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Title:Razvoj ravnotežja v predšolskem obdobju
Authors:ID Luknjar, Ines (Author)
ID Muhič, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Luknjar_Ines_2017.pdf (1,04 MB)
MD5: 9A3831FF0E4702C9D4809F59F06D60B0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ad6f9839-d888-4c8b-a41a-7cc4d77abea9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomska naloga z naslovom Razvoj ravnotežja v predšolskem obdobju je razdeljena na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu so zapisana teoretična spoznanja o temi, ki jo obravnavamo. Opisan je gibalni razvoj ter gibalne sposobnosti, ravnotežje kot glavni del te naloge, čutilo za ravnotežje, kjer je opredeljena tudi občutljivost ravnotežnega organa. Opisano je tudi vzdrževanje ravnotežja, ohranjevanje telesnega težišča in motnje v ravnotežnostnem delovanju ter razvoj ravnotežja v predšolskem obdobju. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa so še opredeljene nekatere dosedanje raziskave in ugotovitve ravnotežja. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni namen in cilj raziskovalne naloge, razčlenitev pedagoškega eksperimenta ter rezultati. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati sposobnost ravnotežja otrok starih od 1 do 3 let, torej s pomočjo pedagoškega eksperimenta ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri lahko v vrtcu v obdobju dveh mesecev s pomočjo načrtovane in vodene vadbe izboljšamo ravnotežje pri otrocih starih od 1 do 3 let. V neslučajnostni vzorec iz konkretne populacije smo zajeli 25 otrok, starih 1–3 let. Od tega je bilo 9 otrok eksperimentalne skupine in 16 otrok kontrolne skupine. V raziskavo smo vključili šest motoričnih testov, ki domnevno merijo ravnotežje. Na podlagi rezultatov, ki smo jih pridobili, smo ugotovili, da na koncu pedagoškega eksperimenta ni statistično značilne razlike v rezultatih motoričnih testov med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino, prav tako pa tudi ni statistično značilne razlike med spoloma pri otrocih starih od 1 do 3 let.
Keywords:predšolski otrok, gibalni razvoj, motorične sposobnosti, ravnotežje, pedagoški eksperiment
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Luknjar]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-68587 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23473928 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.11.2017
LUKNJAR, Ines, 2017, Razvoj ravnotežja v predšolskem obdobju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : I. Luknjar. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=68587
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Secondary language

Title:The development of balance in preschool age
Abstract:This thesis titled The development of balance in preschool period consists of theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part describes findings of the topic, which is the subject of the thesis. It includes the description of motoric skill development, balance as the main part of this skill, sensory organ for balance with a definition of sensitivity of the sensory organ for balance. It also determines the maintenance of balance, maintenance of centre of body gravity and dysfunction in balance as well as the development of balance in preschool period. At the end of the theoretical part some past researches and findings regarding balance are defined. The empirical part introduces the purpose and goal of the research, the analysis of pedagogical experiment and the results thereof. The purpose of the research was to examine the balance ability of children aged from 1 to 3 and with the help of pedagogical experiment determine to which extent can children’s balance be improved within two months with the help of planned and controlled exercise. Specific sample included 25 children aged between 1 and 3. 9 of these were part of experimental group and 16 of controlled group. The research comprised sic motoric skill tests, which presumably measure balance. Based on gathered results it could be determined that at the end of the pedagogical experiment there are no statistically distinctive difference in results of motoric skill test between experimental and controlled group as well as no distinctive difference according to gender of children aged between 1 and 3.
Keywords:preschool children, motoric skill development, motoric skills, balance, pedagogical experiment


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