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Title:Učni pripomočki za slepe in slabovidne pri pouku geografije v sedmem razredu osnovne šole
Authors:ID Tovornik Jurgelj, Nina (Author)
ID Kolnik, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Tovornik_Jurgelj_Nina_2018.pdf (1,48 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cc2eb4a4-4a23-4f9a-96be-a789019961a0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Ljudje 80 odstotkov informacij zaznavajo z vidom (Žagar, 2012, str. 132). Slepi in slabovidni so v tem prikrajšani, zato informacije pridobivajo s čutilom za tip, sluh, vonj in okus. Na preostalih čutilih učencev z motnjami vida morajo graditi tudi učitelji. Brvar (2000) iz svojih večletnih izkušenj poučevanja slepih in slabovidnih poudarja, da je pri pouku uporaba učnih pripomočkov zelo pomembna. S tem si slepi in slabovidni znajo lažje predstavljati neko situacijo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo na podlagi strokovne literature opredelili slepoto in slabovidnost ter opisali značilnosti učencev z motnjami vida. Predstavili smo proces izobraževanja slepih in slabovidnih učencev, s poudarkom na pouku geografije. V Učnem načrtu za geografijo, program osnovna šola (2011) smo analizirali učne cilje. Merilo je bilo, koliko učnih ciljev slepi in slabovidni učenci ne morejo doseči brez uporabe didaktičnih pripomočkov. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili izdelavo učnih pripomočkov za slepe in slabovidne pri pouku geografije v sedmem razredu in njihov preizkus. Pripomočke je naprej preizkusila učiteljica geografija na Centru IRIS. Na podlagi njenega mnenja smo pripomočke dopolnili in popravili, da jih lahko uporabljajo tako slepi kot tudi slabovidni. Učne pripomočke je nato preizkusil slepi učenec sedmega razreda. Podal nam je mnenje, ali so pripomočki ustrezno veliki, da količina prikazanih podatkov ni preobširna ter ali so uporabljani materiali prijetni na otip in se ustrezno razlikujejo. Postopek izdelave, uporabljene materiale in pripomočke ter komentar učiteljice in učenca smo zapisali. Pri vsakem pripomočku smo navedli tudi učni cilj, ki ga učenec zasleduje, in končno izdelavo dokumentirali s fotografijami.
Keywords:slepota in slabovidnost, učni načrt, pouk geografije, učni pripomočki.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Tovornik Jurgelj]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72113 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24095752 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.10.2018
TOVORNIK JURGELJ, Nina, 2018, Učni pripomočki za slepe in slabovidne pri pouku geografije v sedmem razredu osnovne šole [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Tovornik Jurgelj. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72113
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching aids for the blind and visually-impaired in geography class in the seventh grade of elementary school
Abstract:80 percent of information is perceived by sight (Žagar, 2012, page 132). Blind and visually impaired are deprived of this and therefore obtain the information by sensory systems for touch, hearing, smell and taste. Teachers have to work on remaining sensory systems with visually impaired students as well. Brvar (2000), with extended experience in teaching the blind and visually impaired, emphasizes the importance of using teaching aids in class. The blind and visually impaired are therefore able to imagine a certain situation. In theoretical part of my master's thesis, we presented blindness and visual impairment and described the characteristics of visually impaired students on the basis of scientific literature. We presented the process of education of blind and visually impaired students, with emphasis on geography lessons. We analysed the learning objectives in the textbook Učni načrt za geografijo, program osnovna šola (2011). The criterion was how many learning objectives blind and visually impaired students are unable to achieve without the use of didactic tools. In the empirical part, we presented the production of teaching aids for blind and visually impaired in geography class in the seventh grade. We tested those teaching aids as well. They were first tested by a geography teacher at Center IRIS. Based on her opinion, we improved and corrected those teaching aids, so that they can be used by the blind as well as visually impaired. Those teaching aids were then tested by a blind seventh grade student. He gave us his opinion on the appropriate size of aids, on the appropriate amount of data presented and if the materials used are pleasant to touch and easy to differentiate. The production process, comments of the teacher and the student, together with materials and teaching aids used were written down. A learning objective, which the students can pursue, was listed for every teaching aid. The final product was documented with photos.
Keywords:blindness and visual impairment, syllabus, geography class, teaching aids.


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