porastom tehnologije se preko poenostavljanja različnih področij z IoT napravami, veča tudi možnost za nove vrste okužb. Zato je potrebno na svetovni ravni v sedanjosti, ter še bolj v prihodnosti, zavedanje dejavnikov okužbe ter uveljavljanje smernic ter napotkov za varnost pred izsiljevalsko programsko opremo v poslovne ter zasebne namene. S pravilnimi tehnikami preventivnega obvarovanja pred napadi z izsiljevalsko programsko opremo, kot so sprotno posodabljanje sistemov ter programske opreme, izdelovanje varnostnih kopij in zmožnost samozaznavanja zlonamerne spletne strani ter elektronske pošte, organizacije in tudi posamezniki zelo zmanjšajo možnost za okužbo, kar posledično pripomore k boljšemu poslovanju organizacij ter prepreči nepotrebne težave posameznikom, kot so npr. izguba podatkov, finančne posledice ter širjenje virusa med ostale uporabnike spleta. Zaradi neizogibnega razvijanja nove izsiljevalske programske opreme, ki bo imela zmožnosti za prodor v novodobne sisteme, kot so pametni avtomobili, pametni domovi, medicinska oprema ter nosljive naprave, bo za prihodnje življenje brez motenj potrebno, tudi strateško organiziranje boja proti ustvarjalcem izsiljevalske programske opreme.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, izsiljevalska programska oprema, dejavniki okužbe, grožnje
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Rupnik]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:VI, 45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75967 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3865066 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.04.2020
RUPNIK, Vid, 2020, Dejavniki okužbe z izsiljevalsko programsko opremo : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : V. Rupnik. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75967
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Secondary language

Title:Factors of malware infections
Abstract:There are many threats to Internet users every day, such as extortion viruses in form of various scams that help attackers gain access to their victims' money. The most profitable techniques used are the different types ransomware, the so-called extortion software. With the above mentioned viruses, which are on the rise in recent years, attackers carrie out an attack, which main function is to lock the important data in the system and demand the ransom from the targets in return for obtaining a key that unlocks the encrypted data. With the rise of technology, the possibility of new types of infections is increasing through the facilitation of various fields with IoT devices. It is therefore necessary globally in the present, and even more so in the future, to be aware of infectious agents and to enforce security measures and guidelines against extortion software for business and private purposes. With Proper anti-malware attack techniques against extortion software such as regular system and software updates, data back-up and the ability to self-detect a malicious website or email, organizations and even individuals are able to greatly reduce the chance of infection, which in turn helps to improve business organization and prevent unnecessary problems for individuals, such as. data loss, financial consequences and the spread of the virus to other web users. Due to the inevitable development of new extortion software, which will have the capability to break into modern systems such as smart cars, smart homes, medical equipment and wearables, it will also be necessary to strategically organize the fight against the creators of extortion software for future life without disturbance.
Keywords:ransomware, factors of infections, threats


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