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Title:Varstvo lastninske pravice s pregledom aktualne sodne prakse
Authors:ID Tuš, Nastja (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Tus_Nastja_2018.pdf (785,35 KB)
MD5: 3553F0347D406BA60E69CA88D60C9FF9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1983ede6-cf4f-4c8d-8a93-4c7f6392878b
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Lastninska pravica je ena izmed temeljnih pravic civilnega prava in pomemben institut vsakega pravnega reda. Pomembno je, da je zato tudi z ustreznimi predpisi učinkovito varovana, saj kot izhaja iz sodne prakse, posegi v lastninsko pravico niso redki. Njeno varstvo urejajo tako mednarodni predpisi, kot ostale določbe državnega pravnega reda, ki jih najdemo v Ustavi in v zakonih. Pri nas lastninsko pravico vsebinsko opredeljujejo določbe Stvarnopravnega zakonika, vendar pa njenega pravnega varstva ne urejajo celovito. V njem so opredeljeni klasični zahtevki za varstvo lastninske pravice kot so lastninska tožba, publicijanska tožba in negatorna tožba, ostali zahtevki, ki nudijo pravno varstvo lastniku, pa so urejeni drugje. Tako motenjsko tožbo zraven Stvarnopravnega zakonika ureja v procesnem smislu Zakon o pravdnem postopku, izbrisno tožbo Zakon o zemljiški knjigi, obligacijsko varstvo lastninske pravice s popularno tožbo pa ureja Obligacijski zakonik. Obligacijsko varstvo lastninske pravice s popularno tožbo je sicer zasnovano širše, saj aktivno legitimacijo podeljuje širokemu krogu oseb, saj jo lahko vloži vsakdo, ki mu grozi večja škoda. Tudi dokazovanje predpostavk popularne tožbe je načeloma lažje, saj je dovolj, da škoda samo grozi, ni potrebno, da dejansko nastane. Stvarnopravno varstvo lastninske pravice z negatorno imsijsko tožbo, ki je neke vrste substitut popularni tožbi v določenih primerih, je namenjeno samo lastniku in bonitarnemu lastniku, ki izkažeta svojo pravico na stvari in dokažeta protipravnost dejanskega posega v svojo pravico, zato je v tem pogledu bolj togo od obligacijskega. Stvarnopravna ureditev pa seveda obsega še druge prej omenjene zahtevke. Lastninska tožba je ena izmed najbolj tipičnih tožb za varstvo lastninske pravice, prav tako pa je zaradi hitrosti postopka priljubljena tudi motenjska tožba, ki posestnika varuje pred vznemirjanjem njegove posesti. Tako stvarnopravna, kot obligacijska ureditev je namenjena varstvu lastninske pravice na premičninah in na nepremičninah. Velik pomen pri varstvu lastninske pravice na nepremičninah pa ima zaradi publicitetnega učinka vpisov tudi zemljiška knjiga in s tem povezano načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. Tako to načelo varuje vsakega dobrovernega pridobitelja lastninske pravice na nepremičnini, ki je zaupal v podatke zemljiške knjige. Institut izbrisne tožbe sanira materialnopravno nepravilne vknjižbe in tako predstavlja učinkovito varstvo tistega, čigar stvarna ali obligacijska pravica je bila s takšno vknjižbo kršena. To je lahko tudi pričakovani lastnik pri vzporednem razpolaganju, ki ima zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo na podlagi veljavnega zavezovalnega pravnega posla, nevknjiženi skupni lastnik proti vknjiženemu skupnemu lastniku preden se je v zemljiško knjigo na tem stanju vpisal dobroverni tretji, na splošno pa se jo lahko naperi proti vknjiženemu neresničnemu lastniku.
Keywords:lastninska tožba, publicijanska tožba, negatorna tožba, motenjska tožba, izbrisna tožba, popularna tožba, pričakovana pravica, vknjižena pravica, zemljiška knjiga.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:N. Tuš]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72435 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5651499 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.10.2018
TUŠ, Nastja, 2018, Varstvo lastninske pravice s pregledom aktualne sodne prakse [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Tuš. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72435
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Secondary language

Title:Protection of ownership right by reviewing current case law
Abstract:An ownership right is one of the fundamental rights of civil law and important institute of each legal system. It is important to be effectively protected by the relevant rules, due to frequent violations arising out of the case-law. Its protection is regulated by both, international rules and other provisions of the national legal system that can be found in Constitution and other national law. Our ownership right is defined by the provisions of the Code of Property Act, but its legal protection is not regulated there in a comprehensive manner. The Code defines classic claims for the protection of ownership right, such as rei vindicatio, actio Publiciana and actio negatoria. Other claims that provide legal protection to the owner are regulated also elsewhere. Action for trespass is regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure, the cancellation action is regulated by the Land Register Act, the obligation protection is guaranteed by the popular action, which is regulated in the Code of Obligations. The obligation protection of the ownership right with popular action is wider, since it grants active legitimacy to a wide range of people, as it can be claimed by anyone who is threatened with a greater damage. In addition the demonstration of the assumptions of a popular action is, in principle, easier because it is enough that the damage just threatens, it does not really need to be created. The property protection on the other hand is more rigid. It is intended only for the owner and the bonitary owner who prove their right and actual inadmissible interference with their right. The property protection also covers other aforementioned claims. Rei vindicatio is one of the most typical lawsuits for the protection of ownership right. Due to the speed of procedure, the action for trespass is also popular. The property and the obligation protection are intended to protect movable and immovable property. Land register has a great importance for the protection of ownership right on real estates due to publicity effect that the entries in Land register have. The principle of trust is also of particular importance. It protects every bona fide acquirer of ownership right on real estate, who entrusted with data in the Land register. Action for cancellation removes the material inaccurate entry and thus represents the effective protection of the one, whose property or obligation right was violated by such entry. This can also be expected owner in parallel disposal, which has the land registry permit on the basis of valid binding legal transaction, an unregistered joint owner against the registered joint owner before the bona fide third person entered the Land register. In general, it can be filed against registered untrue owner.
Keywords:rei vindicatio, actio Publiciana, actio negatoria, action for trespass, cancellation action, popular action, expected right, registered right, Land register.


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