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Title:Izbrane slikanice Neli Kodrič Filipić
Authors:ID Ručman, Irena (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Rucman_Irena_2016.pdf (1,69 MB)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti avtorico številnih del za otroke in mladino – Neli Kodrič Filipić. V svojem diplomskem delu sem analizirala štiri njene slikanice: Punčka in velikan (2009), Ali te lahko objamem močno? (2011), Sreča je (2008) in Požar (2016). Ker avtorice prej nisem poznala, sem se z različnimi metodami lotila raziskovanja in podrobnega analiziranja njenih del. Deskriptivno metodo dela sem uporabila pri predstavitvi avtorice Neli Kodrič Filipić in ilustratorjev, metodo analize in sinteze pri podrobnem analiziranju izbranih del, metodo načrtovanja pri načrtovanju praktičnih dejavnosti v skupini predšolskih otrok. Pri izvedbi dejavnosti sem uporabila metodo praktičnega izvajanja dejavnosti. Nad pestro paleto tem, ki jih avtorica opisuje v svojih delih, sem bila zelo očarana, saj se pisateljica loteva nasilja v družini, nestrpnosti med ljudmi, istospolne usmerjenosti, begunske krize itd. Ker so izbrana dela slikanice, sem nekaj besed namenila karakteristiki slikanice ter opisala književni vrsti kratko realistično zgodbo in klasično umetno pravljico. Predstavila sem ilustratorje, ki so izbrane slikanice opremili z ilustracijami: Tomislava Torjanca, Damijana Stepančiča, Elviro Lušo Džumhur in Bojano Dimitrovski. Osredotočila sem se na prej omenjene slikanice, ki so se mi kljub zahtevnim temam zdele primerne tudi za predšolske otroke. Poiskala sem način, kako otrokom prek dejavnosti približati problemske teme, ki se jih v izbranih delih loteva Neli Kodrič Filipić. S tem sem poskušala potrditi ali ovreči tri raziskovalne predpostavke: da bo katera izmed knjig za to starost otrok prezahtevna, da bom s knjigo lažje vzbudila globoka čustva pri otrocih in jih s tem spodbudila k razmišljanju ter da imajo slikanice pozitiven vpliv na otroka. Ugotovitve sem predstavila v sklepnem delu diplomske naloge.
Keywords:Neli Kodrič Filipić, slikanica, kratka realistična zgodba, klasična umetna pravljica, vloga živali v otroški književnosti.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Ručman]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60631 New window
UDC:821.163.6-93Kodrič (043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:22413064 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.08.2016
RUČMAN, Irena, 2016, Izbrane slikanice Neli Kodrič Filipić [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : I. Ručman. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60631
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Secondary language

Title:Selected picture books by Neli Kodrič Filipić
Abstract:The purpose of this diploma work is to present Neli Kodrič Filipić, an author of numerous works for children and youth. In my diploma work I analysed four of her picture books: Punčka in velikan (2009), Ali te lahko objamem močno? (2011), Sreča je (2008) and Požar (2016). As I had no prior knowledge of this author, I dealt with researching and detailed analysing with different methods. The descriptive method was used to present the author and illustrators, method of analysis and synthesis was used with detailed analysing of the chosen works and method of planning was used with planning practical activities in a group of preschool children. When executing the activities I used the method of practical activity execution. I was very impressed with the wide range of topics the author deals with in her works, for instance domestic violence, intolerance among people, homosexuality, refugee crisis etc. Since the chosen works are picture books I dedicated a few words to the characteristics of picture books and described the literary genres of realistic story and modern artificial fairy tale. Furthermore I introduced the illustrators that enriched the picture books with illustrations, namely Tomislav Torjanc, Damijan Stepančič, Elvira Luša Džumhur and Bojana Dimitrovski. Firstly, I focused on the aforementioned picture books, which I find appropriate for preschool children despite the demanding topics. I found a way in which to draw the problem topics, which Neli Kodrič Filipić deals with in the chosen works, closer to children through activities. In this way I tried to confirm or discard the research assumptions. I assume that some of the books will prove to be too demanding for children of this age, that through a book it will be easier to awake deep feelings in children and thus encourage them to think about the topics. The findings are presented in the conclusion of the diploma paper.
Keywords:Neli Kodrič Filipić, picture books, problem topics, short realistic story, modern artificial fairy tale, the role of animals in the children's literature.


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