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Authors:ID Florjančič, Mojca (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Florjancic_Mojca_2016.pdf (1,77 MB)
MD5: 7EB7303838DDA196BD13FA5CF4CD1791
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Državni program zgodnjega odkrivanja predrakavih in rakavih sprememb materničnega vratu je najstarejši presejalni program za raka v Sloveniji, ki z aktivnim pristopom in presejanjem navidezno zdravih žensk s pregledom celic materničnega vratu pravočasno odkrije tiste, ki imajo predstopnjo ali začetno stopnjo raka materničnega vratu. Register ZORA na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana zbira vse izvide brisov materničnega vratu, histopatoloških preiskav in izvide triažnih testov HPV. Glede na to, da koordinacijski center programa ZORA pošilja vabila na preventivne preglede, lahko ženske s predhodnim patološkim izvidom brisa materničnega vratu ostanejo brez spodbude za kontrolni pregled, kar ni v skladu s strokovnimi smernicami. Cilj diplomske naloge je priprava funkcionalnih specifikacij za nadgradnjo modula kontrolnih pregledov v presejalnem registru ZORA in testiranje rešitve v praksi. Diplomsko delo sestavljata teoretični del, v katerem so prikazani trenutni procesi v Registru ZORA ter strokovne podlage za nadgradnjo modula, in praktični del, v katerem je prikazana rešitev nadgradnje modula z delnimi rezultati. Rezultat naloge so pripravljene funkcionalne specifikacije za pripravo modula za izbor in izpis žensk brez kontrolnega pregleda po patološkem izvidu brisa materničnega vratu z možnostjo vnosa odgovorov ginekologov in predstavitev programske rešitve nadgradnje modula. Za potrebe nadgradnje informacijskega sistema registra ZORA so popisani tudi trenutni procesi, ki potekajo v registru. Prvi rezultati nadgrajenega modula kažejo na uspešno izveden projekt, s katerim smo zajeli vse ženske, ki v izbranem obdobju niso bile obravnavane skladno s strokovnimi smernicami. Izvajalci programa ZORA — ginekologi, so odlično sprejeli spremembo, ki jim omogoča optimalnejše delo z manj stroški in boljšo obravnavo žensk.
Keywords:Državni program ZORA, register ZORA, kontrolni pregled, bris materničnega vratu
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63573 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7824403 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.11.2016
FLORJANČIČ, Mojca, 2016, NADGRADNJA MODULA KONTROLNIH PREGLEDOV V PRESEJALNEM REGISTRU ZORA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63573
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Secondary language

Abstract:The national program of early detection of premalignant and malignant changes of the cervix is the oldest cancer screening program in Slovenia that timely detect women in preliminary or early stage of cervical cancer thanks to active approach and screening of apparently healthy women by checking up the cervical cells. Screening register ZORA at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana collects all the results of smear tests, histopathological findings and the results of the triage HPV tests. Since ZORA Program Coordination Center sends invitations for preventive check ups, women with prior abnormal smear results may remain without incentives for follow up, which is not in accordance with the professional guidelines. Objective of this thesis is the preparation of functional specifications for the upgrade of the module for follow ups in the ZORA screening register, and testing of the solution in practice. The thesis consists of a theoretical part that shows the current processes in the ZORA Register and professional basis for the upgrading of the module and the practical part which shows the solution for module upgrade with partial results. The result of this thesis are prepared functional specifications for the preparation of the module for the selection and a copy of women without check up after the abnormal smear result with the possibility of entering the replies of gynecologists as well as presentation of the software solution for module upgrade. For the purposes of upgrading the information system of the ZORA Register we listed current processes that are taking place in the Register. The first results of the upgraded module indicate that project has been successfully carried out, since we covered all women within the selected period that have not been dealt with in accordance with the professional guidance. Providers of the ZORA program ‒ gynecologists, have splendidly accepted this change that allows them to optimize the work with less costs and better treatment for women.
Keywords:the national program ZORA, ZORA Register, follow up, smear test


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