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Title:Spolna usmerjenost v povezavi z navezanostjo na partnerja in doživljanjem socialne opore
Authors:ID Lukić, Miljana (Author)
ID Cugmas, Zlatka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Lukic_Miljana_2017.pdf (1,65 MB)
MD5: 5492AA2CF1895432D5F06A25F432B96A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/91560935-42b8-45c0-b94d-84b74d8da32e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrska naloga obravnava povezavo med stili navezanosti v odraslosti in socialno oporo med homoseksualno in heteroseksualno usmerjenimi posamezniki. Natančneje, namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali prihaja do razlik v stilih navezanosti na partnerja in dojemanju socialne opore med homoseksualno in heteroseksualno usmerjenimi posamezniki. Tematike se raziskava loteva v povezavi z Bowlbyjevo teorijo navezanosti in doživljanjem socialne opore s strani prijateljev in družine. Preučeni teoretični viri nam kažejo, da imajo pri otrokovem občutku varnosti in zaupanja v svet veliko vlogo njegove ponavljajoče izkušnje s pomembnimi drugimi v zgodnjem otroštvu. Te izkušnje vplivajo na to, kaj bo posameznik kasneje v življenju pričakoval od sveta oziroma kako bo videl sebe in druge. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 129 žensk in 102 moških. Glede na spolno usmerjenost je bilo v vzorec vključenih 112 homoseksualno usmerjenih, od tega je bilo 54 žensk in 58 moških. Prav tako je bilo v vzorec vključenih 119 heteroseksualno usmerjenih, od tega je bilo 75 žensk in 44 moških. Udeleženci so izpolnili dva vprašalnika, in sicer Vprašalnik zaznave socialne opore (Perceived Social Support from Friends and Family (PSS-Fr in PSS-F) Procidano in Heller, 1983) in Vprašalnik medosebnih odnosov (Relationship questionnaire, Bartholomew in Horowitz, 1991). Rezultati naše raziskave so potrdili hipotezo, da obstaja razlika med homoseksualno in heteroseksualno usmerjenimi v stilih navezanosti na partnerja in v zaznavi socialne opore prijateljev in družine. Za razliko od posameznikov, ki imajo ne-varen stil navezanosti na partnerja (preokupiran, plašljiv ali odklonilen), posamezniki, ki imajo varen stil navezanosti na partnerja, prejemajo več opore prijateljev in družine.
Keywords:Homoseksualno usmerjen, heteroseksualno usmerjen, stili navezanosti na partnerja, socialna opora
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Lukić]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68798 New window
UDC:316.362.1-058.833-055.1-055.2:316.367.5/.7 (043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:23487496 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.11.2017
LUKIĆ, Miljana, 2017, Spolna usmerjenost v povezavi z navezanostjo na partnerja in doživljanjem socialne opore [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Lukić. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=68798
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Secondary language

Title:Sexual orientation in relation to the attachment to partner and in experiencing social support
Abstract:The master’s thesis focuses on the correlation between the styles of attachment in adulthood and social support amongst heterosexual and homosexual individuals. More precisely, the goal of this research is to establish whether there are differences in attachment styles to a partner and social support between heterosexual and homosexual individuals. This research is thematically related to the Bowlby’s attachment theory and the understanding of social support from friends and family. The theoretical framework has shown an association between the child’s sense of security and trust into the world and the repeating perennial experiences with significant others in early childhood. The aforementioned experiences influence individual’s self-image, perception of others and life expectations. The research includes 129 females and 102 males. Based on sexual orientation the sample includes 112 homosexually oriented, among those there were 54 females and 58 males. Moreover, the sample includes 119 heterosexually oriented, among those there were 75 females and 44 males. The participants of the research completed two questionnaires, which are: Perceived Social Support from Friends and Family (PSS-Fr in PSS-F; Procidano in Heller, 1983) and Relationship questionnaire (Bartholomew in Horowitz, 1991). The research results confirmed the following hypothesis: there is a difference in styles of adult attachment to a partner and in perception of social support from friends and family between heterosexual and homosexual individuals. Unlike individuals, who have evolved insecure attachment style to a partner (preoccupied, timid, or negative), individuals, who have evolved secure attachment style to a partner, received more support from friends and family.
Keywords:Homosexually oriented, heterosexually oriented, attachment style to a partner, social suppor


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