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Authors:ID Soršak, Urska (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Sorsak_Urska_2016.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: EFE84C67A9370E1DDC6BB51E5C2604D6
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Zakonska zveza je eden izmed temeljnih institutov, ki je urejen na področju družinskega prava in je zelo pomemben za oblikovanje odnosov med ljudmi. V slovenski zakonodaji jo ureja Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih (ZZZDR), ki določa, da je njen glavni namen zasnovanje družine. Z vstopom v zakonsko zvezo pa morata zakonca sprejeti tudi določene pravice in obveznosti. Nastanejo tako osebne kot premoženjskopravne posledice. Premoženjskopravni režim je v ZZZDR urejen na obligatoren način. Določeno je, da ob sklenitvi zakonske zveze nastanejo tri premoženjske mase, posebno premoženje vsakega izmed zakoncev in skupno premoženje. Zakonca se lahko dogovorita, da njuno posebno premoženje postane njuna skupna lastnina, ne moreta pa se dogovoriti, da ne bi bilo premoženje, ki ga pridobita z delom tekom zakonske zveze, skupno. Omogočena jima je torej le delna pogodbena avtonomija, saj lahko sklepata vse pravne posle, ki jih lahko sklepata s tretjimi osebami, vendar samo če niso v nasprotju z ZZZDR. Iz navedenega izhaja glavna pomanjkljivost ZZZDR na tem področju, saj s sklenitvijo ženitne pogodbe ni omogočena popolna sprememba zakonitega premoženjskega režima. Ženitna pogodba (pacta nuptialia) je posebna pogodba, ki ureja premoženjska razmerja med zakoncema na podlagi dispozicije strank tako, da zakonca uredita in uskladita vse premoženjske pravice in skupne interese v medsebojnih razmerjih kot tudi v razmerjih do tretjih. S tem, ko po ZZZDR zakonca nimata popolne pogodbene svobode, pa sta kršeni načeli avtonomije volje pogodbenih strank in dispozitivnosti pravnih norm. Številne pravne praznine, pomanjkljivosti in neskladnost ZZZDR z novejšimi predpisi v zadnjih letih nakazujejo na potrebo po prenoviti zakonodaje na področju družinskega prava. Predlagan je bil Družinski zakonik, ki bi odpravil pomanjkljivosti in vsebinsko spremenil sporne določbe ZZZDR. Na referendumu je bil leta 2012 sicer zavrnjen, vendar v Državnem zboru sedaj spet poteka javna razprava, ki nakazuje na njegovo sprejetje. Z njegovim sprejetjem bi omogočili sklenitev ženitne pogodbe in zakonca bi lahko sama odločala o ureditvi tako posebnega kot tudi skupnega medsebojnega premoženja. Če tega ne bi želela, bi obveljal zakoniti režim, ki velja že sedaj po ZZZDR. S tem bi ureditev naše zakonodaje približali drugim evropskim državam, med drugim tudi ureditvi zakonske zveze v Avstriji. Institut zakonske zveze je po avstrijskem pravnem sistemu urejen v Splošnem civilnem zakoniku (ABGB), ki ga dopolnjuje Zakon o zakonski zvezi (Ehegesetz). Zakoncema je po veljavnem avstrijskem pravu v celoti dopuščena možnost avtonomne ureditve premoženjskega režima. Kot zakonit premoženjski sistem je uveljavljen sistem ločenega premoženja, po katerem vsak zakonec ostane lastnik premoženja, ki ga je imel ob sklenitvi zakonske zveze, in tudi premoženja, ki ga je pridobil z delom v času trajanja zakonske zveze. Takšno ureditev lahko zakonca izključita z ženitno pogodbo in na način, ki je za njiju ustreznejši, uredita medsebojno premoženjsko razmerje. Avtonomija zakoncev je po zakonodaji v Avstriji torej dosti večja, kot po pravnem sistemu veljavnem v Sloveniji. V diplomski nalogi bo podrobneje izvedena primerjava ženitne pogodbe v Sloveniji po DZ in v Avstriji.
Keywords:zakonska zveza, premoženjska razmerja, ženitna pogodba, pogodbena avtonomija volje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Soršak]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62617 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5345579 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.09.2016
SORŠAK, Urska, 2016, ŽENITNA POGODBA - PRIMERJAVA MED SLOVENIJO IN AVSTRIJO [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : U. Soršak. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=62617
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Abstract:Marriage is one of the fundamental institutes, which is arranged in the area of family law, and it is very important for the formation of relationships between people. In Slovenia the main law for marriage is Law on Marriage and Family Relations Act (ZZZDR), which states that the main purpose of marriage is to design family. But by joining the law spouses must also accept certain rights and obligations. Arise both personal, such as the property consequences. A civil regime in ZZZDR is arranged on obligatoren way. It is established that the marriage formed three pecuniary gain, separate property of each spouse and the total assets. The spouses may agree that their separate property becomes their common property, but can not agree that it would not be property, which you can get to work during the marriage, total. So they only have a partial contractual autonomy, because they can conclude all legal transactions which may conclude with third parties, but only if they are not in conflict with ZZZDR. It follows that the main drawback ZZZDR in this area is that it is not possible to complete the change of legal property regime by concluding marriage contracts. Marriage contract (pacta nuptialia) is a specific agreement regulating property relations between spouses on the basis of the disposition of the parties to the spouse regulate and coordinate all property rights and common interests in mutual relations, as well as to third. By the ZZZDR spouses do not have complete freedom of contract and this means violation of the principles of autonomy of the parties' will and dispositive legal norms. A number of legal gaps, deficiencies and non-compliance with the latest regulations ZZZDR in recent years, suggesting the need to recast the legislation in the field of family law. The Family Code, that is suggested to eliminate defects and substantially changed the disputed provisions ZZZDR, was rejected on referendum by 2012, but the National Assembly is now again running public debate indicates its adoption. With its adoption would be possible to conclude a marriage contract and spouses should be able to decide on the organization so special, as well as common mutual property. If, however, this would not have wanted figures would mean a statutory regime that applies now after ZZZDR. With this arrangement our legislation would be closer to other European countries, including the organization of a marriage in Austria. The institute of marriage is the Austrian legal system governed by the General Civil Code (ABGB), complemented by Marriage (Ehegesetz). Spouses under current Austrian law fully accepting the possibility of autonomous organizing property regime. As the legal property system has established a system of separate property, according to which each spouse remains the owner of the property, which he had at marriage and property acquired by working during the marriage. Such arrangements, however, the spouses may exclude the marriage contract and in a way that is appropriate for them, regulate their mutual matrimonial property. So as we can see autonomy spouses under the law in Austria is much higher than the legal system in force in Slovenia. The thesis will detail the comparison made marriage contract in Slovenia by DZ and in Austria.
Keywords:marriage, property consequences, marriage contract, autonomy of the parties will.


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