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Title:Ovire pri učenju revizije - primer bolonjskega univerzitetnega izobraževanja v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Očko, Živa (Author)
ID Kolar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: DC38B7269C1943DD8A072063364F65FA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/06f1041d-6103-4940-a724-55734ed4387f
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Moje diplomsko delo se nanaša na področje revizije, in sicer na ovire pri učenju revizije na primeru bolonjskega univerzitetnega izobraževanja. Pri tem se nanašam na raziskave, ki so bile že v preteklosti narejene na to temo, hkrati pa tudi na lastne ugotovitve, ki sem jih pridobila s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Delo diplomskega projekta je sestavljeno iz 5 delov. Najprej je uvod, kjer predstavim namen, cilje diplomskega projekta in zastavim raziskovalno vprašanje, na katerega skušam odgovoriti, ter eno samo hipotezo, ki jo skušam potrditi ali ovreči. V drugem poglavju predstavim področje revizije in učenje le-te. Pri tem opredelim pojmovanje revizije, namen in cilje revidiranja. Hkrati predstavim učenje revizije na slovenskih univerzah in znanja ter kompetence revizorja. To poglavje diplomskega projekta se nanaša na delovna področja revizorja, revizorjev izdelek, znanja, spretnosti, sposobnosti, interese revizorja in na izobrazbeno pot do poklica revizorja. Največji poudarek v drugem delu diplomskega projekta dajem na poglavje, kjer je predstavljenih pet člankov, ki govorijo o ključnih ovirah pri učenju revizije. Tretji del se nanaša na sklepe o raziskavah učenja revizije. Temu pa sledi poglavje, kjer je predstavljena raziskava, v katero so zajeti študentje Ekonomske-poslovne fakultete v Mariboru. Glavna ugotovitev raziskave je, kaj so po študentovem mnenju ključne ovire pri učenju revizije. Na koncu diplomske naloge sledi še sklep ugotovitev.
Keywords:revizija, ovire, izobraževanje, univerza.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Ž. Očko]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-71016 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13136668 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.10.2018
OČKO, Živa, 2018, Ovire pri učenju revizije - primer bolonjskega univerzitetnega izobraževanja v Sloveniji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : Ž. Očko. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=71016
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Secondary language

Title:Obstacles in Studying Auditing - an Example of Bologna University Education in Slovenia
Abstract:My BA thesis relates to the area of auditing, i.e. the obstacles to the learning of auditing on an example of Bologna university education. In doing so, I rely on past research of this topic as well as my own findings I arrived at with the help of a questionnaire. The diploma thesis consists of five sections. The first section is the introduction where I present the purpose and objectives of the diploma project and ask the research question that I am trying to answer as well as set a single hypothesis that I am trying to either confirm or disprove. In the second chapter, I present the area of auditing and the teaching of the subject. In doing so, I provide the definition of the term auditing as well as the purpose and objectives of the activity of auditing. I also present the teaching of auditing at Slovenian universities as well as the knowledge and competences of an auditor. This chapter of the diploma project relates to the auditor's areas of work, the auditor's product, knowledge, skills, abilities, interests and the educational path leading to the profession of auditor. The greatest emphasis in the second section of the BA thesis is placed on the chapter presenting five articles talking about the main obstacles to the learning of auditing. The third section presents the conclusions regarding the research into the teaching of auditing. This is followed by a section presenting a survey of the students of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor. The main finding of the survey relates to what the students believe are the main obstacles to the learning of auditing. The BA thesis ends with the conclusion.
Keywords:auditing, obstacles, education, university.


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