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Title:Družbenokritični romani Michela Houellebecqa
Authors:ID Zgoznik, Vita (Author)
ID Pavlič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 1DE8779D25BF3C4349E63DDCF0129DAE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a941061e-1e22-4eb1-bd75-d37ced5d6de9
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Michel Houellebecq, kontroverzni francoski avtor, z vsakim novim izdanim delom dodobra razburka francosko javnost in književni trg. V svojih romanih secira, analizira, subtilno, a hkrati precej odkrito kritizira in karikira sočasne družbene fenomene: ideologijo egalitarizma, liberalizma, socializma, multikulturalizma, feminizma, psihoanalizo, muslimanski fundamentalizem, “new age” sekte, pornografsko industrijo, napredek znanosti z vidika genetike in evgenike, seks turizem, generacijo “baby boom” in objektivizacijo (ženske). Mnogi bi ga označili za preroka moderne dobe, saj v svojih romanih izvrstno napoveduje, pripoveduje in upodablja tako pristne kot izmišljene prigode časa, v katerem smo in kamor nas ta vodi. Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z analizo vseh njegovih šestih romanov, ki so prevedeni v slovenski jezik. Pod drobnogled so vzete štiri glavne teme: spolnost, emancipacija žensk, individualizem in vera ter z njimi povezani motivi, ki so vedno bolj očitno prisotni v (publicistični) javnosti, saj gre za popolnoma vsakdanjo problematiko, s katero se spopadamo v 21. stoletju. Houellebecqova tematika sicer nakazuje žanr antiutopije ali distopije, a vendar njegovi romani spadajo med družbenokritične, kar dokazuje analiza romanov. Naloga potegne vzporednice med avtorjevimi deli in njegovim življenjem, saj njegovi biografski podatki vplivajo na oblikovanje literarnih likov in romanesknih zgodb, in razišče, v katero literarno smer bi lahko uvrstili obravnavane romane.
Keywords:Michel Houellebecq, družbenokritični roman, antiutopija, post-postmodernizem, digi-modernizem
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Zgoznik]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71705 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24061448 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.10.2018
ZGOZNIK, Vita, 2018, Družbenokritični romani Michela Houellebecqa [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : V. Zgoznik. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71705
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Secondary language

Title:Socially Critical Novels of Michel Houellebecq
Abstract:Michel Houellebecq, a controversial French writer, manages to cause a stir in the French society and the literary world with every novel he publishes. In his novels, he dissects, analyses, subtly yet quite straightforwardly criticizes and caricatures contemporary social phenomena: the ideology of egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, multiculturalism, feminism, psychoanalysis, Islamic fundamentalism, “New Age” spirituality, pornographic industry, scientific development from a genetic and eugenic standpoint, sex tourism, “Baby Boom” generation and objectification (of women). Many would consider him a modern prophet, as evidenced by his predictions and depictions of true and made up stories of the present time and the time that is yet to come. The MA thesis analyses the six novels by Michel Houellebecq that were translated into Slovenian and closely examines the four predominant themes: sexuality, female emancipation, individualism, faith, and the accompanying motifs that are becoming more widely present in the public (journalism), a completely common issue we face in the twenty-first century. The themes in Houellebecq’s novels hint at anti-utopic or dystopic genre, however, the analysis reveals they fall into the genre of socially critical novels. The thesis draws a parallel between the author’s works and his life since his biographical data influences the shaping of the literary characters and stories, and also explores the literary direction the novels take.
Keywords:Michel Houellebecq, socially critical novel, anti-utopia, post-postmodernism, digimodernism


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