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Title:Impulzivno nakupovanje
Authors:ID Zupanič, Ana Marija (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Zupanic_Ana_Marija_2019.pdf (473,78 KB)
MD5: E9EB57135F9D0B020062C8453D15B580
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fd645dfd-a09d-4d98-8ad0-19e0af482e63
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Impulzivno nakupovanje je vsem dobro poznano, a velikokrat napačno interpretirano, prav tako ga je težko opredeliti z enotno in celovito definicijo. So pa raziskovalci enotni, da impulzivno nakupovanje vključuje tri ključne značilnosti tovrstnega vedenja. In sicer, nakup je nenačrtovan, težko nadzorovan in spremljan s čustvenimi odzivi. Tovrstno nakupno vedenje na prvi pogled morda izgleda enostavno, vendar temu ni tako. Velja namreč za kompleksno obliko nakupnega vedenja. S časom in večanjem nasičenosti trga z raznimi izdelki in storitvami, se je posledično spremenila tudi kultura potrošnje. Ogromna razpoložljivost izdelkov, vplivi oglasnih sporočil, privlačnost izdelkov, trendi, nagnjenost k potrošnji ipd., odjemalcem omogočajo, da podležejo skušnjavi in opravijo t.i. impulziven nakup. Impulzivno nakupno vedenje je del širšega področja raziskovanja, vedenja odjemalcev, na področju katerega gre za študijo procesov izbire, nakupovanja, uporabljanja ali razpolaganja z izdelki, storitvami, za zadovoljitev potreb in želj posameznikov ali skupin. Odjemalci torej skozi proces nakupovanja sprejemajo nakupne odločitve, da zadovoljijo njihove potrebe. Ta proces odločanja je lahko včasih čisto samodejen oz. rutinski, lahko je tudi povsem čustveno pogojen, spet v nekaterih primerih pa je kompleksen in zahteva večje napore odjemalca za sprejetje prave nakupne odločitve. Tovrsten nakupni proces imenujemo razširjen proces odločanja in temelji na podlagi racionalnih in izredno premišljenih odločitev. V nasprotju s tem nakupnim procesom, pa je impulzivno nakupovanje povsem kontradiktivno. Včasih namreč odjemalci doživijo nakupne impulze, ki jih privedejo do nakupa, ki ni posledica racionalne nakupne odločitve. Odločitve odjemalcev ob impulzivnem nakupu, kršijo temeljna načela modela »homo economicus«, ki predpostavlja, da ima odjemalec popoln dostop do vseh potrebnih informacij in vse relevantne informacije ob sprejemanju svojih nakupnih odločitev tudi racionalno upošteva. Pri klasičnem nakupnem vedenju, torej odjemalci v vseh fazah nakupnega procesa, sprejemajo racionalne nakupne odločitve, ki so neodvisne od njegovih čustev, počutja in psiholoških stanj. Pri impulzivnem nakupnem procesu pa prevlada čisto nasprotje. Pri impulzivnem nakupnem procesu odjemalec namreč ni popolnoma informiran, nima jasno izraženih potreb in je pod vplivom različnih dejavnikov oz. impulzov. Model procesa impulzivnega nakupovanja lepo prikazuje vedenje, ki sledi določeni strukturi, od tvorbe in uveljavitve ali opustitve t.i. potrošniškega impulza. Pri tem pa so izredno pomembni tudi razni dejavniki, ki na tovrstno vedenje vplivajo in ga pogojujejo. Ti dejavniki so tudi osrednja tema tega diplomskega projekta. Za lažje razumevanje so dejavniki razvrščeni na kategorije. In sicer, notranje dejavnike, v okviru katerih je obravnavana nagnjenost posameznika k impulzivnosti, razpoloženje, vrednote, simbolizem in identiteta. Demografske značilnosti, kjer so vključene razlike v nakupnem vedenju med spoloma. Zunanje dejavnike kot so nakupno okolje, nakupovanje kot užitek in t.i. »store browsing«, razpoložljivost časa in denarja. Ter socio-kulturne dejavnike, kot sta kultura in družba. Glavni cilj diplomskega projekta je bil opredeliti in opisati proces impulzivnega nakupovanja, ter opredeliti glavni niz stimulantov, ki vplivajo na impulzivno nakupno vedenje. S pregledom relevantne literature in ključnih raziskav na področju izbrane tematike, sem želela oblikovati smiseln teoretičen konstrukt, ki pojasnjuje obravnavano tematiko.
Keywords:Impulzivno nakupovanje, vedenje odjemalcev, nakupno odločanje, proces impulzivnega nakupovanja, dejavniki impulzivnega nakupovanja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. M. Zupanič]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74162 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13495580 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.12.2019
ZUPANIČ, Ana Marija, 2019, Impulzivno nakupovanje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. M. Zupanič. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74162
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Secondary language

Title:Impulsive buying
Abstract:Impulsive buying or impulsive purchasing is well known to many, but often misinterpreted. It is also difficult to define with a single and comprehensive definition. However researchers agree that impulsive buying is defined by three key features. Namely, the purchase is unplanned, difficult to control and accompanied by emotional responses. At first, this kind of behaviour is easy to understand, but in reality it is a complex form of purchasing behaviour. With time and growing market saturation with various products and services, consumption culture has also changed. Huge availability of products, the impact of advertising messages, attractiveness of products, trends, propenisty to consume etc. allow consumers to succumb to the temptation and carry out a so-called impulsive purchase. In general, impulsive purchasing behaviour is a part of a broader field of research – consumer behaviour. In this field of research, processes of purchasing, using and disposing of products, services, to satisfy the needs and desires of individuals or groups, are studied. Consumers are known to make purchasing decisions while going through the shopping process to satisfy their needs. This decision-making process can sometimes be purely automatic, sometimes completely influenced by emotions and in some cases, it is complex and requires greater effort to make the right purchasing decision. This kind of purchasing process is called an extended decision-making process and is based on rational and well-thought-out decisions. In contrast to this purchasing process, impulsive purchasing is completely contradictory. Sometimes, consumers experience purchasing impulses that lead them to make a purchase that is not the result of a rational purchasing decision. Consumers' decision to make impulsive purchases violates the fundamental principles of the »homo economicus« model, which presupposes that the consumer has full access to all the necessary information and also rationally considers all relevant infomation when making his purchasing decisions. In classic purchasing behaviour, consumers at all stages of the purchasing process make rational purchasing decisions that are independent of their emotions, feelings and psychological states. In the impulsive purchasing process, however, the consumer is not fully informed, does not have clearly acknowledged needs and is influenced by various factors or impulses. The impulsive purchasing model displays those kind of purchasing behaviours that follow a particular structure, from the creation and enactment or abandonment of i.e. consumer impulse. Variour factors that influence impulsive purchasing behaviour are important. This factors are also the central theme of this paper. For better understanding, they were categorized in to groups. Internal factors within the individual's impulsivity trait, mood, values, symbolism and identitya are adressed. Demographic characteristics such as differences in purchasing behaviour between genders. External factors such as shopping environment, store browsing, shooping as a pleasurable experiance and availability of time and money. And the last category are socio-cultural factors such as culture and society. The main goal of this paper was to define and describe the impulsive shopping process and to identify main factors or stimulants that influence impulsive buying behaviour. By reviewing the relevant literature and key researching papers, i wanted to formulate a theoretical construct, that explains the studied theme.
Keywords:Impulsive buying, consumer behaviour, purchasing decision making, impulsive buying process, impulsive buying factors


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