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Title:Urbana flora Maribora na levem bregu Drave s poudarkom na tujerodnih vrstah
Authors:ID Azola, Tadeja (Author)
ID Kaligarič, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bakan, Branko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Azola_Tadeja_2018.pdf (3,34 MB)
MD5: 2ADD177E5272195B609B727CA7FD7E4B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ccb2083d-5977-4998-9f85-5403316f1e70
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Mestno središče in njegova periferija se razlikujeta po vrstni pestrosti rastlinstva. Vzrok za to, so velikokrat pogoste antropogene motenje (veliko migracij in posegov v okolje). V magistrski nalogi smo v ta namen popisali celotno floro mestnega središča Maribor in njegovo periferijo na levem bregu Drave. Popisno območje je vključevalo 27 popisnih polj, ki so predstavljeni kot heksagoni. Rezultati raziskanega dela vključujejo seznam rastlinskih vrst in statistično analizo določenih parametrov: skupno število vrst na celotno raziskano območje, abundanco posamezne vrste, življenjska doba, življenjska oblika, geoelement, habitat, ogroženost rastlinskih vrst in ruderalnost ter predstavitev invazivnih tujerodnih vrst v mestnem središču in na njegovi periferiji. Na raziskanem območju je bilo popisanih 512 rastlinskih vrst, od tega 42 tujerodnih vrst in 11 vrst, ki so uvrščene na Rdeči seznam praprotnic in semenk RS. Predstavljene analize kažejo, da po življenjski dobi prevladujejo zelnate trajnice (47,5 %), po življenjski obliki hemikriptofiti (42,2 %) in po horološkem spektru evrazijski geoelement (34 %). Več rastlinskih vrst smo popisali v urbanih površinah (28,9 %), nato sledi kombinacija različnih habitatov z 27,5 % deležem ter habitat zelene negozdne površine (26,4 %). Najmanj rastlinskih vrst smo popisali v gozdnih površinah (17,2 %). Mestno središče Maribora se v vrstni sestavi razlikuje od svoje okolice saj izkazuje nižjo vrstno pestrost samoniklih rastlinskih vrst (v povprečju 82 vrst na heksagon), medtem ko mestna periferija izkazuje v povprečju 129 rastlinskih vrst na heksagon. Prav tako je v mestnem središču povečan delež tujerodnih vrst (3,4 %) medtem ko na periferiji znaša 1,5 %, kar nam pove, da je ta delež tujerodnih vrst v samem središču mesta Maribor večji, kot v njeni okolici.
Keywords:Flora mestne periferije, horološki spekter, Maribor, spekter življenjskih oblik, invazivne tujerodne rastlinske vrste, urbana flora, življenjska doba.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Azola]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72436 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24168456 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.11.2018
AZOLA, Tadeja, 2018, Urbana flora Maribora na levem bregu Drave s poudarkom na tujerodnih vrstah [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Azola. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72436
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Licensing start date:25.09.2018

Secondary language

Title:Urban flora of Maribor on the left side of the Drava river with emphasis on alien species
Abstract:The city centre and its periphery vary according to the type and diversity of vegetation. This is frequently due to anthropogenic disturbances (many migrations and environmental impact). The master’s thesis is an account of the complete flora of Maribor’s city centre ant its periphery on the left bank of the river Drava. The recorded area included 27 recording fields which are presented as hexagons. The results of the research work include a list of plant species and a statical analysis of certain parameters: the joint number of species of the researched area in full, the abundance of individual types, the lifespan, the lifeforms, the geo-element, the habitat, endangered species and ruderality; the thesis also includes a presentation of invasive alien species in the city centre and its periphery. The researched area included 512 plant species, 42 of these were alien species and 11 were species ranked on the red list of ferns and seed plants of the Republic of Slovenia (Rdeči seznam praprotnic in semenk RS). The presented analyses show that evergreens (47.5%) are the ones with the longest lifespan; hemicryptophytes (42.2%) excel in life forms; the Eurasian geo-element (34%) is the one with the biggest horological spectre. More plant species were listed on urban areas (28.9%), followed by a combination of various habitats with a share of 27.5% and the habitat of green non-forest area (26.4%). The least plant species were listed in forest areas (17.2%). The city centre of Maribor differs from its surroundings according to its composition of species, it has a lower species diversity of self-sown plant types (on average 82 species per hexagon), whereas the city periphery has an average of 129 plant species per hexagon. The city centre also has an extended share of alien species (3.4%) whereas on the periphery the percentage is 1.5%; this informs us that the percentage of alien species in the very centre of the city of Maribor is higher than in its surroundings.
Keywords:The flora of the city periphery, horological spectre, Maribor, spectre of lifeforms, invasive alien plant species, urban flora, lifespan.


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