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Authors:ID Uršič, Vesna (Author)
ID Mlinarič, Franjo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Ursic_Vesna_2016.pdf (1,26 MB)
MD5: 5E6ED3277FD7EBE2968BC6D754A5345D
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Živimo v družbi, ki teži k brezgotovinskemu plačevanju in posledično spodriva gotovino v obtoku. Z razvojem spletne trgovine število plačilnih kartic iz leta v leto narašča. V letu 2014 se je povečalo na 766 milijonov, kar predstavlja 1,5 plačilne kartice na posameznega prebivalca v Evropski uniji (v nadaljevanju EU). Vse več državnih institucij spodbuja razvoj brezgotovinskega plačevanja, saj si prizadevajo za popoln nadzor nad transakcijami z namenom omejitve sive ekonomije, čeprav bi se posledično lahko zmanjšalo varčevanje in povečalo zadolževanje. V letu 2015 je bilo tako v Evropi izvršenih brezgotovinskih transakcij za več kot 121 milijard dolarjev (v nadaljevanju USD). Z obsegom negotovinskih plačil pridobivajo vedno večjo vlogo sodobni plačilni sistemi nebančnih institucij, ki zagotavljajo enostaven, zanesljiv, hiter in poceni prenos. PayPal danes velja za vodilni plačilni sistem, ki se ponaša z več kot 179 milijoni uporabnikov. Tehnološki napredek je pripomogel k razvoju digitalnih valut. Relativno mlada virtualna valuta BitCoin, katere vrednost se na dan 25. april 2016 giblje okrog 460 USD, je povzročila pravo revolucijo med plačilnimi sistemi. Konkurenca med njimi je sicer precejšnja, vendar pa bo večji tržni delež prevzel tisti, ki bo sledil tržnim potrebam in inovacijam. Trend brezgotovinskih plačil bo tako z razvojem današnje tehnologije naraščal in posledično izpodrinil gotovino, kar bo v prvi vrsti pripomoglo svetovnemu trgu. Kateri od ponudnikov plačilnega sistema bo na vodilnem položaju, pa bo odvisno od zaupanja vanj, sledenju tehnologije in njegovi uporabni vrednosti.
Keywords:brezgotovinsko plačevanje, plačilne kartice, PayPal, BitCoin
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Uršič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58801 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12442140 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.08.2016
URŠIČ, Vesna, 2016, OCENA TRENDOV BREZGOTOVINSKEGA PLAČEVANJA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : V. Uršič. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=58801
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Abstract:We live in a society, which tends to cashless payments and consequently displaces the cashflow. With the development of the online store, the number of payment cards has annually increased. In 2014, it increased to 766 million, which represents 1.5 payment cards per capita in the European Union. A growing number of state institutions promotes the development of cashless paying, since they want to have total control over transactions in order to limit grey economy even though this could reduce savings and increase borrowing. In 2015, more than 121 billion dollars of cashless transactions were executed in Europe. With the amount of cashless payments, modern paying systems of non-banking institutions, which ensure simple, reliable, fast and cheap transactions, are gaining increasing importance. Today, PayPal is considered to be the leading payment system with over 179 million users. The technological development contributed to the development of digital currencies. The relatively young virtual currency BitCoin with a value of 460 $ on April 25th, 2016, caused a true revolution among paying systems. The competition among them is large, but the market share will be taken over by the one that will follow market needs and innovations. The trend of cashless payments will thus increase with the development of modern technology and consequently displace cash, which will in the first place contribute to the world market. Which payment system provider will be the leading one, depends on the trust in him, following technological trends and its applicable value.
Keywords:cashless payment, payment card, PayPal, BitCoin


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