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Title:Model e-poslovanja srednje šole
Authors:ID Ivančič, Vasja (Author)
ID Gričar, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Ivancic_Vasja_2016.pdf (6,19 MB)
MD5: FBB699307E459FD041690B2A89ACE5B8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Sledenje spremembam in razvoju je osnova za preživetje podjetij. V takšen hitri razvoj in napredek so vključene tudi izobraževalne ustanove, ki morajo zaradi globalnih sprememb in uporabe razvitih tehnologij prilagajati svoje poslovanje. Klasične strategije in procesi so v današnjem času že skoraj neuporabne in na večini ravni nesprejemljive. Spreminjata se notranje kot zunanje okolje, zato je spremembe potrebno sprejeti in jim slediti, saj se lahko le tako vzpostavi primerno poslovanje in se dosegajo cilji v organizaciji. V delu so prikazani obstoječi procesi v srednjih šolah, dokumentacija, njihova sledljivost in arhiviranje. Analiza stanja je pokazala, da nastane veliko za današnji čas nepotrebnih stroškov pri poslovanju in hkrati dvojnost ali celo trojnost nekaterih podatkov, kar nas je vzpodbudilo k razmišljanju, da se izdela ustrezna prototipna rešitev, ki bo zagotovila prenovo procesov poslovanja z doseganjem ciljev poslovanja v celotni organizaciji in zniževanje stroškov ter seveda tudi konkurenčnost organizacije na vseh ravneh. V zaključku dela je prikazana prototipna rešitev za uvedbo kompletnega e-poslovanja srednje šole v smislu povezovanja do sedaj ločenih procesov, sledljivost dokumentov in ustrezno e-arhiviranje. Takšen model bi lahko bil uporaben za vse srednje šole na ravni države z možnostjo razširitve in uporabe v vseh izobraževalnih ustanovah do pridobitve najmanj V. stopnje izobrazbe.
Keywords:e-dokumentni sistem, e-poslovanje, poslovni proces, vzgojno izobraževalni proces, srednja šola
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59688 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7706899 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.10.2016
IVANČIČ, Vasja, 2016, Model e-poslovanja srednje šole [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=59688
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Secondary language

Title:Model of e-cooperation in secondary school
Abstract:Following changes, following development is the basis for survival of businesses. Such rapid development and progress also include educational institutions, which must due to global changes and the use of advanced technologies adjust their operational schemes. Classic strategies and processes are nowadays almost useless and on most levels unacceptable. Both internal and external environment is changing, and these changes need to be adopted and followed, because this is the only way to establish appropriate business and to achieve objectives of the organization. The thesis shows existing processes in secondary schools, documentation, traceability and archiving. The analysis of the situation showed that unnecessary costs for business occur and at the same time duality or even triplicity of some data, which encouraged us to think to work out an adequate prototype solution that will ensure the renewal of business processes with achieving business objectives throughout the organization and lower the costs and, of course, the competitiveness of the organization at all levels. In the conclusion of the thesis a prototype solution for the introduction of a complete e-commerce of a secondary school in terms of integration of hitherto separate processes, traceability of documents and the appropriate e-archiving is presented. Such a model could be useful for all secondary schools at the national level with the possibility of extension and application in all educational institutions to obtain at least the fifth degree of education.
Keywords:e-document management system, e-commerce, business process, educational process, secondary school


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