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Authors:ID Urbanč, Matej (Author)
ID Uršič, Duško (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Urbanc_Matej_2015.pdf (736,41 KB)
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:S pogajanji se srečujemo vsak dan, čeprav se tega niti ne zavedamo. Vedno smo soočeni z željo po tistem, kar nimamo, pa bi lahko dobili. Eden od možnih načinov, da bi to dosegli, so pogajanja. V življenju imamo ljudje različne interese, stališča in cilje, pogajanje pa so proces njihovega zbliževanja. Tudi v poslovnem svetu smo lahko priča številnim neskladjem interesov, zato med partnerji iz različnih organizacij vladajo nasprotja. Ta so gonilo napredka, usklajevanje stališč pa pogoj za konkurenčno delovanje in sodelovanje med organizacijami. Cilj pogajanj je sklenitev dogovora, pot do njega pa navadno zelo dolga in težavna. Od pripravljenosti in ravnanja pogajalcev je odvisno, če bo ta dosežen in na kakšen način. Kot uspešni pogajalci se moremo osredotoči na svoje prednosti in obvladovanju samega sebe, potrpežljivosti, sklepanju kompromisov in premagovanju razlik. Pri tem imamo na voljo številne strategije in taktike, ki nas usmerjajo na poti do zastavljenega cilja. Njihova izbira je ključnega pomena, ki bo odločilno vplivala na končni izid pogajanj. V diplomskem projektu smo predstavili namen ter poglavitne značilnosti in cilje pogajanj. Poudarili smo njen pomen pri razreševanju konfliktnih situacij, ki nastanejo zaradi neskladnosti interesov pogajalcev. Dotaknili smo se komunikacijske plati pogajanj in opozorili na primerno izražanje stališč drugim sogovornikom ter navedli priporočila za primerno obnašanje. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili na pogajalce kot udeležence pogajanj in izrazili pomembnost, da poznamo sebe kot pogajalca ter svoje prednosti in slabosti. Spoznali smo dejstvo, da se dobri pogajalci se ne rodijo, temveč to postanejo s pomočjo vaj in izkušenj. Analizirali smo tudi izsledke raziskave, ki kažejo, da smo kot pogajalci preveč prepričani vase ter pogosto nepotrpežljivi. V poglavju pogajalske strategije in taktike smo navedli vrste le-teh ter njihove značilnosti. Izpostavili smo pomembnost njihove izbire, pri kateri moremo upoštevati okoliščine pogajanj in naravnanost drugih udeležencev. V zadnjem poglavju smo se sprehodili skozi proces pogajanj. Poudarili smo pomembnost priprav, izbiro primernih pogajalcev ter pomen zbiranja informacij o drugih udeležencih ter njihovih ciljih. Ob tem pa moremo določiti tudi svoje in pripraviti načrt za njihovo dosego. Začetek samih pogajanj kaže na našo pripravljenost. Pri tem smo opozorili na pomen resnosti in pravilnem pristopanju ob postavljanju začetnih izhodišč ter učinkovitem ravnanju v razpravi. Poudarili smo pomen zbliževanja stališč k dosegi dogovora. Ob zaključku smo navedli tehnike končanja pogajanj in izbira pravega momenta ter vrednotenje doseženega. Dogovor je cilj zaradi katerega smo se sploh pričeli pogajati in je tudi edini pravo merilo, ki kaže na uspešnost ali neuspešnost pogajalcev v procesu pogajanj. V današnjem času je znanje pogajalskih veščin in sposobnost njihove pravilne uporabe postalo eno izmed najbolj cenjenih kompetenc posameznika, kar še posebno velja za bodoče in uspešne ekonomiste. Zato sem tej tematiki posvetil tudi svojo pozornost.
Keywords:poslovna pogajanja, udeleženci v pogajanjih, pogajalske strategije, pogajalski proces, sporazum.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Urbanč]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54293 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12239900 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.03.2016
URBANČ, Matej, 2015, STRATEGIJE POGAJANJ KOT VODILO USPEŠNEGA POSLOVANJA ORGANIZACIJE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Urbanč. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54293
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Abstract:We are faced with negotiations every day, although we do not even realize it. We always have a desire to own something that we do not have. One possible way to achieve this is with the help of negotiations. People have different interests, attitudes and objectives, which are connected with negotiations. Even in business world we clearly see a number of inconsistencies of interests, therefore conflicts between different organizations are often. These conflicts define progress, coordinating different opinions is needed for competitive operation and collaboration between organizations. The aim of the negotiations is to conclude an agreement which is usually a very long and difficult path. Achieving an agreement with negotiations depends on the willingness of the negotiators. Successful negotiators must focus their strength, learn to control themselves and overcome any differences. We have a number of strategies and tactics available that guide us on the way to our goal. The choice of right strategy is crucial and will have a decisive effect on the final outcome of the negotiations. The purpose of the thesis is to present the main features and objectives of negotiations. We have emphasized its importance in resolving conflicts arising from different interests of the negotiators. The communication aspects of negotiations were studied and recommendations for appropriate behaviour are presented. In the next segment of the thesis we focused on the negotiators and participants in the negotiations and expressed the importance of knowing their selves as a negotiator, as well as being aware of their strengths and weaknesses. We recognized the good negotiators are not born, but rather made by the process of study and experience. We also analyzed the results of studies that indicate the presence of over confidence and impatience between negotiators. In Chapter negotiating strategies and tactics we stated these types and their characteristics. We highlight the importance of their selection, in which we can take into account the circumstances of the negotiations and the attitude of the other participants. In the last chapter, we go through the process of negotiations. We stressed the importance of preparation, selection of appropriate negotiators and the importance of gathering information on other parties and their objectives. At the same time we can also define our own strategies and develop a plan to achieve them. The beginning of negotiations themselves demonstrates our readiness. In doing so the attention is drawn to the importance and seriousness of the initial positions and effective conduct of the debate. We stressed the importance of converging views to reach agreements. In the last section of our thesis, we presented the final negotiation techniques and stressed the importance of choosing the right moment, and evaluating progress. The goal of the negotiations and the indicator of failure or success is the agreement. Nowadays, knowledge, skills of negotiations and ability to use them properly become one of the most valued competences, which are particularly needed for a successful future of economists. Therefore, I focused on addressing these issues.
Keywords:Business negotiations, participants in negotiation, negotiation strategies, negotiation process, an agreement.


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