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Title:Odprti metapodatki slovenske nacionalne infrastrukture odprtega dostopa
Authors:ID Bezget, Jan (Author)
ID Brezovnik, Janez (Author)
ID Borovič, Mladen (Author)
ID Ferme, Marko (Author)
ID Ojsteršek, Milan (Author)
Files:.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip (40,54 MB)
MD5: BCF1ACD8F4262D03109A1986CA90F32E
Description: Metapodatki v metapodatkovnem formatu Dublin Core v obliki n-triples. Metadata in Dublin Core in n-triples format.
.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip (36,76 MB)
MD5: 2574AC3F1A290B486ABCC4E34B0D219D
Description: Metapodatki v formatu CSV. Metadata in CSV format.
.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip (40,54 MB)
MD5: BCF1ACD8F4262D03109A1986CA90F32E
Description: Metapodatki v metapodatkovnem formatu Dublin Core v formatu RDF/XML. Metadata in Dublin Core in RDF format.
This document has even more files. Complete list of files is available below.
Work type:Other
Typology:2.20 - Complete scientific database of research data
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Podatkovna zbirka nacionalne infrastrukture odprtega dostopa je sestavljena iz metapodatkov in podatkov o avtorjih zaključnih del (diplome, magisteriji in doktorati) in raziskovalnih publikacij slovenskih univerz in drugih slovenskih zbirk (dLib, Videolectures.NET, DKMORS, repozitorij SciVie...). Nacionalni portal (najdete ga na http://www.openscience.si/) agregira vsebine iz univerzitetnih repozitorijev in drugih slovenskih zbirk za potrebe skupnega iskalnika, priporočilnega sistema in detektorja podobnih vsebin. Podatki so dosegljivi v formatih CSV, RDF/XML in n-triples. Dodana je tudi ontologija, ki jo uporablja nacionalna infrastruktura odprtega dostopa. Po podatkovni zbirki OpenScience lahko povprašujete tudi preko spletnega vmesnika. Vsaka poizvedba vrne objekt JSON s spremenljivo količino lastnosti (odvisno od podatkov, ki so na voljo in tipa zahteve).
Publication status:Published
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53753 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.07.2015
BEZGET, Jan, BREZOVNIK, Janez, BOROVIČ, Mladen, FERME, Marko and OJSTERŠEK, Milan, no date, Odprti metapodatki slovenske nacionalne infrastrukture odprtega dostopa [online]. Complete scientific database of research data. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: http://openscience.si/OpenData.aspx
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:15.07.2015

Secondary language

Title:Slovenian national open access infrastructure dataset
Abstract:The Slovenian open access infrastructure dataset comprises of metadata and author data of diploma, master and doctoral theses and research publications of Slovenian universities and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, Videolectures.NET, DKOMORS, repository SciVie...). The national infrastructure consists of four university repositories and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the university repositories and other Slovenian archives in order to provide a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. The dataset is available in n-triples, RDF/XML and CSV format. Metadata from dataset is also accesible via the web interface. Each query returns a JSON object with a variable amount of properties (depending on the metadata available and the type of request).


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Zbirka gradiv, ki so vezana na nacionalno infrastrukturo odprtega dostopa


.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip
Research data - 40,54 MB
MD5: BCF1ACD8F4262D03109A1986CA90F32E
Metapodatki v metapodatkovnem formatu Dublin Core v obliki n-triples. Metadata in Dublin Core in n-triples format.
.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip
Research data - 36,76 MB
MD5: 2574AC3F1A290B486ABCC4E34B0D219D
Metapodatki v formatu CSV. Metadata in CSV format.
.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip
Research data - 40,54 MB
MD5: BCF1ACD8F4262D03109A1986CA90F32E
Metapodatki v metapodatkovnem formatu Dublin Core v formatu RDF/XML. Metadata in Dublin Core in RDF format.
.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip
Research data - 321,10 KB
MD5: F7563BFEC559672E375BB790E8A04E08
Metapodatki o naborih raziskovalnih podatkiov v formatu RDF/XML. Metadata about research data in RDF/XML format.
.zip RAZ_Bezget_Jan_0.zip
Research data - 3,72 MB
Avtorji v formatui CSV. Authors in CSV format.
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