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Title:Brskalnik Tor in zasebnost v kibernetskem prostoru : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Hlupič, Klemen (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: DC31EFE480F4535AC8F41BA8B6DCEE33
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ponudniki spletnih storitev nam pogosto ponujajo informacije v zameno za naše osebne podatke, ki se najpogosteje hranijo v spletnih brskalnikih. Ko obiščemo internetno stran, dovolimo administratorjem sledenje naših aktivnosti. Večino teh podatkov uporabniki prostovoljno zaupamo administratorjem, medtem ko brskalniki delijo tudi IP naslov našega računalnika, pa tega niti ne vemo. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo s pomočjo domače in tuje literature uporabili deskriptivno metodo. V drugem pa smo s primerjalno metodo na podlagi kriterijev zagotavljanja zasebnosti ugotovili razlike med brskalniki. Cilj naloge je dosežen, saj smo določili načela zasebnosti v kibernetskem prostoru in na podlagi le-teh določili kriterije zagotavljanja zasebnosti v smislu spletnih brskalnikov. Določili smo naslednje kriterije: anonimizacija, zaščita pred prestrezanjem, zaščita pred vdori, zasebno brskanje in blokiranje naprednih http piškotkov. Rezultate smo podali na tabelarni način. Ugotovili smo, da brskalniki posvečajo nekaj pozornosti tudi zasebnosti, a najpogosteje ne v prvotnih nastavitvah. Razjasnili smo, kako anonimnost vpliva na zagotavljanje zasebnost in ugotovili, da je uporaba brskalnika Tor smiselna, kadar želimo preprečiti sledenje, ki ga izvajajo državni organi preko ponudnikov interneta. Predpostavko, da zasebnost v kibernetskem prostoru ne obstaja, smo potrdili, saj do nekaterih spletnih mest z najvišjo stopnjo zasebnosti nismo mogli dostopati. Potrdili smo tudi hipotezo, da brskalnik Tor zagotavlja višjo stopnjo zasebnosti od ostalih brskalnikov. Predpostavko, da zakonodaja učinkovito ščiti zasebnost v kibernetskem prostoru, smo ovrgli, saj do pravnomočnih obsodb na tem področju prihaja le redko, najverjetneje tudi zato ker prekrškovni organ, ki je pristojen za inšpekcijski nadzor, ne razpolaga s primernimi orodji za pregon, ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju zasebnosti na internetu pa ima seveda tudi osveščenost uporabnikov, saj je zelo pomembno, da uporabniki prepoznamo, kdaj so bile naše pravice do zasebnosti kršene. Namen naloge je predstaviti zasebnost v kibernetskem prostoru skozi različne spletne brskalnike.
Keywords:kibernetski prostor, zasebnost, varovanje podatkov, informacijska varnost, spletni brskalniki, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Hlupič]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63547 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3250154 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.11.2016
HLUPIČ, Klemen, 2016, Brskalnik Tor in zasebnost v kibernetskem prostoru : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Hlupič. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63547
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Secondary language

Abstract:Internet service providers often offer us information in exchange for our personal information which are most commonly stored in web browsers. When you visit a website we allow administrators to track our activities. Users most of these data voluntary trust administrators while browsers share the IP address of our computer but we do not even know. In the first part of the thesis we have used the descriptive method of the domestic and foreign literature. In the second part, we found the differences between browsers with the correlation method based on the criteria of privacy. The objective function is achieved because we have determined the principles of privacy in cyberspace and on the basis of them and set criteria, which ensures privacy in the context of web browsers. We determined the following criteria: anonymity, protection against interception, protection against intrusion, private browsing and advanced blocking http cookies. The results were presented by tabular manner. We found that the browsers pay attention to some privacy but not often in the original settings. We clarified how the anonymity influenced on the impact of privacy and found that using Tor browser makes sense if we want to prevent tracking, which are made by national authorities through ISPs. We confirmed the assumption that privacy in cyberspace does not exist as we were not able to access to some of the sites with the highest level of privacy. We have confirmed the hypothesis that the Tor browser provides a higher privacy degree than other browsers. We refused the assumption that the law effectively protects privacy in cyberspace because the convictions in this area only rarely comes, probably also because the authority for violation, which is responsible for the inspection, does not have the appropriate tools for the prosecution. The key role in ensuring privacy on internet has of course also the awareness of users as is very important that users recognize when our rights to privacy were violated. The purpose of the thesis is to present privacy in cyberspace through the variety of web browsers.
Keywords:cyberspace, privacy, browser, Tor, control, surveillance of technologies


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