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Title:Impact of fear of identity theft and perceived risk on online purchase intention
Authors:ID Jordan, Gašper (Author)
ID Leskovar, Robert (Author)
ID Marič, Miha (Author)
Files:.pdf Organizacija_2018_Jordan,_Leskovar,_Maric_Impact_of_Fear_of_Identity_Theft_and_Perceived_Risk_on_Online_Purchase_Intention.pdf (344,28 KB)
MD5: 43E8B5F67EDBB8EE89E23EA3345117BD
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ab9524fa-b214-4243-a27c-295980fd5179
URL https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/orga/51/2/article-p146.xml
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Background and Purpose: Online activities are present in almost every aspect of people’s daily lives. Online purchases are also increasing each year and therefore it is important to investigate what influences online purchase intentions. Online purchase intentions are among everything else, influenced by the fear of identity theft and perceived risk. Design/Methodology/Approach: The online survey was conducted among 190 participants from Slovenia. The relations between the constructs of fear of financial losses, fear of reputational damage, perceived risk and online purchase intention were investigated. Results: The research showed that the relations between the constructs of fear of financial losses, fear of reputational damage, perceived risk are positive and the relation between the constructs of perceived risk and online purchase intention were negative. All of the relations were statistically significant. Conclusion: Understanding the impact of fear of identity theft and perceived risk on online purchase intention can be helpful for online sellers, because with these findings they can manage this fear and perceived risk to increase online purchase intention and address the risks accordingly. Online sellers should therefore regard new findings from the field of online sales. If an online store wants to have success in sales, they should consider all sides of customers’ desires as well as their restraints.
Keywords:e-commerce, fear of identity theft, online purchase intention
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2018
Number of pages:str. 146-155
Numbering:Letn. 51, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72609 New window
ISSN on article:1318-5454
COBISS.SI-ID:8026643 New window
DOI:10.2478/orga-2018-0007 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.10.2018
JORDAN, Gašper, LESKOVAR, Robert and MARIČ, Miha, 2018, Impact of fear of identity theft and perceived risk on online purchase intention. Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre [online]. 2018. Vol. 51, no. 2, p. 146–155. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. DOI 10.2478/orga-2018-0007. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72609
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre
Shortened title:Organizacija
Publisher:Moderna organizacija
COBISS.SI-ID:610909 New window


License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:10.10.2018

Secondary language

Title:Vpliv strahu pred krajo identitete in zaznavo tveganja na namero nakupa prek spleta
Abstract:Ozadje in namen: Spletna aktivnosti so del skoraj vsakega vidika vsakodnevnega življenja ljudi. Prav tako se vsako leto povečujejo spletni nakupi, zaradi česar je pomembno proučevati, kaj vpliva na namero nakupa prek spleta. Na namere nakupa prek spleta med drugim vplivata tudi strah pred krajo identitete in zaznavo tveganja. Oblika/Metodologija/Pristop: Spletna raziskava je bila izvedena na vzorcu 190-ih udeležencih iz Slovenije. Povezavemed konstrukti strahu pred finančno izgubo, strahu pred izgubo ugleda, zaznavo tveganja in namero nakupa prek spleta so bile proučevane. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da so povezave med konstrukti strahu pred finančno izgubo, strahu pred izgubo ugleda in zaznavo tveganja pozitivne ter, da je povezava med konstruktoma zaznave tveganja in namero nakupa prek spleta negativna. Vse povezave so bile statistično značilne. Zaključek: Razumevanje vpliva strahu pred krajo identitete in zaznavo tveganja na namero nakupa prek spleta je lahko koristno za spletne prodajalce, saj lahko s temi ugotovitvami upravljajo ta strah in zaznavo tveganja za povečanje namere nakupa prek spleta in ustrezno obravnavajo tveganja. Spletni prodajalci morajo zato upoštevati nove ugotovitve s področja spletne prodaje. Če si spletna trgovina želi imeti uspešno prodajo, mora upoštevati tako želje uporabnikov kot njihove zadržke..
Keywords:e-trgovanje, strah pred krajo identitete, namera nakupa prek spleta, zaznava tveganja, SEM


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  1. Organizacija


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