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Title:Vplivni parametri razogličenja jekel
Authors:ID Krajnc, Anže (Author)
ID Anžel, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Krajnc_Anze_2015.pdf (2,36 MB)
MD5: F27B88F737A73CD401A4588A4153CA7F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Diplomsko delo temelji na znanju in podatkih, pridobljenih med opravljanjem praktičnega izobraževanja v podjetju Štore STEEL d.o.o., Štore. Štore STEEL d.o.o., Štore je jeklarna, katere glavni proizvod so vzmetna jekla. Za izdelavo vzmeti se zahtevajo jekla najvišje kakovosti z ustrezno mikrostrukturo, kemično sestavo ter brez izcej, nekovinskih vključkov in površinskih napak. Eden izmed pomembnih problemov proizvodnje, ki lahko bistveno vpliva na kvaliteto izdelanega jekla, je razogljičenje jekla. Razogljičenje jekla je pojav pri katerem se del površinskega sloja jekla osiromaši z ogljikom. To vpliva negativno na mehanske lastnosti površine jeklenega obdelovanca. V diplomski nalogi je narejena analiza parametrov, ki vplivajo na razogljičenje jekla med celotnim procesom njegove izdelave v Štore STEEL d.o.o.. Na osnovi pridobljenih podatkov je z uporabo linearne regresije izdelan model razogljičenja, iz katerega je razviden vpliv parametrov na razogljičenje. S kontrolo teh parametrov se lahko pojav razogljičenja omeji. Rezultati naloge so preverjeni z uporabo kontrolnih podatkov.
Keywords:Razogljičenje, parametri razogljičenja, vzmetno jeklo, linearna regresija, jeklo 51CrV4
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Krajnc]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54799 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19363350 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2015
Categories:KTFMB - FS
KRAJNC, Anže, 2015, Vplivni parametri razogličenja jekel [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Krajnc. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54799
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Secondary language

Title:The influence parameters of steel decarbonisation
Abstract:The bachelor thesis is based on knowledge and data collected during my practical training in Štore STEEL LTD., Štore. Štore STEEL is a steel mill, of which main product are spring steels. For manufacturing of springs, steel of highest quality with proper chemical composition, microstructure, without discharge, nonmetallic macro inclusions and surface defects is needed. One of big problems during manufacturing, which can significantly affect the quality of steel surface, is decarburization. Decarburization is reduction of carbon content on the surface. It has negative effect on mechanical properties of workpiece's surface. The study contains the analysis of work parameters on dacarburization during the whole steel manufacturing process in Štore STEEL. A decarburization model was made, using linear regression and control data. With the control of work parameters, decarburization can be limited. The results are verified using data from manufacturing process.
Keywords:Decarbonisation, parameters of decarbonisation, spring steel, linear regression, steel 51CrV4


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