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Title:Proteini kot prehranski dodatki in njihova primerjava
Authors:ID Korat, Dejan (Author)
ID Skalicky, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Meden, Vesna Mila (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Korat_Dejan_2016.pdf (1,39 MB)
MD5: 809E6B7FEF85A5D0428CECB846BD97F5
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo predstavili proteinske dodatke in jih primerjali med seboj. Z anketnim vprašalnikom, katerega so izpolnjevali športniki in drugi anketiranci, smo raziskovali, kakšen odnos imajo anketiranci do proteinskih dodatkov in kako so o njih ozaveščeni. Ugotovili smo, da športniki pogosteje uporabljajo prehranske dodatke kot drugi anketiranci in jih tudi bolje poznajo. Da je kvaliteta pomembna, se zavedajo vsi anketirani, so pa premalo ozaveščeni, da je nakup preko spleta tvegan. Na podlagi raziskav v laboratoriju smo pridobili informacije glede sestave proteinskih dodatkov in te primerjali s podatki, navedenimi na ovojnini. Zanimal nas je delež beljakovin, sladkorja in vlaknin v šestih proteinskih dodatkih. Ugotovili smo, da pri vsebnosti beljakovin glede na deklaracijo precej odstopajo štirje od šestih analiziranih vzorcev. Pri analizi sladkorjev najbolj odstopata dva vzorca. Na osnovi primerjav smo ugotavljali ceno glede na vsebnost odstotkov beljakovin v proteinskih dodatkih. Največji delež beljakovin je imel sirotkin proteinski dodatek Whey 20 športni izolat. Njegova cena je bila 36 €/kg. Pri kazeinskem proteinskem dodatku je imel največji delež beljakovin QNT protein casein 92, zanj pa je bilo potrebno odšteti 32 €/kg. Največji delež beljakovin v sojinem proteinskem dodatku je imel Pro 10 soj isolat. Cena tega dodatka je bila 14 €/kg. Največji delež beljakovin v konopljinem proteinskem dodatku je imel Muscle & Strength hemp protein, njegova cena pa je bila 25 €/kg. Primerjali smo tudi sestavine med proteinskimi dodatki. Sirotkini in sojini proteinski dodatki so na obrok (30 g) v povprečju vsebovali največ beljakovin. Najmanj beljakovin pa so vsebovali konopljini proteinski dodatki.
Keywords:proteinski dodatki, beljakovine, sladkor, vlaknine, ovojnina
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57591 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.03.2016
KORAT, Dejan, 2016, Proteini kot prehranski dodatki in njihova primerjava [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57591
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Secondary language

Title:Proteins as nutritional supplements and comparison of them
Abstract:This master’s thesis presents food protein supplements and compares them with each other. With a survey questionnaire, that was completed by athletes and other interviewees, we evaluated the attitude that interviewees had towards protein supplements and the amount of knowledge they have on supplements. We found out, that athletes use nutritional supplements more often than other general population interviewees and have better knowledge of them. All the interviewees were aware that quality matters, but they were not aware that online purchases may be risky. Through laboratory research, we obtained information on the content of protein supplements and compared it to the information provided on the packaging. We were interested in protein, sugar and fibre shares in 6 different protein supplements. We found out, that in 4 out of 6 analysed samples, the content of proteins differed from what was stated on the declaration. In the sugar analysis, there were 2 samples that stood out the most. Based on the comparisons and considering protein percentage in the content of protein supplements, we were trying to find out relation to the price. Protein supplement Whey 20 Sport Isolate contained the largest share of protein. Its price was 36 €/kg. QNT Protein Casein 92, which cost 32 €/kg, had the largest protein percentage among the casein protein supplements. Of the soy protein supplements, the Pro-10 Soy Protein Isolate had the highest percentage share of proteins. Price of this supplement was 14 €/kg. Muscle & Strength Hemp Protein had the largest share of proteins out of hemp protein supplements. Its price was 25 €/kg. We also compared the ingredients in protein supplements. Per meal, whey and soy protein supplements on average contained the highest amount of proteins per meal (30 g). On the other hand, hemp protein supplements contained the lowest.
Keywords:protein supplements, proteins, sugar, fibre, declaration


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