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Authors:ID Jayasinghe, Sunil (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Jayasinghe_Sunil_2016.pdf (1,25 MB)
MD5: 56FCE65C352CD33B8EC4F24FFC23F8C6
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Povpraševanje po informacijah nenehno in nezadržno narašča; skladno temu je zagotavljanje visoke razpoložljivosti podatkov bistvenega pomena za ohranjanje konkurenčnosti. Organizacije morajo zagotavljati varnost svojih podatkov in imeti pripravljene scenarije za obnovitev delovanja sistema po okvari informacijske infrastrukture. V Probanki d. d., smo vse to zagotavljali že vrsto let z uporabo Enterprise izdaje Oracle podatkovne zbirke (angl. Oracle Enterprise Edition). Za banko kot finančno institucijo se izbor Enterprise izdaje zaradi bogatega nabora za varnost podatkov pomembnih komponent skorajda samoumevna. Občutno zmanjšan obseg poslovanja zaradi kontrolirane likvidacije podjetja je privedla do potreb po iskanju novih rešitev za zniževanje stroškov na vseh segmentih računalniške infrastrukture. Ob tem pa smo želeli ohraniti enako funkcionalnost, kot ga je imel prejšnji sistem. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, do katere mere je možno zagotoviti visoko razpoložljivost zbirke in vzpostaviti podatkovno zbirko v pripravljenosti z uporabo Standard edicije (angl. Standard Edition), ki je cenovno neprimerljivo ugodnejša, a zato šibkejša različica podatkovne zbirke istega proizvajalca. Omenjeni ediciji programskega paketa manjka nekaj pomembnih komponent, ki smo jih morali nadomestiti z ustreznimi rešitvami, preden smo se odločili za prehod na novo platformo. Uporabili smo prototipni pristop razvoja rešitve z uporabo Oracle Standard edicije na primarni in rezervni lokaciji. Vse manjkajoče komponente šibkejše edicije smo dograjevali, razvijali in izpopolnjevali po segmentih do končnega izdelka. Projekt je bil uspešen, saj smo ob prehodu na Standard različico dosegli enako ali vsaj zelo visoko stopnjo varnosti podatkov brez večjih kompromisov. Za uspešno prenovo smo morali zagotovili tudi delujočo zbirko v pripravljenosti na rezervni lokaciji. Prehod na Oracle Standard edicijo nam je zagotovil velike prihranke pri vzdrževanju programske opreme.
Keywords:Oracle Standard Edition, Podatkovna zbirka v pripravljenosti, Visoka azpoložljivost, Neprekinjeno poslovanje, Rezervna lokacija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60018 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7615763 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.06.2016
JAYASINGHE, Sunil, 2016, ZAGOTAVLJANJE VISOKE RAZPOLOŽLJIVOSTI INFORMACIJSKEGA SISTEMA V BANKI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60018
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Abstract:The demand for information is increasing constantly and steadily, and accordingly it is important to ensure high availability for maintaining competitiveness. Organizations must ensure for the security of their data and need to have prepared scenarios to restore the functioning of the system after a failure of the primary database. Probanka d.d., provides all these features for a number of years now using the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database. For a bank as a financial institution, using Enterprise Edition is crucial because of all the rich set of data security features and many important additions. Due to the controlled liquidation of the company, which has significantly reduced the volume of business, led to the need to find new solutions to reduce costs in all segments of the computing infrastructure. At the same time, we wanted to maintain the same functionality as the existing system. In the thesis we are exploring to what extent can we build a robust Disaster Recovery (DR), as well as a Highly Available (HA) environment using Oracle Standard edition, a weaker and simplified version of Enterprise edition. Standard edition is missing some important components that were replaced with other appropriate solutions before we decided on downsizing to the new platform. We used the prototype approach the development of solutions using Oracle Standard editions at the primary and the backup location. All the missing components of the weaker Oracle edition were newly created, developed and perfected by each segment until the final product. The project was successful because the process of downsizing to the Standard edition delivered high level of data security without major compromises. Providing a working Standby Database is also a key component in the migration. Successful transition to Oracle Standard edition provided significant savings in software maintenance.
Keywords:Oracle Standard Edition, Standby database, High Availability, Business continuity, Disaster Recovery location


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