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Title:Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja na primeru banke X
Authors:ID Kapun, Kaja (Author)
ID Dajčman, Silvo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: BE2A00152E30D35D382F179BE40E466A
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Čas finančne in gospodarske krize je zaznamoval prav vse, tudi banke, ki načeloma veljajo za stabilne. Delniške naložbe so postale preveč tvegane, zato so investitorji raje poiskali manj tvegane naložbe. Povečal se je javni dolg, obseg trgovanja na borzi je padel, veliko je bilo stečajev in prezadolženosti podjetij, poslabšali so se kreditni portfelji bank, potrebna je bila dokapitalizacija bank in zavarovalnic. Nastopil je tudi kreditni krč. Kreditno tveganje spada med najpomembnejša sistemska tveganja v bankah, zato je še toliko bolj pomembno, da ga banke uspešno in natančno obvladujejo. V pomoč so jim različni kazalniki kreditnega tveganja in podatki v bilanci stanja, kot so celotna posojila, slaba posojila, celotna aktiva, bruto znesek slabih posojil, oslabitve, rezervacije. Banka upravlja kreditno tveganje s stalnim spremljanjem in analiziranjem poslovanja dolžnikov. Izpostavljenost kreditnemu tveganju banka znižuje tudi z zavarovanji premoženj. Pomembno vlogo pri vsem tem pa imajo bonitetne agencije, ki s svojo oceno pomagajo posojilodajalcem pri odločitvi o zanesljivosti posojilojemalca, ki je lahko fizična ali pravna oseba.
Keywords:Kredit, kreditno tveganje, bonitetna agencija, bonitetna ocena, oblike zavarovanja, kazalnik kreditnega tveganja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Kapun]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54674 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12169756 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.12.2015
KAPUN, Kaja, 2015, Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja na primeru banke X [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Kapun. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54674
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Secondary language

Title:Credit Risk Management - A Case of Bank X
Abstract:The time of financial and economic crisis has left a mark on everything, including banks, which are generally known for their stability. Equity investments became too much of a risk, forcing investors to seek out assets that are less speculative, which had a negative impact on the trading volume of stock markets. Over-indebtness, insolvency issues and bankruptcies of several large companies, decrease in value of loan portfolios and the requirement of capital injections for banks and insurance agencies resulted in an increase of public debt and the occurrence of the credit crunch. Credit risk is one of the most important systemic risks in banks, because of this it is even more important that the banks successfully and accurately control it. To help them, there are different indicators of credit risk and information in the balance sheet, such as total loans, bad loans, total assets, the gross amount of bad loans, impairment provisions. Banks also manage credit risk by continuous monitoring and analyzing of debtors, while lowering the exposure to credit risk by property insurance. Credit rating agencies have an important role in all of this, helping lenders by assessing the reliability of borrowers, who may be a natural or a legal person.
Keywords:Credit, credit risk, the credit rating agency, credit rating, forms of insurance, an indicator.


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