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Title:Psihološka testiranja kot ena izmed metod selekcijskih postopkov
Authors:ID Frčej, Petra (Author)
ID Miglič, Gozdana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Marič, Miha (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Frcej_Petra_2018.pdf (606,45 KB)
MD5: AF2F607BAFAAEB594A78B51380EA0019
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7ec6fc60-b160-4a08-8df5-7327d3a8e7e1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Selekcija kadrov je ena izmed pomembnejših nalog v kadrovskih službah. Dobra in premišljena selekcija kadra omogoča organizaciji izbiro ustreznega kandidata, kar je podlaga za uspešnost tako posameznika kot tudi celotne organizacije in njenega poslovanja. Izbor metode je v procesu selekcioniranja ključen. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo se dotaknili predvsem priprave na načrtovanje izbora kadrov, največji poudarek pa smo namenili psihološkim testom. V raziskovalnem delu smo posvečali pozornost sami uporabi psiholoških testov v praksi. Raziskovali smo, kako uporabljati psihološke teste, za katere profile se uporabljajo psihološka testiranja ter kakšna je povezava med ceno in kakovostjo psihološkega testa. Preverjali smo tudi mnenje strokovnjakov o psiholoških testih, ki se pojavljajo na internetu. Na koncu pa smo intervjuvance povprašali o novih smernicah na področju psiholoških testiranj, s ciljem ugotoviti, ali nas na tem področju čakajo novosti. Izbira pravega psihološkega testa nam prinese podatke o informacijah, ki jih pri kandidatu iščemo in jih sicer ne bi našli. Prav tako je izrednega pomena izvedba psihološkega testiranja. Samo strokovnjaki so tisti, ki lahko podajo pravilno interpretacijo rezultatov, rezultate pa med seboj povežejo v smiselno celoto.
Keywords:Analiza in opis delovnega mesta, selekcijski postopki, selekcijske metode, psihološka testiranja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-70322 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8023571 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.05.2018
FRČEJ, Petra, 2018, Psihološka testiranja kot ena izmed metod selekcijskih postopkov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=70322
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Secondary language

Title:Psychological testing as one of the methods of selection process
Abstract:Personnel selection is one of the most important tasks of a Human Resources Department. A well performed and though-out employee selection enables an organization to select an appropriate employee. This is the foundation for success of an employee on one hand, as well as for success of a whole organization and its business on the other. Choice of method in the selection process is fundamental. In theoretical part of this assessment we were focused on the process of human resource planning, but the most important part was the part of introducing psychological testing in selection process. Later on, in the researching part, we were seeking for the information about the right use of psychological testing, for which profiles we should use psychological testing and what is the relation between the price and quality of psychological testing. We were researching the use of the online testing and the validity of test results. At the end we asked our interviewees about the new trends in psychological testing for the purpose of determining, whether we are waiting for some novelties in this field. The right choice of psychological testing brings us valid information about the candidate’s personality. It is also fundamental to perform psychological testing as professionally as possible. Only professionals can do the job of interpreting results correctly and connect the results in a proper way to describe a candidate’s personality.
Keywords:Job analysis and job description, selection procedures, selection methods, psychological testing.


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