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Title:Prevajalske strategije podomačitve v otroški književnosti na primeru kulturnospecifičnih elementov v slovenskih prevodih
Authors:ID Dovečar, Mihaela (Author)
ID Kaloh Vid, Natalia (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Dovecar_Mihaela_2019.pdf (1,81 MB)
MD5: 123FC55701D795D4D217AA9AC552612C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/256a7fc7-9bde-42cd-9ec7-3e3c8282ca92
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi smo na podlagi prevajalskih strategij podomačitev primerjalno analizirali prevode kulturnospecifičnih elementov v obeh prevodih Zbranih povestih, avtorice Beatrix Potter. Oba prevoda je naredil Branko Gradišnik. Prvi je izšel leta 1993, drugi pa leta 2002. Zbrane povesti so del otroške književnosti, katere bralci so otroci ali njihovi starši. Prevodi morajo biti prilagojeni ravni razumevanja otroških bralcev, ki vseh konotacij še ne razumejo. V empiričnem delu smo kulturnospecifične elemente razdelili v različne kategorije. Pri analizi smo se osredotočili na to, katere prevajalske strategije podomačitve je uporabil prevajalec, in ali je pri posodobitvi prišlo do kakšne spremembe v prevodu ali zamenjave prevajalske strategije. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali so prevodi ustrezni in njihova raba dosledna. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili otroško literaturo, njen razvoj in prevajanje. Opisali smo kulturnospecifične elemente, njihovo prevajanje ter podomačitve in potujitve. Teoretični del zajema prevajalske strategije po Moni Baker, Jeanu Paulu Vinayu in Jeanu Darbelnetu, ki smo jih uporabili v primerjalni analizi. Slednja je pokazala, da prevajalec kulturnospecifične elemente najpogosteje podomači z uporabo strategije nadomestitve kulturnospecifične prvine oz. adaptacije. Pri posodabljanju prevoda naredi največ sprememb pri prevodih idiomov. Posodobitve prevodov so v večini primerov ustrezne. V obeh prevodih pa pri prevajanju kulturnospecifičnih elementov pride do nedoslednosti.
Keywords:kulturnospecifični elementi, otroška književnost, posodabljanje prevodov, prevajalske strategije podomačitve, slovenski prevodi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Dovečar]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74746 New window
UDC:81\'255.4:821.111-93-34Potter B.=163.6(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:24772616 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.09.2019
DOVEČAR, Mihaela, 2019, Prevajalske strategije podomačitve v otroški književnosti na primeru kulturnospecifičnih elementov v slovenskih prevodih [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Dovečar. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74746
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Secondary language

Title:Domestication translation strategies in children's literature: a case study of cultural specific elements in Slovene translations of
Abstract:In the master’s thesis we made a comparative analysis of translations of culturally specific elements in Slovene translations of The Complete Tales by Beatrix Potter. Both translations were made by Branko Gradišnik. The first was released in 1993, and the second in 2002. As we expected both translations wereadapted to children as young readers cannot comprehend all connotations easily. In empirical part we divided culturally specific elements into categories. The analysis then focused on translating strategies. We also analysed changes that occurred in retranslation. We were also interested in adequacy and consistency of the use of culturally specific elements. In theoretical part of the study we presented the main characteristics of children’s literature, its development and specifics of translating. Furthermore, we also presented categories of culturally specific elements, as well as strategies of foreignization and domestication. Theoretical part also includes translation strategies introduced by Mona Baker, and Jean Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet which we applied in the comparative analysis. The results of this study showed that in most cases the translator domesticated culturallyspecific elements by using translation by cultural substitution or adaptation, and that in retranslations most changes occurred when translating idioms. Analysis also showed inconsistencies in translating some culturally specific elements.
Keywords:children's literature, cultural specific elements, domestication translation strategies, slovene stranslations, retranslation


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