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Title:Poučevanje glasbene umetnosti v očeh učiteljev razrednega pouka
Authors:ID Stražar, Mateja (Author)
ID Črčinovič Rozman, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Strazar_Mateja_2015.pdf (1,88 MB)
MD5: 714A98B895AD6059BE00AD4D79518B8A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V magistrskem delu z naslovom Poučevanje glasbene umetnosti v očeh učiteljev razrednega pouka smo obravnavali tematiko o poučevanju učiteljev GUM na razredni stopnji. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili poučevanje GUM nekoč in danes, pri nas in v naših sosednjih državah. Predstavili smo glasbene dejavnosti in vlogo učitelja pri njihovem poučevanju. Poglavje smo namenili tudi uporabi medpredmetnih povezav, oblikam poučevanja, uporabi didaktičnih gradiv in uporabi IKT. Dotaknili smo se tudi glasbenega razvoja učencev ter formalnega in neformalnega poučevanju GUM. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela smo obravnavali tematiko o učitelju in glasbeni umetnosti, učiteljevi in učenčevi motivaciji ter izobraževanju učiteljev. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo vprašalnikov želeli ugotoviti stališča učiteljev razrednega pouka do poučevanja GUM in kako pogosto v razredu uporabljajo glasbene dejavnosti, didaktična gradiva ter pripomočke, ki so jim na razpolago pri poučevanju, glede na delovno dobo, razred poučevanja in glasbene izkušnje, pridobljene v glasbeni šoli in pri pevskem zboru. Vzorec je zajemal 178 učiteljev razrednega pouka iz naključno izbranih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Rezultati so pokazali, da delovna doba in razred poučevanja nimata pomembne vloge pri poučevanju GUM, saj se pri večini trditev razlike ne pojavijo. Glede na glasbene izkušnje, pridobljene v glasbeni šoli, pa so se razlike pojavile predvsem pri trditvah, ki se nanašajo na petje in igranje na glasbila. Pri trditvah s tematiko petja, igranja glasbil, poslušanja in glasbene ustvarjalnosti pa so se pojavile razlike glede na glasbene izkušnje, pridobljene pri pevskem zboru. Starejši učitelji in učitelji, ki imajo več glasbenih izkušenj, imajo pri trditvah bolj pozitivna stališča do glasbenih dejavnosti in jih pogosteje uporabljajo pri poučevanju. Glede na naše rezultate bi bilo dobro, da bi se učitelji bolj zavedali pomembnosti uporabe raznolikih glasbenih dejavnosti in pripomočkov pri poučevanju GUM ter bili za njihovo uporabo ustrezno usposobljeni.
Keywords:osnovna šola, glasbena umetnost, poučevanje, stališča učiteljev, uporaba didaktičnih gradiv in pripomočkov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Stražar]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55267 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21761032 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.11.2015
STRAŽAR, Mateja, 2015, Poučevanje glasbene umetnosti v očeh učiteljev razrednega pouka [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Stražar. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=55267
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching Musical Art in the Eyes of Primary School Teachers
Abstract:In the master's thesis Teaching Musical Art in the Eyes of Primary School Teachers we have discussed the theme of teaching musical art on primary level. In the theoretical part we have firstly presented the teaching of musical art today and in the past, in our country and in the neighbouring countries. We have presented musical activities and the teacher’s role within his teaching. One chapter is also dedicated to the use of correlations between subjects, to different forms of teaching, to the use of teaching materials and the use of information and communications technology (ICT). We have also exposed the musical development of pupils and the formal and informal teaching of musical art. At the end of the theoretical part we have discussed the questions about the teacher and musical art, about the teacher’s and the pupil’s motivation and the education of teachers. With the use of questionnaires in the empirical part we aimed to discover the opinions of primary level teachers within musical art teaching. Also, we were discovering the frequency of using musical activities, teaching material and accessories that teachers have at their disposal when teaching in class, all according to the period of employment, teaching class and musical experience, gained at the musical school and at the choir. The pattern included 178 primary level teachers from randomised Slovenian primary schools. The results have shown us that the period of employment and the teaching class have no greater role within musical art teaching, since the differences do not appear in the most of the statements. According to the musical experience, gained at the musical school, the differences appeared mostly in the statements that involved singing and playing on musical instruments. The differences according to the musical experiences, gained at the choir, occurred in the statements with the theme of singing, playing on musical instruments and musical creativity. Older teachers and teachers, who do not have musical experiences, have more positive opinions in their statements for musical activities and tend to use them more frequently in their class. According to our results, teachers should consider to be more aware of the importance of the use of various musical activities and accessories when teaching musical art and to be properly qualified for their use.
Keywords:primary school, musical art, teaching, teachers’ opinions, the use of teaching material and accessories


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