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Authors:ID Peroša, Marina (Author)
ID Maletič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: C9962B50C5CDA307FD977E9E2CA832E2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno predvsem področje kakovosti, in sicer že po vpeljavi sistema vodenja kakovosti, na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje - NIJZ (v nadaljnjem besedilu: inštitut). Inštitut je nastal z združitvijo vseh Zavodov za zdravstveno varstvo in Inštituta za varovanje zdravja. Prav zaradi relativno hitrega nastanka nove organizacije, želje po organiziranosti in zadovoljstvu svojih odjemalcev se je vodstvo odločilo za vzpostavitev sistema menedžmenta kakovosti na podlagi zahtev standarda SIST EN ISO 9001:2008. Gre za celovit pristop, ki spodbuja neprestane izboljšave in temelji na procesnem pristopu. Predstavili smo pozitivne in negativne strani sistema menedžmenta kakovosti na podlagi standarda ISO 9001 na splošno in na inštitutu. Dejstvo je, da število certificiranih podjetij v zadnjih letih oz. desetletju narašča. Podjetja se skušajo hitrejše prilagajati razmeram na globalnem trgu, pri poslovanju želijo biti učinkovitejša in uspešnejša in želijo čim bolj zadovoljiti zahteve svojih odjemalcev. Ker je organizacija šele pred relativno kratkim časom privzela standard ISO, se srečuje tudi z določenimi težavami. Na podlagi strokovne literature in z raziskavo smo identificirali določene težave in predlagali nekatere izboljšave. V raziskovalnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika želeli dobiti povratne informacije, kako zaposleni občutijo spremembe, predvsem pa nas je zanimalo, ali je vodstvu v celoti uspelo vzpostaviti učinkovit sistem vodenja kakovosti. Skozi teoretični del smo primerjali stanje na inštitutu in ugotovili, da so bili pri vpeljavi sistema menedžmenta kakovosti uspešni in da nenehno izboljšujejo svoje delovanje na operativni ravni. Sama raziskava pa je podala ugotovitve, da zaupanje med zaposlenimi in vodstvom ni popolnoma vzpostavljeno, kar se odraža v zaupanju in nezadovoljstvu zaposlenih. Pojavljajo se tudi določene težave v komunikaciji zaposlenih med oddelki, skupnem delovanju zaposlenih, doseganju zastavljenih ciljev in preprečevanju nastajanja konfliktov s preventivnimi ukrepi. Prednosti, ki jih je prinesel sistem vodenja kakovosti na podlagi zahtev standarda ISO 9001:2008, se kažejo v preglednosti organizacije in procesni urejenosti, uporabi preventivnih in korektivnih ukrepov, boljšem izkoriščanju virov in v večjem zadovoljstvu njihovih odjemalcev. Vodstvo bo moralo ponuditi še večjo podporo in morda jasneje predstaviti zaposlenim, kaj so prednosti uvedbe standarda ISO in pridobitve certifikata za posameznika in celotno organizacijo. Prepričani smo, da bodo pripravili ustrezno strategijo in se uspešno spopadli z vsemi izzivi in povečali zadovoljstvo na celotni ravni organizacije, seveda z dobro dvosmerno komunikacijo.
Keywords:kakovost, standard ISO, sistem menedžmenta kakovosti, sistem vodenja kakovosti, proces, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62845 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7776531  New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.10.2016
PEROŠA, Marina, 2016, SISTEM VODENJA KAKOVOSTI ISO 9001 NA NACIONALNEM INŠTITUTU ZA JAVNO ZDRAVJE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Kranj. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=62845
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis presents mainly the field of quality, after the implementation of quality management system at the National Institute for Public Health - NIJZ (hereinafter: the Institute). The Institute was created by the merger of all health care institutions and the Institute of Public Health. Because of the relatively quick formation of the new organization, the desire for better organisational structure and to increase customers’ satisfaction, the management decided to establish a quality management system based on the requirements of the standard SIST EN ISO 9001: 2008. This is a comprehensive approach that promotes continuous improvement and is based on process approach. We presented the positive and negative sides of quality management system according to ISO Standard 9001 in general, and at the Institute. The fact is that the number of certified companies in recent years and decade is growing. Companies are trying to quickly adapt to the situation on the global market, to be efficient and effective with their business, and as far as possible aim to satisfy the requirements of its customers. Because the organization has implemented ISO standard relatively recently, it is still facing certain difficulties. Based on the scientific literature and research, we have identified certain problems and proposed some improvements. For the research work we used a questionnaire because we wanted to get feedback on how employees feel the changes and above all we wanted to know if the top management has managed to establish an effective and quality management system. Through the theoretical part of how to successfully implement a QMS, we compared the state of the institute and found that they were successful in introducing quality management system and continually improve its performance at the operational level. We found out that the trust between employees and management is not completely established, which is reflected in the confidence and dissatisfaction of employees. There are also some problems in communication between departments, working together to achieve common goals and in the area of preventing conflicts. The advantages brought by the quality management system based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 are reflected in the field of transparency and process approach, the use of preventive and corrective measures, better use of resources and increased customer satisfaction. Management will have to provide even greater support and perhaps more clearly present employees with the advantages of implementing ISO standard and acquired certificated, for the individual and the whole organization. We are confident that they will provide an appropriate strategy and be able to cope with all the challenges and will increase satisfaction on all levels of the organization, naturally with a good two-way communication.
Keywords:quality, quality management system, ISO standard, process, customer satisfaction


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