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Authors:ID Janžek, Tine (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Janzek_Tine_2016.pdf (598,59 KB)
MD5: 068493346E7F636E5BB07EE7E144CE89
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Za vpis pravice v zemljiško knjigo sta potrebna zevezovalni in razpolagalni posel. Razpolagalni pravni posel predstavlja zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo (intabulacijska klavzula), ki je izrecna nepogojna izjava tistega, čigar pravica se prenaša, spreminja, obremenjuje ali preneha, da dovoljuje vpis v zemljiško knjigo. Podpis na zemljiškoknjižnem dovolilu mora biti overjen. Zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo mora vsebovati podatke o imetnikih in pridobiteljih pravic, ter podatke o nepremičnini, na katero se vpis nanaša. Zemljiškoknjižnega dovolila ni dopustno pogojevati z roki in pogoji. Vendar tudi pri tej kogentni ureditvi obstajajo izjeme, v obliki pogodbe o dosmrtnem preživljanju in darila za primer smrti. Podlaga za vknjižbo pa niso le listine, ki vsebujejo zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo, pač pa enake učinke kot listinam z zemljiškoknjižnim dovolilom zakon pripisuje tudi vrsti drugih listin. Razpolagalni posel ni strogo osebne narave, zato je možno dati pooblastilo za izstavitev zemljiškoknjižnega dovolila. Pooblastilo mora biti v pisni obliki in podpis pooblastitelja mora biti notarsko overjen. Postopek overitve podpisa na zemljiškoknjižnem dovolilu vsebuje različne mehanizme, ki varujejo interese strank in zagotavljajo pravno varnost, ter hkrati varujejo javni interes. Zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo je dvostranski posel, kar pomeni, da je za njegov nastanek potrebno soglasje volj obeh strank, je tudi kavzalni posel, kar pomeni da je njegova veljavnost odvisna od veljavnosti/neveljavnosti zavezovalnega posla, ki je podlaga za njegovo izstavitev. Z izročitvijo listine z vsebino zemljiškoknjižnega dovolila in overjenim podpisom odsvojitelja pridobitelju, je razpolagalni posel sklenjen. V tem trenutku preidejo upravičenja iz pravice, ki se prenaša z zemljiškoknjižnim dovolilom v premoženjskopravno sfero pridobitelja, vendar učinkujejo le relativno zoper odsvojitelja. Pridobitev pravice začne v polnem obsegu učinkovati šele z vpisom v zemljiško knjigo.
Keywords:Zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo, pravni učinki, notarska overitev, pričakovana pravica
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Janžek]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64000 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5348139 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.12.2016
JANŽEK, Tine, 2016, PRAVNI UČINKI ZEMLJIŠKOKNJIŽNEGA DOVOLILA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Janžek. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=64000
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Secondary language

Abstract:There are two kinds of contracts that are required in order to successfully enter rights in land registry. First one is a purchase agreement between the owner of a real estate or holder of any other right in rem and the buyer, the second is land registry permit/permission (registration clause), which is an explicit, unconditional declaration by a person, whose right is being transferred, altered, encumbered or extinguished permitting an entry in the land register. His/her signature must be notarised. Land registry permission must, in order to have legal effects, contain information about the owner of a real estate (or holder of any other right in rem), about the buyer and about the real estate in question. The land registry permission must not be bound by any conditions or deadlines. But there are exceptions to this rule, for example life annuity contracts and causa mortis gifts. It is possible to authorize someone to act on your behalf regarding issuing the land registry permission. The authorization letter, must contain notarised signature. The process of certification the land registry permit contains mechanisms that protect both, interests of parties involved and public interests. Land registry permission is a bilateral contract, which means that in order to enter an agreement there must be consensus of wills of both parties. It is also causative in nature, which means that its legal effects depend on validity of contract that it is based on. The moment that buyer receives land registry permission or purchase agreement containing registration clause, the contract takes effect. The buyer is entitled to all actions regarding transferred right, but they only take effect inter partes, against the one who is transferring the right. The acquired right takes full legal effect only after it was entered in to the land register.
Keywords:Land registry permit, legal effects, notary certification, anticipated right


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