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Title:Model sprejetosti informacijskega sistema IPP v javni upravi
Authors:ID Weiss Živič, Gabriela (Author)
ID Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: FB7D149DDE11DAD2AF658EEA0F33839E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Proces sprejemanja predpisov je kompleksen, saj v njem sodelujejo različni deležniki (ministrstva, občine, primarni uporabniki, strokovna in širša javnost), sledi zakonsko predpisanim proceduram in pokriva različna področja. Informacijska podpora procesa sprejemanja predpisov v državni upravi je bila zato nujna. Informacijska podpora postopkov priprave predpisov (v nadaljevanju IPP) je informacijski sistem, ki zagotavlja enotno programsko podporo procesom priprave predpisov. Sama vpeljava informacijskega sistema IPP še ne zagotavlja tudi sprejetosti informacijskega sistema. K temu prispevajo poznavanje, zaznana uporabna vrednost in preprostost uporabe in drugi. V magistrski nalogi analiziramo sprejetost informacijskega sistema IPP na podlagi modela sistemske dinamike, ki temelji na teoriji TAM in D&M modela uspešnosti IS. V ta namen smo razvili vprašalnik, ga razdelili uporabnikom sistema in na podlagi mnenj 74 anketirancev pojasnili dinamične povezave med glavnimi elementi modela. Spoznanja raziskave prispevajo k razumevanju sistema IPP in omogočajo analizo vpliva različnih scenarijev na uspešnost uporabe sistema v praksi. Ciljna publika za našo raziskavo so predvsem implementatorji IS. Predvidevamo, da jim bo raziskava koristila tako, da jim bo nudila boljši vpogled, kateri glavni dejavniki in vzročne povezave prevladujejo pri uvedbi IS.
Keywords:Informacijski sistem, model sprejetosti TAM, D&M model uspešnost, sistemska dinamika, IPP
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60016 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7725843 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2016
WEISS ŽIVIČ, Gabriela, 2016, Model sprejetosti informacijskega sistema IPP v javni upravi [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60016
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Secondary language

Title:Acceptance model for information systems for the preparation of regulations
Abstract:The process of adopting regulations is a complex one, as it requires participation of various stakeholders (ministries, municipalities, users, general public), follows statutory procedures and covers various processes. Information support to the process of adopting regulations in the public administration was therefore necessary. Information support processes for drafting regulations (IPP) is information system that ensures unified software support for the processes of regulation drafting. However, the introduction of an information system does not by itself ensure its acceptance. The main factors in increasing acceptance of information systems include better understanding, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This paper analyses an individual’s acceptance of the IPP information system using a system dynamics model based on the theories of the TAM and D&M IS success models. For the purpose of the analysis, we developed a questionnaire, distributed it among system users and explained the dynamics between the main elements of the model based on opinions of 74 respondents. The findings of the analysis contribute to a better understanding of the IPP system and enable us to analyse the impact of different scenarios on its success in practice. The target audience are mainly the implementors of IS. We anticipate that they will benefit from a contribution with insight into what the main factors and the causal links are dominated by the introduction of the IS.
Keywords:Information system, acceptance model TAM, D&M success model, system dinamics, IPP


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