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Title:Obdavčitev kapitalskih dobičkov pri odsvojitvi izvedenih finančnih instrumentov
Authors:ID Cavnik, Damir (Author)
ID Škof, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Samec Berghaus, Nataša (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Cavnik_Damir_2016.pdf (5,28 MB)
MD5: A70CDBE5148727FDCB8CDEC970B51E49
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjam z vprašanjem primernosti ureditve obdavčevanja dobičkov fizičnih oseb od odsvojitve izvedenih finančnih instrumentov z davčnopravnega vidika. Slovenski davčni režim je na tem področju poseben, saj do uvedbe Zakona o davku od odsvojitve izvedenih finančnih instrumentov (ZDDOIFI) dobički fizičnih oseb od odsvojitve izvedenih finančnih instrumentov niso bili obdavčeni. Z njim je bila uvedena restriktivna obdavčitev za dosežene navedene dobičke z visoko 40 % davčno stopnjo za imetništva izvedenih finančnih instrumentov do enega leta. Višina davčne stopnje za dobičke, dosežene po enem letu imetništva, pa zapade po stopnji obdavčitve, kot velja za ostale kapitalske dobičke Zakonu o dohodnini. Zaradi izredne nujnosti uvajanja ZDDOIFI, ki je presenetil poslovno in strokovno javnost v letu 2008, se v delu ukvarjam tudi z razlogi, ki so privedli do uvedbe zakona, in posledično z vprašanjem, ali je zakon dosegel zastavljene fiskalne in nefiskalne cilje ter tudi na podlagi primerjalno pravne analize ureditve avstrijskega, nemškega in britanskega davčnega sistema podam predloge za izboljšave davčnega sistema na tem področju.
Keywords:finančni instrument, vrednostni papir, izvedeni finančni instrument, nestandardizirana terminska pogodba, standardizirana terminska pogodba, opcija, posel zamenjave, pogodba na razliko, Zakon o davku od dobička od odsvojitve izvedenih finančnih instrumentov, Lafferjeva krivulja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Cavnik]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59436 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5129003 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.07.2016
CAVNIK, Damir, 2016, Obdavčitev kapitalskih dobičkov pri odsvojitvi izvedenih finančnih instrumentov [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Cavnik. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=59436
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Secondary language

Title:Taxation of Profits from the Disposal of Derivative Financial Instruments
Abstract:This Master's thesis deals with the issue of the suitability of the existing taxation of profits of natural persons from the disposal of derivative financial instruments from the perspective of tax law. The Slovenian tax regime in this area is special because until 2008 the profits of natural persons from the disposal of derivative financial instruments were not taxed at all. Since the introduction of the Act for Tax from the Disposal of Derivative Financial Instruments was introduced, the restrictive taxation of profits has been achieved and a tax rate of as much as 40 % on holdings of up to 1 year. The tax rate on the profits gained after one year of ownership falls due at the same rate of taxation applicable to other capital gains under the Law on Personal Income Tax. Due to the very sudden introduction of ZDDOIFI that surprised the business and professional public in 2008, the thesis also partly deals with the reasons that led to the introduction of the law and, consequently with the question of whether the law has achieved its fiscal and non-fiscal objectives and also on the basis of comparative legal analysis of the regulation of the Austrian, German and British tax system me give suggestions for improvement of the tax system in this area.
Keywords:financial instrument, security, financial derivative, forward contract, futures contract, option, swap, contract for difference, Law on tax on profit from disposal of financial derivatives, Laffer curve


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