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Authors:ID Frece, Barbara (Author)
ID Ferčič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 3DEECB303F8CC9D6A87001B9113F5A87
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Konkurenca je v osnovi tekmovanje med več podjetij na istem upoštevnem trgu, katera želijo doseči isti cilj. Cilj podjetij je dobiček, sklepanje poslov in nenazadnje tudi prednost pred ostalimi tekmeci na trgu. Z vstopom Slovenije v EU je na obravnavanem področju zlorabe prevladujočega položaja največkrat relevanten Zakon o preprečevanju omejevanja konkurence in tudi Pogodba o delovanju Evropske unije, slednja sploh, kadar je pod vprašajem trgovina med državami članicami in kadar obstaja nevarnost omejevanja konkurence na notranjem trgu, saj velja načelo prednosti, tj. nadnacionalno pravo ima prednost pred nacionalnim. Pred zakonodajalcem so pod drobnogled vzeta podjetja s prevladujočim položajem na določenem upoštevnem trgu. Takšna podjetja imajo večinski tržni delež na upoštevnem trgu. Pri dominantnih podjetjih se nemalokrat lahko zgodi, da njihovo dejanje pomeni zlorabo prevladujočega položaja, če bi pa to isto dejanje storilo manjše podjetje, do zlorabe ne bi prišlo, saj njihovo ravnanje nebi imelo takšnega vpliva. V idealnih pogojih bi se naj vsak subjekt ukvarjal s čimer bi želel. V praksi ni tako. Včasih so podjetja postavljena pred dejstvo, da ne razpolagajo z bistveno sestavino, da bi posel lahko uspel. V praksi se za takšno sestavino pojavlja izraz bistvena doktrina, teorija pa v takšnih primerih nalaga imetnikom takšnih dobrin, da dobrino delijo z interesenti. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena teorija bistvene dobrine kot oblika zlorabe prevladujočega položaja. Za celosten pogled in lažje razumevanje je najprej predstavljen splošni konkurenčnopravni okvir prepovedi zlorabe prevladujočega položaja in pravna ureditev določb, ki urejata to področje. Določbi, 9.člen ZPOmK-1 in člen 102 PDEU, sta tudi podrobneje predstavljena in analizirana. V nadaljevanju se dotaknemo samih pojmov prevladujočega položaja, njegove zlorabe in teorije bistvene dobrine. Diplomsko delo temelji na teoriji, katera je podkrepljena s primeri iz sodne prakse na področju EU in Slovenije, katera je v zadnjem poglavju dela še posebej predstavljena pod okriljem delovanja AVK.
Keywords:teorija bistvene dobrine, Agencija za varstvo konkurence, upoštevni trg, prevladujoč položaj, zloraba prevladujočega položaja, konkurenca, konkurenčno pravo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Frece]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63179 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5249067 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.11.2016
FRECE, Barbara, 2016, TEORIJA BISTVENE DOBRINE V SMISLU ČLENA 102 PDEU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : B. Frece. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63179
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Secondary language

Abstract:Competition is based on competition between two or more companies in the same relevant market, which want to achieve the same goal. The aim is corporate profits, conclude transactions and last but not least advantage over other competitors in the market. When Slovenia joined the EU in present field of abuse od dominant position most relevant Act on Prevention of Restriction of Competition and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, when questioned on trade between Member States and where there is a risk of restricting competition in the common market because it is the principle advantages, ie . transnational law takes precedence over national. Before lawmakers are under the microscope taken of the dominant undertaking on the specific relevant market. Such companies have a majority market share in the relevant market. In the case of dominant companies it is often possible that their action constitutes an abuse of a dominant position, if it is the same act committed by a small company, the abuse would not occur, because their actions would not had such an effect. Under ideal conditions, to every company engaged thereby wanted. In practice it is not so. Sometimes companies are faced with a fact that does not have the essential ingredient for their own business. In practice, the term appears essential doctrine, theory forces in such cases the holders of such goods to share the item with interested companies. This thesis presents the theory of essential doctrine as a form of abuse of a dominant position. For a holistic view and better understanding was first presented to the general competition law framework for the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position and regulation provisions that regulate this field. Provision, Article 9 of the ZPOmK-1 and Article 102 TFEU, are also presented in detail and analyzed. We also touch the very concepts of a dominant position, its abuse and the theory of essential doctrine. The thesis is based on the theory, which is supported by examples from the cases in the EU and Slovenia, which is the last chapter works especially presented under the work of the operation of AVK.
Keywords:The theory of essential doctrine, the Agency for Protection of Competition, the relevant market, dominant position, abuse of dominant position, competition, Competition law.


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