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Title:Kultura in motivacija na delovnem mestu na primeru dveh držav
Authors:ID Škerget, Metod (Author)
ID Treven, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mumel, Damijan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Skerget_Metod_2017.pdf (2,54 MB)
MD5: 4197BE30102DA096712C85348E04957C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi smo predstavili dva zelo pomembna pojma, ki sta ključna za dobro delovanje podjetja in njegovih zaposlenih. V prvem delu, ki je bil teoretičen, smo predstavili pojma kultura in motivacija ter državi, v katerih je potekala raziskava – Slovenijo in Španijo. V sklopu kulture smo opredelili kulturo, njeno vlogo, ravni kulture, razvrščanje nacionalnih kultur, kulturni šok, dimenzijo in sestavo kulture. V sklopu motivacije pa smo opredelili motivacijo samo, vrste motivov, motivacijsko strukturo in modele, lestvico delovnih motivov, motivacijske dejavnike in kako uničiti motivacijo. V sklopu predstavitve držav pa smo se osredotočili predvsem na njune poslovne običaje, gospodarstvo, prebivalstvo in državno ureditev. V drugem, empiričnem delu, pa smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika naredili raziskavo in skušali ugotoviti, kateri so najučinkovitejši motivacijski dejavniki na delovnem mestu v Španiji in Sloveniji. Izpostavili smo najučinkovitejše dejavnike, ki vplivajo na motivacijo zaposlenih. Na podlagi pridobljenih anketnih vprašalnikov smo naredili analizo podatkov s pomočjo programa IBM SPSS Statistics. Analizirali smo vsak dejavnik posamezno in naredili primerjavo med državama. Rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili, smo nato povzeli in zapisali naše ugotovitve. Rezultate smo prikazali tudi grafično, in sicer s prej omenjenim programom. Z rezultati lahko podjetje izboljša motiviranje svojih zaposlenih. Dandanes se vedno več organizacij zaveda, kako pomembna sta kultura, v kateri podjetje posluje, in motivacija na delovnem mestu. Če v podjetju ne poznajo kulture, v kateri poslujejo, lahko nehote pride do veliko napačnih odločitev pri poslovanju. Prav tako morajo v podjetju poznati tujo kulturo, če želijo uspešno motivirati svoje zaposlene, saj lahko napačni načini motiviranja povzročijo demotivacijo pri zaposlenih. Zelo pomembno je, da imamo na delovnem mestu zadovoljnega in motiviranega zaposlenega. To bi moral biti eden izmed glavnih ciljev vsakega podjetja. Zadovoljen in motiviran delavec bo bolj predan podjetju in bo bolje opravljal svoje delo, kar se bo kazalo v uspešnosti podjetja.
Keywords:Kultura, ravni kulture, dimenzije kulture, sestavine kulture, kulturni šok, motivacija, vrste motivov, motivacijska struktura, motivacijski modeli, motivacijski dejavniki, anketni vprašalnik, Slovenija, Španija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Škerget]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65404 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12765980 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.07.2017
ŠKERGET, Metod, 2017, Kultura in motivacija na delovnem mestu na primeru dveh držav [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Škerget. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=65404
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Secondary language

Title:Culture and motivation on workplace in case of two countries
Abstract:In master thesis, we present two very important concepts, which are crucial for good functioning of the company and its employees. In the first part, which is theoretical, we introduced concept of culture and motivation, and countries where survey took place, Slovenia and Spain. Within the culture we defined culture, its role, levels of culture, classification of national cultures, cultural shock, dimension and structure of culture. Within the motivation we defined motivation, types of motives, motivational structure and models, scale of working motives, motivational factors and how to destroy motivation. Within the presentation of countries, we focused mainly on their business practices, economy, population and state regulation. In the second, empirical part, we have done a research where we tried to find out which are the most effective motivational factors at work in Spain and Slovenia. We highlight the most effective factors that affect the employee motivation. Based on the acquired survey questionnaires, we have made an analysis of the data by using IBM SPSS Statistics. We analyzed each factor individually and made a comparison between countries. The results we have acquired, we summarized and wrote down our conclusions. We shown the results graphically with the aforesaid program. With the results the company can improve the motivation of its employees. Nowadays, more and more organizations are aware how important are culture in which the company operates and motivation in the workplace. If the company does not know the culture in which they operate, it may lead to many wrong business decisions. Wrong methods of motivating may cause demotivation at employees. It is very important that we have satisfied and motivated employees in the workplace. This should be one of the main goals of each company. Satisfied and motivated employee will be more committed to the company and will better carry out their work, which will reflect in the company's success.
Keywords:Culture, levels of culture, dimensions of culture, structure of culture, cultural shock, motivation, types of motives, motivational structure, motivational models, motivating factors, survey questionnaire, Slovenia, Spain.


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