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Title:Vpliv delovanja vakuumskega odklopnika na transformator obločne peči v Štore Steel
Authors:ID Guzej, Milan (Author)
ID Pihler, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Stopar, Klemen (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Guzej_Milan_2017.pdf (8,44 MB)
MD5: C372653EC1DB98FFF747FC6246569A1F
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Vakuumski odklopnik na napetostnih nivojih do 110 kV vse bolj nadomešča ostale izvedbe odklopnikov predvsem zaradi velike vklopne in izklopne zmogljivosti, zanesljivosti delovanja, relativno nizkih stroškov vzdrževanja in dolge življenjske dobe. Uporaba vakuumskega odklopnika je prinesla tudi določene škodljive vplive generiranja visokih prenapetosti, ki jih povzroča odklopnik pri izklopu. Poznan je pojav prehodnih povratnih napetosti pri izklopih induktivnih bremen, ki v trenutku izklopa niso obremenjena, kar pomeni, da teče relativno majhen primarni tok, ki ga vakuumski odklopnik prekine – utrga, pred naravnim prehodom toka skozi nič. Predstavljena sta dva načina izvedbe simulacij za določitev prehodnih povratnih napetosti in tokov pri izklopu induktivnega tokokroga z vakuumskim odklopnikom. Prvi način je v literaturi predstavljen z idealnim stikalom in simulacijo ponovnih vžigov. Pri drugem načinu je v nadomestnem vezju vstavljen model obloka, ki zaradi spreminjajoče upornosti obloka prekine električni tok v vezju. Za napajalni sistem pečnega transformatorja v Štore Steel, d. o. o., je v magistrskem delu predstavljeno enofazno nadomestno vezje, ki je implementirano v programskem okolju Matlab/Simulink. Pri simulacijah napetosti in tokov sta uporabljena oba načina prekinjanja tokokroga nadomestnega vezja, z uporabo idealnega stikala, ter z uporabo različnih modelov obloka (Mayr, Cassie, Schawenmaker, Schwarz …). Pri simulacijah smo opazovali pojav prenapetosti na stikalu, prenapetosti na bremenu in potek toka skozi stikalo. Rezultate simulacij smo primerjali z merjenimi vrednostmi napetosti in tokov na primarni strani pečnega transformatorja. S pomočjo poznanih merjenih potekov vrednosti napetosti in tokov je mogoče spreminjati in prilagajati parametre nadomestnega vezja na način, ki bo pri različnih pogojih izklopov induktivnega bremena z vakuumskim odklopnikom povzročala najnižje prenapetosti in tako minimalno obremenjevala izolacijo visokonapetostnih naprav.
Keywords:Vakuumski odklopnik, električni oblok, prehodna povratna prenapetost, transformator obločne peči, model odklopnika
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:M. Guzej
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66122 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20701974 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.06.2017
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
GUZEJ, Milan, 2017, Vpliv delovanja vakuumskega odklopnika na transformator obločne peči v Štore Steel [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Guzej. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=66122
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of vacuum circuit breaker operation to the furnace transformer in štore steel
Abstract:Vacuum circuit breaker, for voltage levels up to 110 kV commonly replaces other types of circuit breakers basically due to high switching capability, operation reliability, relatively low maintenance costs and because of high duty cycles number. Using a vacuum circuit breaker also brought some harmful impacts due to generation of high and fast transient recovery voltages caused by vacuum circuit breaker when switching off. Especially transient recovery voltages are high when vacuum circuit breaker is switching off small inductive loads. In case of a small inductive or capacitive current, the switching capability of a vacuum circuit breaker is very high so current is chopped immediately (before current zero) after contacts are separated. Presented are two ways to simulate transient recovery voltages and chopping currents when switching off small inductive current with a vacuum circuit breaker. In first method a vacuum circuit breaker is presented with an ideal switch and programed arc re-ignitions . With the second method in the equivalent circuit the vacuum breaker is presented with an arc model. During the simulation time, the arc resistance is calculated in arc model and with the change of resistance, electric current in the arc is interrupted. For the furnace transformer supply system in Štore Steel l.l.c. the single-phase equivalent circuit is presented, and implemented in Matlab/Simulink. In master thesis both ways of voltages and currents simulations are presented. In simulations with equivalent circuit we used an ideal switch, and different arc models (Mayr, Cassie, Schawenmaker, Schwarz, ...). In simulations, we observed over voltages on the switch, over voltages on the load and current through the switch. Simulation results are compared with the measured values of voltages and currents at the primary side of the furnace transformer. Comparing the measured and simulated values, it is possible to change and adjust the equivalent circuit parameters in such a way that lowest over voltages (lowest insulation load of high voltage devices) would be achieved when switching off small inductive load with a vacuum circuit breaker.
Keywords:Vacuum Circuit Breaker, Electric Arc, Transient Recovery Voltage, Electric Arc Furnace Transformer, Circuit Breaker Model


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