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Title:Prenova logističnih procesov v podjetju Pfeifer GesmbH
Authors:ID Krampelj, Boris (Author)
ID Lerher, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Potrč, Iztok (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Krampelj_Boris_2015.pdf (4,70 MB)
MD5: C6DDD5838CD81B1C8C96AB10CF68DF89
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V času velike konkurence na trgu podjetja za doseganje višje konkurenčnosti ter dobička stremijo k racionalizaciji svojega poslovanja in povezovanju med podjetji v logistično verigo. Zasledovanje stroškov podjetja je predvsem vezano na podrobno poznavanje procesov, ki se odvijajo v podjetju. Zaradi nepoznavanja lastnega poslovanja in zmožnosti določitve realnih stroškov poslovanja podjetja zmotno mislijo, da so glavni dejavniki visokih stroškov zaposleni, nizka normiranost delovnih procesov, nizka prodajna cena, ali visoke cene nabavnih surovin. Z magistrskim delom želimo prikazati pomembnost poznavanja posameznih procesov, ki se odvijajo v podjetju. Pomembno je poznati, kako so zgrajeni, kaj je potrebno za njihov začetek in zaključek, da se znotraj logističnih podsistemov podjetja odvijejo kar se da hitro in učinkovito ob čim nižjih stroških z maksimalno produktivnostjo. Predstavljeni procesi podjetja Pfeifer GesmbH tečejo v obstoječem stanju v primerjavi z vpeljanimi izboljšavami med 7,50 % in 81,64 % svojih zmogljivosti. S predvideno investicijo približno 121.000,00 EUR bi le-to lahko zvišali med 18,36 % ter 92,50 %, kar dosežemo s krajšimi časi, potmi in razbremenitvijo zaposlenih v posameznih procesih. Razbremenitev temelji na prenosu odgovornosti in izvedbo procesov na strojno in programsko opremo.
Keywords:logistika, logistični podsistemi, opravljena pot, čas, proces, podproces.
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[B. Krampelj]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55641 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512742205 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2016
KRAMPELJ, Boris, 2015, Prenova logističnih procesov v podjetju Pfeifer GesmbH [online]. Master’s thesis. Celje : B. Krampelj. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=55641
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Secondary language

Title:Reengineering of logistics processes in the company Pfeifer GesmbH
Abstract:In the time of such a Market competition, companies try to achieve greater competitiveness and profit through streamlining its operations and associate among other companies into logistic chains. Tracing the cost it is mainly linked to the detailed knowledge of the processes taking place in the company. Due to the ignorance of knowing their own business and the possibilities of determining real operating costs, companies mistakenly think, that the main factors of high costs represent employees, low norms in work processes, low selling price and high cost of raw material. The thesis seeks primarily to demonstrate the importance of knowing the individual processes taking place in the company. It is important to know how they are constructed, what is needed for their opening and closing. It is important that the processes within the logistics subsystems take place as quickly and efficiently as possible at the lowest costs with the maximum of productivity. Presented processes of the company Pfeiffer GesmbH In its existing form run compared to the introduced improvements between 7.50 % and 81.64 % of their capacity. The planned investment of approximately 121.000 EUR, would increase the capacity between 18,36 % and 92,50 %, which is achieved with shorter times, paths and reduced burden of the employees. Relief is based on the transfer of responsibility and implementation of processes on hardware and software.
Keywords:logistics, logistics subsystems, performed path, time, processes, subprocesses.


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