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Title:Revitalizacija Gajševskega jezera z ekoremediacijami
Authors:ID Hepe, Luka (Author)
ID Vovk, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hepe_Luka_2015.pdf (4,20 MB)
MD5: B0F19D92378205400116D598A47F9654
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Gajševsko jezero se ubada s številnimi težavami, med katerimi so največje onesnažena voda, evtrofikacija in zamuljenost dna. Težave jezera posredno vplivajo tudi na življenje domačinov. Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s celostnim pregledom problematike Gajševskega jezera. Predstavljene so težave, vzroki zanje in posledice trenutnega stanja. Pregled smo predstavili tudi s pomočjo dosedanjih spoznanj drugih avtorjev. V nalogi smo predstavili predloge za začetek sanacije in revitalizacije Gajševskega jezera, ki se bo začela v okviru projekta Dobra voda za vse. Uporabili bomo okolju prijazen pristop, sanacija bo potekala z uporabo tehnike ekoremediacije. Ker slednje lokalni javnosti ni natančneje poznano, bi ob jezeru nastal tudi manjši učni poligon za ekoremediacije, ki bi vključeval ekosistemsko učno pot z učnimi tablami, opazovališče za ptiče, pilotne objekte različnih rastlinskih čistilnih naprav in ERM ukrepe na Gajševskem jezeru in reki Ščavnici. Poligon bo primeren tudi za izobraževanje in ozaveščanje prebivalstva. Nastala bo tudi spletna stran z infocentrom, s katero bodo domačini lahko pridobili še več informacij o ekoremediacijah. V nalogi so predstavljeni raziskovalni podatki, ki smo jih pridobili od lokalnih prebivalcev na javnih delavnicah. S pomočjo teh podatkov smo izdelali idejni predlog za revitalizacijo Gajševskega jezera in nastanek učnega poligona za ekoremediacije ob njem. Na koncu smo predstavili in analizirali pomen revitalizacije in poligona za regijo.
Keywords:Gajševsko jezero, ERM, rastlinske čistilne naprave, revitalizacija, poligon za ekoremediacije, trajnostni razvoj regije.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Hepe]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55711 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22219016 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.05.2016
HEPE, Luka, 2015, Revitalizacija Gajševskega jezera z ekoremediacijami [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : L. Hepe. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=55711
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Secondary language

Title:Revitalization of Gajševci Lake through Ecoremediation
Abstract:Lake Gajševci is facing a lot of problems. Some of the biggest are polluted water, eutrophication and a layer of sludge on its bottom. The problems of the Lake indirectly affect the lives of the local population. The master thesis deals with a comprehensive review of the difficulties of Lake Gajševci, with the presentation of problems, their causes and the consequences of the current situation. The overview is made also by using the observations of other authors. In the thesis we present the proposals to start the rehabilitation and revitalization of Lake Gajševci, which is going to begin through the project »Dobra voda za vse«. The project is going to utilize an environment friendly approach using ecoremediation. Since ecoremediation is not well known by the local population, a small learning ground for ecoremediation that would include an ecosystem-based educational route with teaching panels, a place for monitoring the birds and pilot facilities demonstrating different constructed wetlands is going to be built. At the learning ground ecoremediation techniques used for the revitalization of Lake Gajševci and river Ščavnica, are also going to be presented. The learning ground is also going to be suitable for the education and the raising of awareness of the local population. Through the project a website is going to be created, where the local population is going to be able to find more information on ecoremediation. Research data obtained at public workshops in the region are also presented in the master thesis. The proposals for the revitalization of Lake Gajševci and the building of a small learning ground next to the lake were developed with the help of these data. To conclude, the significance of the rehabilitation and revitalization of Lake Gajševci for the entire region is analysed.
Keywords:Lake Gajševci, ecoremediation, constructed wetlands, revitalization, learning ground for ecoremediation, sustainable development of the region.


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