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Title:Prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk - mednarodna primerjava : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Bajramović, Elvin (Author)
ID Dvojmoč, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bajramovic_Elvin_2017.pdf (1,71 MB)
MD5: DB249362C8EEB4ACC4C51B08955953B1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk je zagotovo ena izmed najzahtevnejših oblik zasebnega varovanja. Zaradi navedenega je nujno, da je to področje ustrezno regulirano ali da obstajajo vsaj neke vrste standardi. V nalogi je predstavljena zakonska urejenost tega področja v Sloveniji in v 7 izbranih evropskih državah (Avstrija, Nemčija, Francija, Nizozemska, Belgija, Italija in Španija). Pri analizi držav je poudarek na tem, kako je s pridobitvijo licenc, kakšne vrste licenc imajo posamezne države, kakšne so zahteve glede strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja, opreme in posesti ter uporabe strelnega orožja. Glede na navedene kriterije so analizirane države razdeljene v tri skupine. V eno skupino sodijo države, ki imajo precej ohlapna določila in imajo to področje manj regulirano; sem sodita Nemčija in Avstrija. Nekatere države so zelo striktne in imajo stroga določila. Sem nedvomno sodita Belgija in Španija. Preostale države so nekje vmes. Slovenija ima to področje precej podrobno regulirano in jo zato lahko uvrščamo med bolj regulirane države. Pri logistiki denarja je pomembno tudi, kako ima država organiziran gotovinski cikel. Analizirane države imajo različne modele gotovinskega cikla, ki se med seboj razlikujejo predvsem po tem, kakšno vlogo imajo v procesu centralna banka s podružnicami, poslovne banke, podjetja za prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter ostali udeleženci. Slovenski sistem oskrbe z gotovino je poseben, saj nimamo tipičnih podjetij za prevoz in varovanje gotovine, kot jih imajo druge države. Tovrstna podjetja drugje po Evropi so bolj vpeta v sistem oskrbe z gotovino, saj skrbijo tudi za razvrščanje in sortiranje gotovine, nekatera imajo organizirane tudi lastne gotovinske centre. Naša podjetja z licenco za prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk največkrat pobirajo dnevne izkupičke trgovcev in jih dostavljajo v dnevno nočne trezorje. Samo nekatera večja podjetja sodelujejo z depotnimi bankami in kot zunanji partner opravljajo prevoze in oskrbo bankomatov.
Keywords:zasebno varovanje, prevoz denarja, prevoz vrednostnih pošiljk, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Bajramović]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:VII, 64 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66324 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3412458 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.08.2017
BAJRAMOVIĆ, Elvin, 2017, Prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk - mednarodna primerjava : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : E. Bajramović. [Accessed 5 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=66324
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Secondary language

Title:Prevoz in varovanje gotovine ter drugih vrednostnih pošiljk
Abstract:Transport and security of cash and other insured items is one of the most demanding forms of private security. Consequently, it is essential to adequately regulate this field or to set up some sort of standards. The thesis presents the legislative framework in the Republic of Slovenia and in 7 selected European member states (Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Spain). The analysis of countries was focused on the acquisition of licences and specific types of available licences in each country, as well as the requirements related to professional training and in-service training, equipment, and the carrying and use of firearms. On the basis of the listed criteria the analysed countries were divided in three groups. The first group includes countries with rather loose regulations and consequently a less regulated field, such as Germany and Austria. The second group includes countries with very strict provisions, which definitely include Belgium and Spain, while the third group includes countries which are somewhere in the middle. Slovenia regulated the relevant field in a lot of detail, therefore we can include it in the second group. From the cash logistics perspective the cash cycle organisation in a specific country is essential. The analysed countries implemented different cash cycle models, which differ mainly in the role of the participants (i.e. central bank and its subsidiaries, commercial banks, cash transport and security providers and others) in the process. Slovenian cash supply system is very specific, since we do not have typical companies for cash transport and security compared to those in other countries. Such companies in other parts of Europe are more integrated in the cash supply system, since they are also responsible for the sorting of cash; while some of them also set up their own cash centres. Licenced Slovenian companies for the transport and security of cash and other insured items mostly collect daily revenues of retailers, which they deliver to day and night vaults. Only specific major companies work together with depository banks, and serve as contracts for the transportation and supply of ATM machines.
Keywords:private security, cash transport, cash supply, cash cycle


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